U once # un "U t A George Swigart, Xihiette violin-- ist. vvill give a mnusicale on 'Monday evening, October 12, at 8 :15 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George .Pr etzel, 1035 Bluff road, Glencoe. SMr. Swigart will. present some of the ., orks- lie plavcd in hi& concert in Berlin, wherelie studied f or a - ve1ar witli, Richard Czerwonky. Siice his retuhni in August, he, has been con- tinuing his studies W'ith. Mr. Czer- %vonky' at the Bush cônservatorv and lias re.sumed his teaching. Milss Francesý Anderson wviI1 accomn- palîy Mr. qvigàrt at the' piano next. 1 N oilda-. 'The nrograinî vili b)e as Altliougli he' is; not yet thirty years follovvs old, Mr Kiepura lias suug as gueit artist with the, Vienna State Opera L Fol . ..... ll company, -at ILa Scala in Milati, Co- Sonata, (Opus 42, nuniber 2 vent. Garden in London, tlîe Coloni in a\IxRe Buenos, Aires, and the Ro- al Opera (for výiolinj alonje) at Budapest.. Allegro con grazia 1n every case he, scored a complete Afldantin#o triumnph wjth critics. and audience Pxtsno(ehr&do alike. H1-is debut was made at War- concerto lii Miner *.Màx Brin-hl sa, the capitol of lis native Poland, Allegro mioderato and wesýtern Euirope-first hieard hlm; Adagio froni the stage of the 'Vienna StteAllegro uner.giec i opera. Xithin a wcek, of lis first 1limprovisation . Ernst Jl performance, ]Berlin and. . London Valse L.enut.........(zrok newspapers and musical jo.urn als Song$s(or Hnî. . .Snein were carrying long >and cnthusiastic-- stories describingthis new star. He.I Sym ph ny, Soloist TouredU miade hisbow to 'Berlin at t unkci- 1 i us' 'ihH rwt pal Opera, and not long aftertvard 1 nR si ihH rwt at the State Opera. His first appear- 1 Nathan 'Milsteini, violinist, who will ances Mi London %vere in concer t.i)e the 'soloist at the Tuesdav afer- theni at Covc iit Gard eh for théIc l->!noon1 concert oif the Chicago. y ian-F'rench seasoln, fro>îîivlrn lie phonyv orchestra on March 22, cones ivent to Buienos Aires. iromn Russia. He wvas born ini Odessa Much ini Demand and is a jupil of Leopold, Auer and On liis return from ,the Argentine a frien'd of Horowitz, %vitl wvhýloie capital, Kiepuira Was much. in denandl totured Ruissia. Hie w-as in 'tlis Cotin- for, guest performances in. 1 Germait try and miade sudh a success that novv and Italian bouses and las reccntlv lie is back for a grand tour. completed a talking 'picture. Not on ly is le youing but le is of at lhetic butild, A op Bu h Volnist good-ltol<ng, and lias proven avrs popular figure onthe stage.- in First Americà,n Tour Claudia MIuzio's ,initerpretation ot Adolph * Busch, violinist, who. will the. role of Tosca is so welI knowii 'be 'the soloist, witl th.e Chicago Synm- to Chicago music lovers that coin-I ponv orchestra onD eceniber 10 and inents arc superfluous. Tosca 'is one Il at the subscription coincerts, is of 1 er, outstanding, characterizations..ia.n.hsfrtAircntu h. The siiite Sct-iaciefofthe vyear. Heý is a Germafi who beg.ýan Iiis Roman police, offers Vanni-Marcoux -le ewstu er l one of lus lest opportunities. ThiA rese t w sth iea f y Cson-- great singing-'actor.,lias won a high erAt prenfheise ead ftecn place in thie affections of opera goers se~aoyof ina througlî lis brilliant - tae'ictes,~ as me geCI4LCt. JtUisoiciivvUaIL, hatr ndrBrtaOt' ieci opera, "Tristan. and Isolde," and in _______________Berha_______direction Buenos Aires sIc is repeating lier triumpls. She will return to Amner-' Poiteamna in Gcnoa as lago in ica about a week before tIc Chicago -Otello" during October. Hie.will re- Civic Opera seasýoni begins., join his wife, Rosa Raisa, and smalh, Giacoznp Rimini, 'Who is in Ital,,: daugîhter in Chicago'carly in Novein - will. make several appearances at tIc er. "Tosca"ý Nov. 2 By Rutheda L, Pretzel The nevvs thiat "Tosca" is to open the season of the Cliicagô Civic Opera coumpany on' \onday nighit, Novernber 2,, is the first pro.of that' the opera conîlpany is goiing to make the coming -scason a brilliant one. jan Kièpura, a new addition to the, tenor section of tlhe company. is to make flis debut not only ini Chicago but ini America, Miîen lie sings the. role of. Cavaradossi. Claudia Mjuzio is to sing Tos ca, and N'aiî-MNarcoux the role of Scarpia. Hungarian Contralto Is i Concert Rage in Europei Madamne Rosette Anday, a fiuîn-- garian contralto, -wlo wihI be' tIc soioist ivitl tIe Chicago Svnmpîonv orchestra' on February 25 and 26,. atý the subscription concerts, is said toý lave one of thec most beautiful voices1 anid to be tIe present concert' rage ofý Europe. S he lias sung witl air] the great orchestras of Europe. Madame Muriel Brunskihl,. n Eng- lisI, contralto, wifl sing, at the. sub- scription concerts- on February 1l and 12. SIc sang at the 'Cincinnati f es- 1 tival hast year.' Hans Hierman Nissen, baritone of the Chicago Civic Opera companv, \vill sing on April 7 and 8. tober 26, at. 8:30- o'chock, under the direction of Bertha Ott, McCORMACK IJERE'OCT. 18 John L\cCormack will give a reci- tai. in thc Cjvic Opera Hôuse on Sun- day aftcrnoon, October 18, - at' 3 o'clock.,under Bertha OÔtt's direction.ý ors Of .everv * sort Ihaveî been lieaped upoîî tlis splend(id artist. He xa co.ncertrneister Of t he Petrograd Svmponvorchiestra under Albert Coates, also of the Sew~ York Sni-' phonv . and* Philadelphla orchestra. I-Te hias been recentlv appointed con- certmneister of thc Ciîicago Svymphony orchestra. His attainmcents as a solo-, ist are. of au unsalhigl order. Tle second violin,' Franz Pole:snv, is an artist wîth'longkexperience .n11 fi rst class organizations. ,A-fter grad- uation from ,thec Vienna Staats Aca- demie, le joined, the distngui'sbed Vieninese. quartet knqwn as tIe Feist. Comning to Chicago, le was eng .aged by. the Chicago Synîùphonv- orchestra as'one of the first violins. Clarence Evans, formcerly a mcmn- ber of the San Francisco iNusic so- ciety,- the Berkshire String quarte', a son l nei r etri, »me Violilnist. Petri first devoted himself 'to tIe viohin, but following the advice of Paderewski and Busoni, le gave it up an-d turned to the piano wlen he \vas twenty years old. He was the first. foreign artist, to be in'vited to* Russia, ,and since 1923 le las .givcn more, than.300 concerts in that. land. -iuîorganization of students " 10 Yale university called "The Eighit Sundaiy, Oct. 18 Sons of Eli" are being heard ini a l'lie North. Shore Chamber Music series of thirteen Sundav afterno.on association will have its first concert concerts sponsored by the Wallace on Sundav afternooiî, Octoer 18, at 4 Silversmnithis over a look-up of O'clock in the Kenilworth assernhly Columbia Broadcasting Systern sta- hall. The Mfischakoiff String quartet %vns ill -ive the program. \Iem)erslip The cigît students in thé littie suscriptions arc still available througl chorus corne from cities fromi NeW "Mrs. A. B. Spach, 228 Leicester road, York to California, and their interý Keniilwvorth,. or througli Malter Marx.. ests and backgroulids; are varied. .522 Esse\ road. Kenjilwoirtli.. Other TIcy meet ini one comnion interest. prograins ivll lie thec Muenzer' Trio the'joy of sinigingl.They have.touree n oenbr 2 te 1 larmonic the coüintrv with the Yale Gice club String quarte on january 10, and the anîd have visited Bermuda. Ever- London String quartet -on Februa- .1 wlere thev xvent tliev wvere enthusias rv .7. tically received. Djuring the past1, The M.\ischakoff St'ring quartet summer they tourgéd nerthe direc- ioWes ..iniception ,to -Dr. Frederick j'îouses, wliere they have added to;'M\istl.akoif as concertrneister of the their pQpularity. ÇICica,.,o SN'nmphonv orchestra, advised They first started gin 'ing togetlier 1hm to organize a quartet ini order to purelv for. their own, amusement, to Ifurther enhance the appreciation' of express the spirit of y-outh and. the chiamber rnusic. The members -of the sheer joy of living, ini the mysteries 'quartet are artists, of (istinguished i of harnonv. -Ail of 'thle boys, had musicianship and. tecînical profi- sorne musical experience, for thiev;cienicy. They imite a definite musical had sung ini ehurchf choirs and wth understanding witb thiat vigor of dle- cloruses and glee clubs. Thev f.ound liverv wlîich is delightful to the con- each other singing in the Coilege cert .pub)lic and critics alike. *To choir and \itl' the Yale Gîce club, extensive ensemble expérience, they and their mutual,,interes.t, in muiiýàicald inldividual soloistic attaiiinetsof brought thern together. Siniging with l a ligh order. the Glee club under the direction of, T lefrs ilMsca ichkff Marshall Bartholornew. they ývereijfoýrnierly'- an honor: student under chosen1 to1 fornitlîe Yale Doub)le .Koriguteif, is a, gold medal. graduate q uiartet.lof the Petrograd conser' vatory. Hon-