Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 55

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MViss L.iiJiieie iiilViiesLI;Ij L ieuien- I1 French toast and. bacon along witil aints. Misses Frances Stiles and Mar- thse cocoa tasted extraordinarily good. thia Pennington. 1 won't attenipt to recoulnt low nany Troop 4-'lThursda\y afternoon))Is at pieces of toast ive fried, and incident- 3:45, Methodist. churchi. C a p.t a 1iin, ally because perhaps the iinbe- Mrs. L. P. Denoyer. would be a bit large if 1 were to state Troop 5-.Tuesday afternoons a t, ni anyv there. were who did the. 3 :45. Methodist churcs. ,C'a p t a i n r, eatiing. Miss Lillie Mas Hümphbries; lieuten- After our appetities had 'been duly ant, Miss Norah Palmer. satisfied and the necessary cleaning Troôp 7-T hu rs da y aftern oons up was finished, we played a few at 3 :45, Baptist churcs. C 1a t 1ai ,gamies and then decided to caîl it aà Mrs. P. J.C rh liteatMr. day, or rather, a miorning. I miglit E. O0. Anderson. sa%,."a .good time was had byr all,e' 1b'ut ix o*ôrder flot to be'quite so conven- 'frooip -1l.-Tuesday afternoons a t tional, I: will sav that we ahl had a 3 :45, Baptist chut-ch. Captaini .Mr,;. t-cal goodi timie'and w.ere and still are P. Hl. Arden;ý lieutenant, Miss Flor- ,flad we liad the courage to "f rigisten enceMitcell.all the tars* awv and scare away thse Troop 12-'rhursday afternoons at m-ioon". to w a k e so soon.-Eleanor 3 :45, Episcopal chlurch.- Captain, Mrs. Moulding,. Wilmette. Troop 1. D. WV. Ormsbee;, lieutenant, NI i s s Dorothy Taylor. Browhie p> a c k-Wednesday after- noons at 3 :30. -Methodist, c h u r c h BËowrn Owl,,Mrs. B. A. Poizin;, pack leader, Helen jones.. A new troop is being orgariize.d in tlie Congregational cht-chi. T h i sI troop meets '1' uesday afteriloons at 3.:45. under thse leadership of Miss LeNore Palmier who lias been a Girl Scout for many years previons toh ler wvoril as a leader. *Girls wisbing to becomne Girl Scouts mini ake application at any of thiese trool) meetings except Troops 1 and, 4 ich hlave reachied thieir imaximiumi quota. WILMETTE TROOPS Before thé ivinter ivind-s and sniows keep us witlin doors iveiust liave our last taste of those hikes wh,!ichi ive enjov so much, Accordingly-, thie Saturdav of 'ts wt-ith of last mionthi, a few Girl. Scoutsf rois Troop 1 (those -'who nanage 1(lto rnse early) took our bréakfast asnd liked to the GlenviewForest l)reset-vC. 1Really, 1. ~'NOTICE UN"LESS MR. CHARLES OTIS CALLS for his Studebaker, Set-l 1354138 ln 10 days, saine *111 be. sold for cha'rges. Motos' Service, Ime. 12- * VILLAGE 0F WILMETTE NOTICE TO JII»DERS 'iel irst su e e t-i i, gof \Wilmette Troop 5 was a great success.. There are. tio new on es ini our patrolI. Theiir namies- are' Dorothv McMillan and Bernardinie Steiner. The meut- bers of -aur troop- are Shirley, Garniss, Frances Collins, Dorothy McMillain. Miarjorie M.\cMillaui, Roberta Rogers, Grace Smith, Ruth WVetel, Betty El- lis. Rýoberta Mizenier J a ne t Bichl, Doris Younigberg, Ruths Durhami, Ger- trudt - Barber, Nancy. Dut-gin, Betty- Janie Stnoot, «Marjorie Hill, Katheri-ne Rowley. and Bernardine Steiner. We leariie( to tie knots, and trail sigius. Theni we hiad a treasuire hiunt and the suire wvas lollypops. We learned two iie\% songs. One %vas a song called ihe 'Cradle Song" Nvhich we learined before %ve went home- and the ot-her a Rouind.-Bernat-difle Steinier, XVil- mette, 'froop -5 KENILWORTH TROOP T hi e second troop of Keniilw\orth.i Girl- Scoust.*s leld its orgaiiizàtioti meeting Xedie sday of iast .w, e e -k, when leaders and corporals for the various patrols were announced, Tis trool), conIPôse(l of fifth and sixýtis gra(Ie girls at thse joseph Sears school, vvill hold its meetings everv Wedues- daY. SNaines of the patrol leaders and. corporals follow:- . Anchor patrol- G., Virgil Lewis of 1420 Lake avenulie,: Wilmtteé, is to play tise role of the direc *tor l in c Rb iii," tihe. 'is-st of. tise piay for this ',aso» /' rodutccd by tihe Shazvnée p'jip«j.5 Oct ober 23, ansd, 24, ai the' club. Others ini the cast are 'Miss jane TIrig"s,' who is to take thç - part of Maria,. which w-as -playetd on the stage hy Beulah Bondi; Diorothy Shleeliani, in1 thse juvenile lead; Mrs. E'. M. WVells, as the mother; Lawrence Proeschi, as Dicky Lanie; Roland Feltmian, Cock Robin; Nelson WVettling, thse investi- gator; XV"illiam WVeldon., Dr. Grace; Arthsur -Stanton, stage manager;- Arthsur Seibold, 'forrance. 'rhe production staff con-sists- of George McGrath. stage manager :- Mrs. Howard- Ehelrick, costumes; Helenie Scibold and Vida - Voley, properties, maeu.and publicity': Miss Dorothyv -Proescb, director; - Miss -Myrtle Tor- com, assistant director. Wilmette Girls Pledged to Sororities at Beloit MUargaret Knight and Ardis Reid, both of Wilmette, were pledged +o Beloit college sororities last week. Miss Knigbt pledged Delta Gamma and Miss, Reid pledged Pi Phii. Rush- ing bas been in progress for thse past two weeks. The four women's Greek letter groups bave been entertaining daily at their bouses. Sixty-six out of 102 rushees pledged. - I rigît, to reject any anda - C.M. vi Published-October lst ai mply with avenue.- ks wlll be -o- .idders.- ;erves the M rs. L. G. 'Lawrence, 1007 Lake S. avenue, and ber daughter, Miss Fern N Lawrence, bave returned to their home Managesr. after spending four niontbs at Sauga- L22-2t tulck, Micis.-- tending Sacred Heart academy,: Lake 1?he H. W. Alger family, who have For-est, wili spend the week-end with been in Lansing, Michs., for a year, her parents, Mr. and Mrs, -Edward J. have now returned to their home at Scisager, 1050 Chestnut avenue. 154 Warwick lane, .Kenilwortli. 0o o Miss Sally Ogilvie of Kankakee, Ill., Mr. and Mrs. Wiliain Tilden haveý was thse week-end guest of ber sister, bought a home at 381 Cedar avenue, Mrs. George- P. Magili, 1011, Lake Hfigbland Park. Mr. Tilden formerly avenue. lived in Wilmette. Trustee Arthur Lee, a member of the special coimittee on unemploymént ap- pointed recently by Vitdage President C. P. Dubbs, bas workd out a plan for issuing cards entitling persons who have regist ered at the Village unemn- Iloyment office to a discount on -ail cash purchases made at certain; Wilmette stores.' The plan received the endorsement of the Wiimette Chamber- of -Commerce at a meeting of that .organization's board of directors Moiday,»night, and Wilmette business'men: are cooperating in the matter. Names of the business bouses, wbere the discount: will be given will bé pein~t- ed pu the back of the card. Only the holder of the card, who se name, and address will-appear on the face there- ,of, is entitled to make use ýof this privilege. 'fhe card wilI be revoked -if used by any other pet-son than the one whose name appears on it and the hold- er %vilt be barred f rom further relief either by . unemployment or. otherwise. This plan bas bee.n worked out by TÉrustee Lee as part of the Village's efforts to relieve the unemployinent situation ini Wilniette. .A recent checkup showed that 217 unemiployed persons, had registered at the Village hall, 144,,of thern married anid 7-3 single. Th eset 217 persons have 294 dependents, making a total of 511 pet-sons who have noimeans of earnin.g a livelihood in Wilmette. This includes oni13 those who have registered for wo)rk. [)r. and Mrs. Rudolph Kanmpmeier of Pueblo, Colo.~, are. visiting the formier's brother and family,, Dr. and Mrs. Otto F. Kanipuxeier, ~32 Crescent place. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank McPhelin and their daugbter, Mary Frances, have re- turxxed to their home at 1630 Highland avenue after a thrip weeks' motor tour throngh Texas and Mexico. M rs. A. T. Pyfer, 524, Fifteenth street, and ber two sons, Harlow and Ar-thur, and the latter's wife, spent the week-end at Polo, 1'. visiting rela- tives,

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