Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 53

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Norweglan couple, 35. yrs. old. Wife good cook Mr. Butler, chauffeur, yardman. 2 yrs. wlth present employer. Germnan couple, 47 yrs. ol.]. First clas cook and butter. No drving anld gar- dener work. Bet o! ref. High class coiored couple, 1½4 yr. local ref. as cook, butler and houseman. Tél.. Winnetka 2662 Pauline's Emip. Agencles 1 No. Shore Offices 43LTN2-Ite YOUNG, COLORED COUPLE WITH north sho're, and ' city references want position. Man chauffeur, gardener, and] houseman., Wife good cook and geu. housework. Phone Wilmette. 1058. 43LTN23-ltp EXPER.. COLORED, COUPLE. RUS- band, chauffeur, houseman.. Wjfe, gen-, eral housework and] cook. 9 years in Ia-st place. Phone Longbeach 6343. 43LTN23-ltp) P1OSITIO0NS OPEN, Wanted at once, cooks, second mhaids, pract.icaI . nursé,,chlds nurse, gexneral, rnaids. Many positions open for ex- periened help. PAULINE'S E-MP. AGENCY 4 N. Shore Offices Winnetka 2662 44LTN23-itc COLLEGE OR HIGH SCHOOL STU- dent for social contact work, refine end interesting. Ph.. Wilnette 650 for al)pointment. 441,TIN23-Ite GXIRL YOUNG, WHIITE, C*OMPIETENT, for second work and] help care of vliidren. $12.' Phone Winnetka 1535. 44LTN2-lte WHITE GTIRL FOR GENERAL housework $8 to $10 per week. 2 adults, 1 chil.]. Ph. Wilmette 4341. 44LTN23-ltc WANTED STENOGRAPHER EXPERI- enced ln bookkeeping an.] general of- fice work. Give references. Write A-19. Box 40, Wllmette, Ill. 44LTN23-ltc WHITE GAIRL. TO. HELP WITH GEN- eraI housework. $7. Ph,. Wilmette, 992. 44LTN23-ltc WOMAN AMBITIOVS; AGE 27-45 FOR special. work. Good incomne. W.rte A-18 -mBox 40 Wilmette. 44L;TN23-1tc WANTED YOUNG Wl assiaýjt with houseWorl niwts.Ph.Wilmette2 flees. Write. stating, experience and] refereences. , A-21-Box 40, Wiliiette, 'III.451,TN23-Ite BASEMENT BEDRM. IN EXCHANGE for care of furnace. Removal of ashes. and care of basement. Ref. Required. Ph. Wilinetka 1593.. 45L23-ltp 4a MEsP WT.D.-MAL. .AND FIEMALE .REI>RESENTATIVES IN EACH PAR- ish to follow up leadàs on a carefully prepa're.] saleéi plan. Men and. women of pleasiiig personallty who mIll carry (ut oui instruetions will flnd thie- w nrk vongenil and.remunerative. For initerviewNN apply Catholie, Book associa- tion, 20 East. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 46L23-ltlp 410 FOR SALE[-AUTOS. '29 Grahani Paige....... $250 '27 Packard 7 paàss. sedan .......... 325 '29 Whippet 6................ ..... ý260 '28 Nash Cab. .................... 175 '25 Buick Coach. ................... 150 '27 Essex Coach ..... 135 '29 Dodge Sedan :.... 360 4 Cylinder Dodge ..... ... 3. 0 HANSON MOTOR CO. Dodge and Plymouth dealers Winnetka, 111. 48L23-Iti. GRAHAAM PRICE REDUCTION MAKES POSSIBLE THESE *OFFERS PRICED BELOW MARK ET ,, 1929 Whippet Sedan ...............$150 1929 Essex coupe, 2nd seYies.-.......2Z50 1929 Graham 612 sedan, 6 w. w. ..ý 395 1929 Graham 615 sedan, 4 sp. trans. 450 1929 Grahamn 621 Vie. coupe, s. mi. .. 500 BENELL MOTORS-DAVIS 2546 1819 RIDGE AVE. EVANSTON 48LTN23-Ite rumbie seat, excelle sacrifice $250. 471 Ph. Winnetka. 3213. uluton. borne L e SI FOR RENT-ROONS LARGE ROOM. TWIN BEDS, EXTRA sitting rm. include.]. Aiso I single nn., nr. ochoois. Very reasonable. Ph. WRl- mette 1633. 51LTN23-lte 2 BEAUTIFUL FL'RNISHED ROOMS in handsome private home. Near transportation, gentlemen preferred. Ph-,.Wlmtte 952 . 51TN2-4: metteL. VI lKIUor. WltI.UULboard. Gar age. Ph. Wiimette 1938.. 5IL23-Itp FOR REINT - LA RGE CORNER front room, private home, 4. blockg to *"L." Very reasonable. Ph., Wllmette 2541. 5lL23-ltp LGE.* CLEAN ROOMS AT REAS., PRICE. Runniig water In ail rms. Central Note!, 629 Main. Ph. Wilmiette 1080. 51LTrN13-tfù COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR RENT. Suitable for 1 or 2, ln private home. 2 blockà from tranis. Ph. Glencoe 1594. 51LT23-1tp WELL VENTILATE»I RM. WITH adi. slp. pch. 2111, Wlilmette Ave., gar. opt. Phone Wilmette 4518. 51LTN2l-_tfp VERY REASONABLE ROOMS, NEAR bath. 1% bikas. to transe. Kitchen prîv- ileges if desire.]. Ph. Wilmette 189. lýAR(IE ROOM, TWIN BEDS, NICELY furn.. Also 1 single room. close t<) transp. Cal Wlnnetka 3690. 51 LTN 23-I tc ,1.ARG1E C<T14IÔT1ABLE ROOM TO relit. Gentlemen preferred. Ph. Wil- mette 3350. 1204- Gregory Ave. 51 LTN23-Ite 1e1CELY FURNISHED ROOM IN £Muet-honme for* 1 or 2 young gentle- nien. Close tfo-transp. Also gar. Pb-. Willmette 1848. 5ILTN23-ltcý LARGE CLEAN FRONT ROOM WITUH large closet, also smnaUer rooni. Kitch- en privileges if desire.]. Ph. Wilmette 3206. 51LTN23ltp NICE COMFORTABLE ROOM, NEAR tran.sportation. Phone Wininetka 4i8. 51 T'2-lte coe 1596.î 1 LARGE ROOM WITH TW nicely fu'rn. 1 single, east. Winnetka 3690. N BEDS,, sîde. Cali 5IL23-.ltp PILEASANT NICELY FUIRNISHED front iroorn. East sai de.homeé. Ph. Wil- mette '1940. iT2-t COM4FORTABLE'ROOM,,NFAR LAKE. $3.50 week. Phone Willrette193 S1ýLTN23-ltp PLEASANT vate home, h portation. R 1 DOUBLE,' 2 SINGLE ROOMS, WELL furished. Near transpor., Couple. or wvomen employé& le. o 128 PLEASANT FURN. ROOM, 1 IBLOCKC to *IL '" prlivate entranice, suitable for l or 2. Reasonable.. 321-4th St. Ph.* Wilmette 3007.1 S1LTN23-ltp PLEASANT FURN. ROOM FOR GEN-, -tlemnan in private ,,famlly..Abundant hot water. $5. Ph. Wllmette 729, 51LTN?3-ltc COMFOIRTABLY 'FURNISHEZI3 AND wellheated 'rooins. Reasonable. 731 lOhSt. Wilme tte, 111. 51LTN23-2tc FURtNI.SHED ROOM, 419 .GREGORY A-ve., Wilmette. CaîL Wilmette 4190. 51LTN23-ltc 1,ARGtE FURNISHED ROOM, -ONE- hFaif block toail transportatIon. Ph. Winnetlca 1867. 51LTèN2S-2tc- Bit WANTED TO *W4T-ROOMB WHITE MAN WISHIES BEDROOM IN exchange for day's work. Ail arouin. exper. Handy wlth tools. Phone Win- netka 230.- 52LTN23-ltp: 5s-A FoxR mENT-LTr. HUIC. RMS. NEWLY DECORATED-4 RMS. WITH private entrance, 1 block east of de- pot. Meated. Ph. Wilmette 1200. 55A-LTN23-ltc, 2 Y'URNISHED ROOMS NEWLY DEC. wlth kitchen. Porch and garage. Near trans. Rent very reasonable. Imnmedi- ate possession. Ph. Giencoe 1521. near tra'ng. and schof Inquire 554ý Arbor Vita [S, 2-CAR GAR. olàs. Reasona hie. e ird. Winnetka. 66LTN23ltp. BENUTIFUL FURN.. AND ý 2 an.] 3 rm. apte. Reasonahb Apply Indiail Trait Tpa roon ka 690. .56 4 1400MS. PARTLY FURNI so desire.]. Ph. WilmietteJ M WITH PORCH. NEAR 4 ROOM FLAT IN' tion. Board optional., Ph. building, 811 Elm St. 1253. 51LTN23-ltc for mor'e than 20 yarate OE PA PER IIE commun~it9' 'PHONE, WILMETTE 4300 j t I I Il' 1 TE GIRL, TO

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