.rînceton. L20 to 6, andl1Harvard crushied Dartmouth, 36 to 0, while in the lighitweiglit Ieague Wisconsin was victorious over Michigan, 20 to 19, and Chicago wvon from Illinois, 12 to 6. Drawinigs have been made for both singles and doubiles- t e ni n i s tournaS- ment. Play Was to' start this week. It is planned to hold three intra- .mural golf. tournamients. One will be for boys who have flot represented New Trier, in anly,.varsity golf con- test. This wilI be a 36-hole, 'medal play event.1 T h e r e will also, be aà round robin tournament for boys wvho played on the. varsity golf teami last year, and an 18-hole. m-a t c h' play tourney for boys, whose ability, is flot of varsity- cail)er. HAS BiRTHDAY PARTY \Ir. and Mrs. Otis L. Beck, 2031 Birchwood avenue.1 entert.ained six- teen youimg people Friday evening, October 2,.inlu onor 0of their dauigh- ter, Hazel, and. in celebration of her sixteenth birthday. Dancing and' ganies N ere. the diversions of the eve- ining. Stoddard J. SmaI119 son of '.-I. andI Mrs. John D. Smâll,ý 411 1\1aple a ven- 1 ne, left Xednesday of last week for the University of Chicago ivhere lieJ resumes bis studies. as a senior. i Th ,IMisses Lovedale of 42 Kenil-'i worth avenue are home after a visit atCrystal lake, -Mich. M'aor A. J Cernaük ofChcg ZCi11 be the gucst of Iîono . and ichau Wariiker, f ,lte speaker, Thursday,- October 1 5, ýat the first of a series of Progrants to bc îgiven bi, the 1Mclnp's club of the. North ghore Coigreratioxn Is'rel. The raffair 'will bc a dinncr meeting at 7 o'clock at the temple ipt Glecc. c.r Warliker is a graduate of Cani- bridge university, a iioted world travel- er and a member of Indian royalty. He is a. native of Iridia but was taken to England at an early age where hie re- ceived bis- preliminary educatioii. He is engaged in a lecture tour of Amier- ica. His subject at the- club meeting wiIl be "The Problems of India.-' uniurcii 3Lrets5, wiII participate in a series of sales events attendant on the dedication ceremonies. Mr. Lytton just returned from an extensive European tour. He lef t the country last fait and spent the win- ter at Monte Carlo and the sprin g and summer in other European countries. The veteran merchant is bringing with, hirn his predictions of world changes during the next 1100 years., The, scroll o f these predictions toi- gether with books and newspapers showing the trend of these'.times will be, placed. in a' vault behind a bronze dedication. tablet- and- sealed up, flot to, he opened until the year 2031.-Th'e dedicatioin cerenionies will take place on1 Mfonda-%.. October. 12. RETAIN METAL TAGS The Village of Kenilworth bas de- cided to retain the metal village ve- bidle license tags, for 1932. The Ken- ilworth, Village, board, at its regular meeting Monday night, passed a ré- solution to usée the metal tags instead of wiindshieid stickers. The city of Chicago recently adopted the stickers ini place of the metal tags., ...you must have a willôwy- figure! T h i s Gossard ecàm-n Skiniîers satin figure -4o sien- der curves, yet- avoids. t h a t s t i f f-corseted> appearanüe-be-m cause lit blenldsý with every body M. odve en61.8 only 10. The .EICHORNI COSSARD SHOP 72 E. Madison St., Chicago Nolo Under the peraonai super- vis ion of Mis Jane-M'ay, for-, merlz, of Botewit-TeUler, of Newc York City. READ THE WANT ADS « COOLEY'S CUPBOA Picardy 1511 Chicago Moderne 505 E VAN STO0N Main North Shore TalkingMachie Co. 712 Church Street, Evanston, Phone Uni. 3474 742 EIm St. 380 Central Ave. Winwtka 3474 Highland Park 3474 Winntka.Highland pârk 1 :'%.