Christ. Jesus, tbe great physician, the divine hecaler, bas for ail tirne set the standard of perfect healing. before bu- i mianity, and that 'many do flot yet believe ini. bis gospel resuits f ronm a lack of underàtanding of. the true nature and> philosopby of 'the, so-called miracles wbich hie performed. The fact. that Christian Science bealds cati readily be. determined by any sin- cere inivestigator, and the supporting eivden-ce reveals its coincidence with spiritual healing, thus proving this heal- ing, to be 'true and possible today. and establishing -the. fact that Christian. Science is Messianic., .According to the Scriptural accounits,- the healing wrought hy the Master and his disciples, wvas accomplished through mental or spiritual means alone, thus through some action of thought. Chris- tian Science healing i's brought about in the saine way. In. both, the healing Principle and, law are mental, and ,.we- are thus led to examine inito.the nature of Mind and ivind action. Christian Science teaches that Mind is that which thinks, that which express- es itself in ideas, intelligence, conscious- niess. Thus it is the hasis of al rnani- festation* the Pri nciple and intelli- gence of the This divine actuality,,isthe sci'entific basis on wvhich ail Christian healing is demionstrated,, the d ivine Principle whoôse Unlimited. power is utilized in the ( overcominig of sin and sickness. Christian Science shows that the so- called inind which includes the belief ini evi1, matter and disease, is not real 11id but a false concept of mind, that Adami dreani, whichi St. Paul ternis, "thie carlmaind vich is enmity against God," in Cther words, God's ,ulikeness or opposite. This then is one of, the iniitial and es- sentialsteps in the Scienice of. Chris- tian healing-the recognition:>of theun- reality of aiâl that which is unlike God, that it bas but 'a seering a nd not aàn actual existence. The order of scientific Chiristian beal- ing there fore is expressed first, ini the knowing of perfect God and perfect man, fol lowved bv the recognition oif the ago wIIVII neVwas aDuLL____________ s old. Hie had a real in the city. He was a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoimstrom of. âe Ravenswood Congre- Rockford, Ill., were the week-end ých. guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rollin widow he is survived by -Smith, 1728 Highland avenue. NEWý im.M TRIER 5. la MEN: YO UýR CAMPUS. COATUR **.la y.ur scho@I e.I.,sy wlth yeuui <las. mumerals end .<I,..IlshhI. ehor .mb61 o Just the same coat that' college men wear-and, -,I its inspired pages she found Chris- ti'an Science. the spiritual fulfilment .of Jestis'. teachings and nractice and she thus rediscoveied the ,Scienice of. Chris-, tianiîty. jMARSHALL FIELD a-COMPANYI Yb4 M j