Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 52

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D * NL mo4% a'.iy -. Rates-15 cents a lino ln one paper. 26 cents a lino ln any tvo papers. 3cents a line ln ail three papera. MNIIMUM CHAREUONE VOLLAIL Average of five word to the lino. No black face type uued. 16% digooant ou ail cash witIh reir adv.Wtlements webrlonght tgoer el« i, 1289 ISCentral Ave., Wlimeitte.or 641 Liucoln Ave., Wicuetka. Classified advertisemeflti wtli be ac-ý 'Deadine or lnert.on$ èptedup to. Tuesday 9, P. M. for WILMETTE LIFE or ail throe papers; Wednesday 9 P. M. for WINNETJCA TALK and Thuraday - 6 P., M. for GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones:, Wiimette 4300, Winnetka 2006. Greenleaf 4300. or Sheldrake 5687. 8os . OB ND FOUNDà LOST ON GLENVIEW RD. OR EN WL mette, Plain goid ring, large size, platlnum top and nieshed in graduated diamionda. Reward $400. Write A-20, Box 40, Wllmette, .111. - 2123-te LO,4ST- SEPT., 29TH. COLLIE PI'P. maie white and brown., slightly cui-jy. Name 'Laddie"? Reward. Ph. Win- netka 2937. 2T2-t -B ANrQU. NEW SHIPMENT 0F ANTIQUES, chests. chairs, corner eupboard.,six ieg dropleaf tables, sofas, small bed-ý -Nide and sewing tables, sevoral hua- dred pieces, of sandwich glass, ('urrieir ald Ives, Flower prinits, etc.,' etc. MARY ANNE DICKE 808 Washington St., 1 blk S. of Mi EVANSTON 51,TN2:t-Ite a BUILDING AND CONTUACWING CARL .BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDER REMODELING 'AN'D REPAIRING PIIONE WINNETKA 2480 8LTN44-tfe * UBINESS SERVICE Cali1 Our Service Dept. WINDOW WASHING. C14EANING FILOOR WAXING, AND ODD JO BS. Pauline's. Eimpl.,Agenicy. 748,ELM ST. WINNETKA 2662 9LTN21-tfc Eý,.XP. DRESSMAKER, 14 YRS. 'ON N. .S. Coats ,redYed, Fur,' renodeled, spe, cial pelce dUring' Oct. Ph.. University 3816. 11LTN23-ltc 13. aUILDINO à FINANCINO WE W114L FURNI1SH PLANqS, BUILD. and finance ahome, on yourlot. 'We also do remnodeling and repafring. Ph. Wlanetka 2166. 13LTN23-2tp) 'FOR SALE Perennials 5-10-15 cents each. .Shrubs for hait price. J.: OSTROWSKY 2343 West, Park Ave. Highland Park Phiono Highland Park' 49 22 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SAXOPHONE, C MELODY. LIKE now. Cost $95. WiII seli for '$45. 1093ý Elm St., Winnetka 22L23-ltp FOR SALE- TWO 'MANUAL ESTEY reed organ, foot pedals, perfect vonidi- tion. Write' Bo« H,. Wlnntka. 111. 22LTN23-1 l NURSING HOME FOR CONVALESCENT OR EL- dlerly people, experionced nurse in- charge.' Visitors invited. Oellolncoe 1985.23LTN21,?-tfc PLEASANT HOME FOR ELDERLY. person or convalescent, resident nurse, 1414 Hininan,. Evanston., Ph. Univer- sity. 2104. 2LT233t ýSTON TERRI] rod, perfectly r Sshows. 1 yr. leai pet for chil .ence, .Ph. .I E~R -THOROUGH- inarked and winner of oid, well trained, an Idren. 253 Linden -Ave., EXPERIENCED WHITE, WOMAN wvants laàundry or cleaninig Thursdays, also every, other~ Saturday. References. Cail- Wilmette 4288 after 5 :30. 41LTrN23-Itp E.XPER. COLORED' WOMAIN WITH good referenice -wants gene*ra1 house- work., Expe*r. cook. 'Phone Victory 9154. 41LTN23ltp SITUATION WANTED C O LO R;E D girl experlenced desires work as cook, general housework,_care of children. or laundry. Ref. Ph. Glencoe,1953. 41L23ltp COMPETENT WOMAN WISHEs TO take care of chiidren day or ý night, 35 cents per hour, also have college daughter that can do same.. Ph. Wii- mette 4203. 41LTN23-lnc YOUNG GIRL, WHITE, NURSEMAID or gonerai housework, and cooking. ]Best North Shore ref. Ph..,Giencoe 1338. 4ILT23-ltp WANTED WASHING, WILL. TAXCE home or go out by the day. Also cieaning. Ph. Winnetka, 3668. 41L23-lne' PRACT. NURSE, EXPERIENCED. DR, referenco and otherà.' Reasonabie. Chiidren a speciaity. Cali Miss Hood, Wlnnetka 2444, 41L21-Itp EXPERIEN CED WHITE GIRL wishes position as nurse girl or gen- eral housework, N. S. refer. Phone Wilmiette 1714. 41LTN23-lne( VXPERIENCED TEACHER WILL TU- tor for maintenance and salary; is ia rne'j. Ravenswood 4995. 41LTN23-lp ANXIOLTS TO PLACE MY FORMERFI Scotch nurse. Fine young woman), cap)able and willing to do-houseworl<. Phone Winnetka 1144. 41LTN23-l tc AMERICAN GIRL WHITE, 20 YRS., wants generai, 2% yrs. with present employer. Pa.,ullne's, Winnetka 2662. 41LTN'%23,liet IRISH GIRL 28 ýYRS., WANTS COO K- ing. or general. 5 yrs. with, former em- ployer. Pauline*s, Winnetka -2662. SWEDISH GIRL4 23, WANTS GEN- erai, 3 yrs. with present employer. Pa uline's, Winnetka 2662. 1,N3 1t German cook 28 yrs. old, 4% yrs. local 'ref. PAULINE'S AGENCIES 748 Elim Winnetka 269 41LTN23-1tc NURSEMAIDS Prench, 'German, English; ail have ftrst class referées on file ln this office. PAULINEIS AGENCIES 4No Shore Officem 41LrN23-it(- GOOD RELIABLE GIRL WISIHES position for housework. Smlali faniiiy preferred. Ph. Wilmette 286.. EXPERIEXCFED .WOMAN WOULi>) like laundry and cleaning by the .day. Curtains and fancy' linens at homne, kIeasonai)le. Ph. Wilmette 3206. 41LTN23-41r' EXP. WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY work. Mondays or Thur sdaye. ' N. S . Ref. Ph. Wiimette 4411. 41LTN2 3-lnet EXPE 1RTENCED' COLORED GIR L, good-eeek--Will do-generàl ho.usework. Best of, N. S8. reference. Cali Cheste .r Morgin, Greenleaf 9237. 41LTN23-Itp, EXPERIE NCED ¶'YPIST WAÀ'-TS:TYP- Ing to do either at yo1 or her.homie. Very reasonable oharg. Ph. Wiimette 852. 41LTN23le RELIABLE COLORED COOK Olt tIEN- erai housework. Ref. Ph. Greenleaf 9923.4iLTN23-1 tp GO)OD WHITE COOKC, GENERAL housewok.. Local referenc<es.. Win- netka 3349.4LT2-t 42 SITUATION WANTED>-MALE EXPERIENCED YOUNG COLORF4) man wants generai house cleaning, window wa.ahing, serving, any odd jobs. Drive car. Take stead.y job. Best refer. Phi. Winnetlca 1397. 42LTN2:'-Ine- EýXPERI.ËNCED GERMANHU A- ian ."married man wishes position as chauffeur, gardener, hseman., butler. No children. Long N. S. refer. Ph. 1iversey 9156. 42LTN23-ltp WHITE MAN WILL TAKE CARE 0F furnaees and do housework in ex- change for living quarters. Can fur~- nfimh refer. Ph. Willmette 4552. 42LTN23-1 ne RELIA BLE WHITE MAN WANTS cleaning, 'window washing, gardening, or any odd jobs., Ph. Wiimetta 1254. 42LTN23-lnce BOY 18 WANT.S A POSITION WILL. aecept odd jobs. Cali Wilmette 4288. 42ITN23-lnc housework or cleanlng, 'part time or Il U~SAKI* iHOUSEWORK' BY MIDDLE AGED ail day. Rof. Ph. flavis 1271. woman, small faniily. er e. 41LTN23-ltp STYLE SHOP - AFTERNOON, EVE~- Phono Winnetka. 1823. 4IL23-ltp ining and street dresses.,Remodeling GIRL 28, WHITE, WANTS GENERAL, and. alterations. Reaponabie prices. WHITE EXI'. GIRL WANTS WORIC 6 yrs. 'With former employer.. A-i ref. Ph. Wilmette 4051. 1534 Highlarid Ave. by day .or hour. Ref. Winnletka 3631 Pauiine's, Winnetka 2662.,' 1ILtIrN121 - , '41L23-lnc 1e2-t <3eneoe 251. ALL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 633 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, 111. 43LTN23-ltc COUPLE WANTS POSITION - MAN to do genei'al housework, drive, and can takte care of car. Wife as cook and general work. . Rf. Ph. Douglas 1180.43LTN23-ltp

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