'Vhursday eveninig, October 15, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WVilliam H. Colviin of 1100 For~est avenue, Evans- ton. 'rTickets for the affair mnay be pro- cured lun Wilmiette f rom YMrs. Herbert B. Mulford of 835 Elmnwood aveniue; in Keniilvorth f rom Mrs. Charles Ware of 325 Abbottsfïord road, president, of the board, and f rom Mrs. Bentley, G. McCloud of 338 Kenilworth avenue; in\Vinnietka f rom the Cinimuiîty Kit- chen, f romn Mrs. George 'D. Forrest of 10W0 Crescent: lane, Mrs. George Stani- ley Paker of 200 Linden- street,, or f romn Mrs. Charles Keller of 503 XVil- low road. Thé Park Ridge school is a philanl- thropy in wvhich the. federated m~omnens clubs of the north shore. take interest, as do màny individual residents here. As a private boarding school f or de- pendent, but flot delinquent girls,. it sup- plies> a long-f cît need. To: it girls are sent throughi private arrangemlent .or from -the juvenile courts of Illinois. "The aim of the school," ook1ètI publishied. by girls of-the school states, - is tu providè the hoxneless girl with a background of care and home life. *to give lier a school homne that merits lier' pride and loyalty, and to prepare, * lier -with adeiuate training so that she miay eventually be.omne inidepenidenit." 0f the school and its work, Judge Mary B'artelme of the Juvenile court lias said. "l'le need of boarding schiool accoinnîmiodations for dependent girls is most pressing. I wisli to commend niost lîighly the 'exçellenit alnd needed the club., Fredcrick A. Kahier: of Wilnet- ka, c. Trici' High scliool1 demi, of b;o ys, 1 i0ho bas been recectcd. chair-. lulait of the board of con trot of the Sublirbian Icagite. comnprising six. subiirbait lîli schools iitflic Chi- cago area-NVcw Trier-, Evanstoil. Pccr 'ficld-Slicelds, Oak Park. Mor- ton apid Proviso. 1'Jîcse six schools havc a conbincd e;îîrollp,nt aofnmore f liin 20,0 shidenîs. CLUB MEETS TODAY -The Draina Study club wviI1 meet this afternoon with Mrs. Donald 'M. Gallie, '1115 Ehnwood avenue. service that is being rendered by the Park Ridge School for' Girls." w ~- I BERNIE'S SPECIAL Bernie Captures the Blusive Al Children Smile is*h actlt%- sponsor- GETS SIDEWALK AWARD Anton Wagner of Kenilwortlî lias beeti. awarded the contract for'. tl!e installationi of: Kentilwortli's portion of sidewalks to be placed along poi- fions. of Park drive, G~reen Bav ri-ad and K<eniiworth avenue wvest of Ille tracks. Sev eral .bids, for this job) were received by the'Kenilivorth Vl lage board at' its regular 'monthly meeting M'onday' night. Wagner's bid of $358.80 was lowv. BROADCAST EACH WEE.KDAY The Christian Science, churches and societies, of Illinois are, broad- casting-each weekday, froin 7:30 to 7:45 a. m. over 'statioîi WBBM in Chicago. Miss Niarjorie Smythe of..43 Kenil- %vortih avenue, Keniilworthi, Who -is at Denison college at Granville, Ohio. hias been pledged to Kappa Alpha Theta srority, as bas been M, Jean Lindstromn of Wilmiette. WIEBOLDT'S'BASEMENT EVANSTONI Davis Streef Wilmetfe 1100 OAK HL-OEI or "Better Pictuves-Better Values" 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston Tel. UNI. to Yo ur' 8998 Wieboldt's Basement-Evanston 1 m May ,seem io. ne a trivial aehe or pain and allow a serions aliment to develop. X ake th P palatable Il0u nt aa n Valley -Minerai water, your "eouïace of preven- tion"' agaiâst stiffeued ,joinjts, stabblng nerves or aehing muscles. phone uas for a case Êvaust in Phone GREe'Ieaf 4777 READ THE WANT ADS