vegewinaunuer Mrsx. Albert 3. Gardiner, of Winnetka, are~ busilv, cal ling 1long ists. of prospective buo- crs of coupon " books. The camipaign started activcly Monday of last week. Mrs. Alexander Patt 'erson rctùrnedl early fromn a flying tip; to Europe to plunge intoý her list of, names. Mrs. E. Edwin.Smnith, the former Mar-, garet Foygan, a, newcomcr to WVin- nctk1a, lis deepJ in the work. Jeanneý and Katharine Street, are taking time fromn their rehiearsals for the Service club play to caîl their friends. Lucy ~jaco)s iYas to have donce her share Of callinig. but, got an X8 to 6 position. doWntown that takes lier. away froni the junior League work. Those who ar %orking like mad to fil1 their quotas inélude Miss Leila Withers, 'r.George A. Poole, Jr. (Ellen. Stuart),, Mrs. Archibald Wagnier. Miss Judithi Walsh,, Mrs. Henry1 Bartholomnay, Mrse. William Darrow%,, Miss Eleanorý Dennehy,- 'Mis s Betty Durham, Mrs,. Dain Fuller, rs Ernest Hicks, Mirs. Charles Kerwin, Miss Jane -NcKinreyr, Mrs. J;.\VaIIer't Marshall, . .Mrs. Alexander Patterson,' and Miss Betty Parker, who is tak- ing timie froîn lier wedding prepara-- tions> and .Miss \irginiia Lewis, Ms Lawýreiice N orcm (Caroline Case), Mrs. John Norwood,. Mrs. Quentin H-alburg (Betty Pain), Mrs. Houston Clinch, and -Miss Janet. Kirk, al6f Glencoe. Single tickets will be on'sale at the, box office two week.s hefore the first performnance for ail performances ofj the winter, but those who wish four i or more tickets arc advised by Mrs. Gardner to buy onec of the coupon books-tvo sizes are offerd-a ii d effect quite a ,,avitng. This also wil ..:help the Icague in planning ah cad.. The tickets i the coupon books are 9ood for any performance o f the season. Any who are not called and asked to ýbuy, coupons can get thcm by tc!ephoning IMrs. Gardner. The. theater -is, this year,, chianging its f orm er policy of offering four dif- ferent .plays durinig the season and will concentrate on two. The firs.t,,I "Dr. Dolittle,". will be presented froni November 7, tliroughi Decemnber 12.1 This lias been .dramatized 1w T-Llei Miss Virginia and Miss Dorothy Diettrich, 1085 Green Bay road, Glen- *coe, were hostesses to their sorority s isters at a bridge party given at their home,, Tuesday evcning last week.: me rearaa bie .uings to ine seen inside. Everyone seems, too, to have heard of the noted people-~who have visited the studio, and -wishes to. have just a glimpsc hiiself of what is hiddexi behind thec wroughit iron gate.s oft the 'entrance. t is a lîouse of iystery. Last, Year the wavs and means c orn .ittee1 of the \Voinan's Club. of 'Wilinette obtained permission frorn Mr. *Marsliall .to visit his studio. Ont i the afternoon appointed, hundreds of people entered. the magic ,pIace.,Tle), carne forth» entrance d, feeling they had been within an ol! castle. Everv- dav-cares had heen d(ropped front tlîeir shoulders. Thbey had seen ro- tua nce. .Many hundreds more had flot seen the studio and regretted thev had flot taken the tour. .Xnd, so -this year's tours c mmnit- tee' again asked and obtained Per- miission- from Mr. MarshalI to visit lh 1i-' studio. The afternoon of No- vemlber 2 is the day set for dt tour. Mlrs. George F. Iliff and Mrs. Earle D). Lyon are in charge, assistcd byý M rs:. A.' G. Ac ke r-naiî, M rs. j oh n W. Behr, M'Nrs, E. H. Burge,.Nlrs. C. B. Burpee, Mi\rs. C. T. Frykiiiani, Mrs. Herb)ert .Leach, NLrs. -J. N. Macalis- ter, Mirs. *Charles W. Moodv, Mrs. \Williami A. RichardIson. and Mrs. -Irthur C. Schw-%arti i The chairnian of the Na-vs and m ieans coiniittee is Mrs. Luther Benson. DeÇiIentialIHotel 315 6 Sheridani Rd. at BeIumont HerLow Phone. Battersweet 2 100 B. B. Wilson, mg.. p>i iLF.. Friday evening the club will hold a dance for the young fol'ks of, the -sixthi, sevcnth, and eighth grades. On Saturdav, October 10, there will be a dance for the junior inembers of the club. At the regular. monthly pivot bridge held at Shawnce last'Monday among -those who hiad guests were Mrs. W. I. Fisher of Wilmette, Mrs. Fred Fisher of Winuetka, and Mrs. G. B. Bulrke and Mrs.: A. IR. Wilson of Wilmette. Other, fr hostess. ace at the1 eneva. Maurice L. Rothschild,. Stale as Jackson tter. avelei To Play in C radie Beneit Bruno Steindel, former first ccllist with the Chicago SyMphony orches- tra, will Play for the- benefit of' the Cradle society*-Sunday'.aifternoci, Oc- tober 18, at -4 o'cioc.k. -Mrs. Bucking- ham Chandier is opening her homne at 9 Indian -Hill road, Winnetka, for his program. ROTMOORCOATS Richly furred styles for dress and sport Our Rothmoor customer lis eau v- - . oats to $250