Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 36

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Wîlmette Woînen to 'Visit Cen- tury of Progress Exposition Buildings Wirdnesday Reser ations fo ite tour of.A, Cenitury ot Progress exposition to be maeWednesday,. October 14, under the auspices of the finance comMittee. of tlhe W'imette League of- Women Voters, wili lbe taken by Mrs. Arthur Lee, chairmnan of. finance; by Mrs. Rollo' Guilickson, and. Mris. Fred E. Parry, anld the members of -the finance céom- mittee: Mrs. Harry Smnoot,, Miss Elia Bütz, Mrs. A. V. Grulhu, Mrs. David P. Moretomi, Mrs. Carl Renncckar, Mrs. A. G. Ackerman, and Mrs. W. F. Horsting. Tranisportation is in charge of Mrs. Floyd L\IGrath. The party will meet at 10 o'clock in > the mnorning iif ron t of- theMehis church, Wilmette, and go 'in cars to the exposition. i3efore.,lutncheon they wiIi go to the, Transportation building, a INinidoNless buÎ!iling, -a vast sus-, peinded dome in place of a roof. Fromn this biiilding tlîey will ride. to the Administration buiilding \vhiere luncheon w~iil be served. l'lie. Admini- istration building %vill, le visifed after luncheon. S. J. Duncanl- Clark of. Minmette, wrote of this building, in tdie .Chýicago part a laboratory where experiments in ljght anîd color, in methods of dispiay, inla manydetails 'which once were leit to the last and to the chance otf exig- ency , are being miade with iare and daring. On~e cornes froni viewin.- these things wilh a feeling that in- telligence is working with scientific precision to. execute a great concep- tion.", The Hall. of Science will be seen next, and last, the repjlica of old Fort Dear-, born. Conducting thegru throughi the exposition .will% be two women Who have. been closely. associated. with the World's fair f rom thelbegining-Mrs. Martin Kent Northarn and Miss Heleni Bennett. Ruftus C. Dawes, president of A Cen- tury of Progress mentions that the pmri- mary puirpose of the exposition 'is to. coniVey to. the puiblic an iindrstanding. of the niatuire and,' sgn-a,iirt (ie"fscdi- Assisting Mrs.. Johnson were Mrs. Wiliam Hughes, MNrs. R. C.-. Quin- levatn, and Mrs. Kenneth Long. 0. 0F M. MEETING The Order of Marthma will meet next Monday, October 12, at the home of Mrs. W. -A. Clohisy, 121Dupée plae ttees Part y and the ttee of grts anI epart%, Dr.. Jacob Singer to lock. at Speak at Sisterhood oyls_'to11.' r. jaco)b Siniger, former lead of ilmette. the departmnent o-f theorv and 1i'î10r" i)' andi f musie at the. Universitv of \('- lawn'1 if i)raska, wilI speak before the Sister'- e lieuse hood of the Xorth Shore -Temple Is-ý raei Mônday afternoon. October 19, 'onmnt-at :0 'cock., His subject 'l be ~ Muicof Israel-." He xii beas 3ichl, J. sisted bv Eva Gordlon Horadesky. Kla.p- c (ontralto, an uniusual interpreter of Mo;po re. the Jewish folklore,. and. Samuel idt, J. Thaviu, a violiinist of great ability eiH rcetv 'oni the music contest iBovi- ot the Federated \,usic clubs of the sXWiI- United States. 1ie' j. -. Dr.ý Singer is n ow conhecteçl with Krip-orthivesterin uiiversjtv, a t'àea ec- 1or the departmelit of ituirgv ahdmi lie, ;. Te Sti~~eod will .be .glad to Trc w~elcone anyone initerested, twhether or flot accompaniéd -by -a member, it ;t1inotunçes. Memnbers of the Xor thl Shore Musicians club gathered at the homne of Mrs. Orval Simpson, 805 Auburn road. Tilesday .afternoon, October 6 for the following varied and dehight- fui Fr.ench program: Nocturne de Chopin (E Plat) Transcribul by Larnsate Serenade. Espagnole. ..... .~Chaminacle-Krelsler Mosquito Dance . Ludwig, Mendelssohn 1 (' aroline Harnsberger C'hanson Triste ;_...... ....Dupare- Le -Mariage des Roses . Cesaýr Franck Sile N. Ver.s avaient des Ailesý ...... ,Ad'pii Frut.--Aria from "Jeanne d' Arc"........... . .. chaikow.sky Marjorie Sherm'nan Arabesque lnaÀ.:A............ Debussy Reflets dans l'eau ......... . D ,e« us.sy E-tude en Forme de Valse .. Saint-Sieins Lois Hammett Adieu (le Manon from "Manoni" ... Dansons la Gigue ........... Poldowski La. Maison, Grise ..... ....... Meszsager Chanson ... ....... '.Marie .Antoinette Vesta Simpson - l-'anta.ie Caprice.- . ....Vieu:Kt(..À.psl Caroline, H-arnsberger Accompanists wereErnau Akely. Dor- othy Pouhd, and FrancesAnderson. Catholic Club Commil Sponsoring GardenJ The Sanctuary departmento church 'building fund comimil the Woman's Catholic club) o mette are combining their effo interests in a garden bridge Tuesday, October 13, at 2 o'cl the home of Mrs. John Bc 1302 Chiestnut avenue, Wi Bridge (contract and auctioi bunco will be played on the1 the weather permits, or in the if it is inclement. The miembers of the two c( tees at work.for the event are damnes John. Boyviston, G. J. F P.Budinger, E. George, P.. perich, Fl. -Koza, H. Marten-1 S. G. ý E.-'Raüuth, -Jr-,, H. Schni Schager,> J. Tarleton., Sami Moore, Arthur. Adams, John ston, F.- Daegling, H. Davies liam Fi.tzpat'rîck,' A. Hutgli Janette, -W. J. Kenney, W. F. pes, F. Kutten, WV. Learv, J. ner. R. Markhanm, Walter Mil Ortseifen. Alfred Ruhby, J. Clifton \Walker.. N ext Wright Talk Oct. 19' The second of the series of talks. où international relations given 'by Mrs. Quincy Wright at the Congregational church under the auspices of the WiI- mette League of Women Voters will take, place Monday morning, October 19, at 10:30 o'clock.' The fine arts,. departnient of the W\'oînian's Cathiolic club of Wilneile .wi1l lead its meinhers on a Treasuire hutit Friday, October 9, at 2 o'clock, in the lounge of the Womian's club. -Wouldn-'t anyone of us," the chairmnan announices, "feel she -had fouind a 'treasure' if she could open a.door to grandmiother's hotise secing her a young mrother? There shie sits surrounded ýby her groW'n up daugh- ter and littie chïiid in grandrnother's: arms, in the days when hooked.rugs were her pride and joy. She is chat- ting about the recent Chicago fire, probably adding a word of caution, to the littie ones about starting Aires. Her eyes are filled withi joy as she hears her sister's sweet voice in the sweet melodies so' popular then. The romianc e ini your hearts will lie truly satisfied ini this program %ý-ichi lias been so well arranged by Ms Harry Bettinghaus. Mrs. Henry. Schnidt lias designed, the costumies, and the menhl)ers assisted iii the se%%ing anîd fittinig."' Mrs. Ursula Heiss of Auriora will be soloist. M',\rs.' Kearnis Kirchlberg of Chicago will give a~ readitig iroim -The Srnithis" by Janiet Fairb)ank. The, members contrihuting to the programn are: \Irs.' Ge Orge BeýaIdin, Mrs. Baniford Langi.l' Mrs. J.. P. Budiniger, Mrs. George. Lundy, [. Albert,.Stall, and a little cL.ild'. (mi mi uay., ic toiber 10, at12 O'clock. A meeting of the execiive board wili be held at 10 :45. and at the close of the lunch- eon Nfiss Edna Dean Baker, presi- dent of. the college, xiii tell of' the ,interesting experiences of. lier sum- mer-in the British Isles. Woman's Club of Wilmnette Will Aid Cbarity by Annual Gala Afternoon Bridge One of the iargest.. social affairs, hield iiithe interest of club activitvy and l)lanned for-late iii this nmonth, is the anumal philanthropy% card party of the.XV omani's club of \Vilinctte. Ilts îiame implies its purpoýse., The dlate it is to be, given is X\ednie'sday, October 28, and the hour is 2 o'clock. Proceeds iroin the affair are to be given to the, following, charities: Local charities, Washington Homne for Crippled Children, Research and Educational Hospital of State Public W\eifare, Lake Bluff orphanag 1e, St. Mary's home, Dorcas home, Chicago Wornan's 1Shelter, Santcc Indiani school, Infant Xelfare, Arden Shore, Baptist .Oid' People's home, . Lrie chapel, Mary Bartelmne home. Cliii- dren's Rveeivinig homile, and 1ark' Ridge School for. Girls. -Memibers of the comniiiittc i1 charge, of the party are: Mrs. A. E.- KIuuler, chairînan of, the hl- thlropy (lepa'rtment; M.,rs. Roger \\TiI- liaias, chairmnan of the card party, and Mesdames Elbridge, Allen, Louis-ý Becker, A. E. Beirnes, Harr3* Bariî- bill, Charles -Bixby, Knight Blanch- ar(l, Edwin S. BushJohli3ilBrncanmp, 1lIarry Buriiside, . XVilliam L)uxn, Earl l)avcnport, Carbon Dtiibb)s, j. F. 1I.>un- caii, C. Frykinal, Thomas L,.Gia more, Roil1o Gullicksoin, William, Hôlics, Willis Hutson, R. C. Kirk- patrick, J. Robert 'McClure, F. L. McGrath, LTester 'MNec, Charles Mod;.A. J. Nystrom, Hial>cy Poroulto, -Scott Sîni1th, Leoward Starikel.,Perry Smithiers. James Shed- den, Otto Vonder Hoff, John Wh"id- (leh, Harrv, B. WloDon WileVI H, . O. Weishaar.- Ani attractive prize for each tab)le vlllegiven ii addition to otli£r prizes., Original Sketches Open Catholic League Oct. 13 Thîe first fail meeting of, the North! Shore Catlioîic XVoman's leagüe vilI Wells Club Meets The 'first meeting of the season of the Noiýth Shore' WVells club was held at the home of Mrs. Sidney Y. Bal, 936 Hill road, Winnetka, on Tues- day, October 6. Luncheon was served at 12:30 o'clock. Assisting hostesses. were Mirs. Theodore Rockweil and Mrs. Stuyvesanit Butler.

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