Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 3

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Persons who have attended rehiear- saIs, of 'Rainibow of the Rio Grande" are expressing enth.siasm for the production and are declaring that the\- feel assured of its success both froml a finanicial andan artistic stand- point. This musical coinedy is being l)reseflt e(l- bythe Amberican ,Legion auxilia.ry, Wilmette . Post, No. 46. Mloûday ansd Tuesday eveniings, Oc- tober 12 and 13, at the Wilmette XVo- milans club. Thle story of a New York girl and' lier brother, who, have inherited a ranch in Texas, is set, to tuneful' catchy- music. Songs, are ablyv pre- seîited- by cast. and: chorus. The nu portant roles are admirablv cast, al of the players hiaving had experience in amateur theatricals, and many of the principals havirig. distinguished theinselves in a professional capacity. Outstanding Artista' T'he leading, part-that of an East- eru girl on a Texas ranch-as ýsung- bv 'Alice Hend(ersoni, coloratura so- prat, cannot f ail to please even rhe._ ituost exacting critic, it is statedl. Helei n McNaughtoni's swveet voice is Nvell adapted to the soft, iweird Indian nielodies, Shie sings as Blue Feather, an Inidiant girl. Kathleen Dailv, a nienl)er of the auxiliary, initerprets very cleverly thie part' of Zazu Ket- chli. a nativ~e of New 'York's lover East side. \Vil lli Scott Shiephierd of the Northi Shore Circuit. theater lias theý role of the young Easternier w~ho. %'ants to be a cowboy. The Scanidi-ý navian cowboy, wvithi a decided ac-1 cent, Is excelle itly portrayed by Charles Jrticlîhalis.er, who bias suùn%ý over \VIBQ and with AI Hanidlè?sý orchiestra-at the V'arsitv cafe. Berach as "Chief" G~eorge Peterson plays opposite the lea(ling lady in the chief love intere,ýt of tle storyI. "-e bas. sung with Bala- b)an and Katz orchestras.' George B'ersch. a student at Lake Forest col- lege. bas a dominating part in several of t'ie musical nuùmbers -as an Indian cilief. No play being comnplete ivith- out a villaini, George 111ff, a ivelI knowni resident of Wilniette, takes: this mile as. a Texas banker. ELLA B. BUTZ. Maker of 1>ECORATIVE ÂCCESS'OIIES lillows, Sllk Lamp Shades, Slip Covers. Old Articles Refuirbished. Prices. Moderate. 802 Lake :Ave., Wilmnette Phone Wil. 801. Mrs. Fred voit der Lippen is«bei tg praised for th-- tremendous amount of time and energy she hias giveni as chiairmian toward making the coming entertainnient a sticcess. Persons desiring reservations are requested to cali, Mrs. WV. E. Rich- mnond, \Wilmett'e 1179:. P. S. Company Files !Reduced Rate for Gas. In accordance with the order of, the, Illinois Commierce, commission entered October 1, the, Public, Serv- ice Company of Northierni Illinois t his week filed a new' schiedule of temiporary experimeiital rates reduc- in1g the cost of gas for iouse, heat- ing al)1roximatelv 30% eanid gas frr cooking and other domiestie pprposes apl)roxiimately 5171. The order also authorizes the company to increasC the heating value of the gas furinishied and to inake the niew rates effective on ail nieter readinigs b)egining witit Octber 15. TO BUY STREET GRADER Village 'Manager C. M. Osborn wvas instruicted bv the Village board Tues- day iîight to adveri.se for bids for' thepurchase of a newv one-mian powver street grader for Wilmette. OPEN WITH PRAYER RZev. Hubert Carltoni, rector of St. A-ugtustinie's Episcopal church, opeiied the regular meeting of the Village board Tuesday niighit with prayer. 1T RULY, worth pounds of, cure!10 f course if you d'O getà sick we, have remedlies to help you get. Weil, 'but we believe y ou'd rather keep, well ,in the first place, Re DGE AVIENUE. PHARMACY C. C. Renneckhar PHONE WILMETTE 316 ARQMADRAE is the new Autumn feature Arrow Shirt It is guaranteed for'per- manent fit, made of a This shirt is modest in' price, selling, for $2,50 ARETHEladies whio Nwould BEST and who appreciate 1167 Wilmett. Ave. Pho!mo Wilniette 4598 Boys' Gaberdinte$ Raincoats ............... .$ .9 Firsf National Bank Building Phone W*Imeite. 2655 Opposite si.. Joseph School

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