In, The first meeting of Central-Laurel' P. T. A, this season will be held next Tuesday afternoon, October 13, inî the Stolp school gymnasium. The meeting will begin, Promptly at 2*:30.ý The. first session will be a general reception for the teaching staff. AH teachersý will be present, and it is hioped. that every, mother will take this opportunity of meeting, the teachers. J., R. Harper, sup erinten- - dent. of schools, and Miss -Moore. superviser, will speak on plansan.' changes of the present school year. Du ring every afternioon. P. T. A. * meeting, Miss Flentye, kindergarten teaclier, is in the kindergarten roorn. where children *il! delight in hear- ing stories and playing..gamnes while parents attend.the -meeting. There is no charge for this entertainment of children, and Miss Flentve -will wel- corne the. smallest -toddler. the - dergarten ioôtn .15in the first resi- dence east'of the school buildings, on1 Cenitral avenue. >It is hope<l that every faxily, who bas c hildren in the> Laurel, Stolp, * Central-and Tenthstreet buildings as weelI, as in- the Central kindergarten, will be represented. by memliership in the Parent-Teacher association. An- * nul <uesý cover irdividual member-, ship >in the local, state, and national. c crganlizations. The Cenitral-Laurel News, the local P. T'. A. publication, will be distribut- ed at each meeting. There will 1)e messages. from the teaching staff aîîd imuportanit aninouncernents iii eachi issuie. The dancing classes sponsored byN W the Cenitrai-Laurel Parent-Teachier association. will' begin October Io unler the direction of Miss Jessie Pocock, who bas conducted the sanie, *type of - dancing class at Royiceinore for several. years and who also basý charge of- the Fortnightly dances at the Evanston, CoUntry club. * Tliere will be a new class formned for the seventh and eighth grade and first year high school students, begini- ning at 7 pn . n nthe Stnli n - 4. Problems of Adolescence, 12 to 15 years. A course ini leadership, and its at- tendant problemns, will be given for ail child study leaders. 'There is no charge for this instruction and the classes are. open to ail Wilmette inothers., Those interested may coin- munficate wtih Mrs. Rollo Gullickson, chairman of child study groups, plione Wilmjette 3655.1 High Crest Sehool Team 1 Loses to NiIes, 21-12 T'le girls' indoor bail team of the Hiigh Crest scbool, at Illinoisý road and Twenty-thirdm street ýplayed the Nules school last Thursday at :Niles and lost, 21 to 12. The two teams weére scheduled to play again XNed-~ nesdav of this week. The boys' base- bail teami of the ..High. Crest school %vas to. plav, Northbrook school at Northhrook Tuesday of this.week. Mrs. 'M. L. Schluetter of 310 Eigh-. teenth street had as ber guests over this past week-end,.ý Mr. and, Mrs. G. Sandburg. 'Miss Beatrice Sandburg, and Francis J. McDonohougb, ail of joliet. Miss. Sandburg bas. been teaching ini the Sheridan school ini Joliet for the past nine years, and MNr. M.\cDôoooughý is the assistantf manager of Sears Roebuck ini Joliet. Officiais Endorse "lBundIe" Campaign *AIl citizens of Kenilwort.h are requested 40 co-operate with the Boy Scout Community Clothes Rounid-Up, Saturday, October. 10. Scoutmaster Robert Townley of Troop' 13 ha-s arranged alhouse-to- house, canvass for clothing of everyý description, including bats, shoes, 'Underwear for men, wcîmen ai children. The Philanthrophic de- partment. of the Neighibors, under Mrs. John C. Carpenter, will di- tribute the clothes collection where Snost n.eeded and every citizen of Of Also* on the0 Screen October -8th to l8th iclsiNre ARC is m.mnufactred,- soldi upstalied and serviedý by our factory in Chicago, A13C is uaife for tdii reason to render prompt end efficient service. LOCAL SE RVICE 24 HOURS, DAILY Ask our attendant at theatre for a liât of youur nei*glbors who. have learned, from experience- the, economy ofARC. Autouuutic Heat. Compare t hese Heating Coats $ 1.00 buys approxhiateIy 434,800 B.T.U.'s8 whei sp.nt for Gao $1.0 buys approximiateIy 2,,175,000 B.T.U.'. wheu spent for Coke $1... buys approximately 2,545,400 B.T.U.'& when spent for No. 3 Oil Why not enjoy the com fort, cleanilsness and. convenience of ABC heat, especial- >ly when. it costs less. Let, us make a survey of your heating plant and submit an estimate on heating with oil. No obligation. Sunday conrerts Ir fetiturlng thiea, rday sveitlitics, [)m à to 10 P. rangemenits of Paul Whlteiua:a. Al ROY Bargy. BDGEWATER BEACH HOTELI SM0 Block Sheridmu Rod-Telephone LONgbesa h-6M0 895 Liiulen Ave., Hubbard Woods Tel. Wimne"k3M4.41,