Itlieir p DOCTýOI Overcoe laa Necessirt s USNOT- MUCH MONEY Blues, Browns, Quei 30 Oz, Herringboni Fine Wool Fabi OH, What a Baurga Open Tuescay, Thursday, Saturday Eves. r ýt :and. In 1927 she conducted a niormial course for dancing teachers at North- western university, and, has more than a thousand graduate pupils, now teachin~States and K'EEP A W1,ils IP View, Michi. - debaters, have expressed their Inteni- tions of coipletinig for places mi thit squad. ý *Aniong the st.ifdents who have hiad * previous. experienice in interscholastic debate work at New Trier an ! whlo. will ag-ai lie candidates for the teani .hiyear are Donald Nelson. lio wîll assist MNr. MacLean. in the c.oaching % v or k, John Curtis, Tom Antrim, John Griffith,, Lamibert Maguire, Ada coe an(I Albert Ackermnann. Other students. who wvill try for: places on the NeW 'Trier teams :are Williami Dotv;> James Donahue, James Eider, Bruce Ellison, Carl Enchel- naYer. Alice Freeman, Ijlard> Hop- kinis,., Virginia Huttel, Lucy. Jonas, Rudolph Kaspar, Ned Livitigston. Anne Lupean, Roger Palenske, Gla- (lyvs Pancoe. Donald Simpson, Donald. TYoeppen, GlenWalker, Burton W:ebI- ',ter. Ned Koenig and Paul Leach. E. E. Stuits. Reports Rentais of Recsidences The Winnetka office of the E. E.' *Stuit-s Realty company, at 400 Wîiinetka. a\ enuie, announces f urther rentais of home this, faîl in Wininetka and Kenil- vorth. Harold V. McCormlick, western divi- sion engineer for the Western Electric Elevator comparlv. the two-storv. resi- dence -at ;398 Eider Ianc, Winnetka, romC. E. Banta. Ed,%vard V.'n. the two-storv, stucco residenice at 1443 Asburyý ave- nu Ïe, Xînta fronii the Wininetka State batik, H.. C. \Volf, uitility engineer of the *Puiblic 'Service coniparny, the two-story brick colonial at 740 O ýIacLean avenue, Kenilworth,. from M. H. Goodnman. H. J. Mayrand, adIvertising manager (-f the .oe Hospital Puhlishing. eoýmpany, the two-storv ýsto-ne coiloni al at 714 Rogers avenue, ÈKenil%orth, fronl' A. W. Bergmiani of Minneapolis.- les 1-H. P. Thuirston, general sales mari- agxer ofý Sears Roebuck and, comnpanv CS the new two-storv. brick and stucco cottage at 569 Xinnetkea avenue,frn Un .Mrs. . Koerber of.Aurora., R. W. Smith general manager oi the finternationial Printingixî-croain the three-story colonial resid('nice 1a nd large -rounds at 37,3 Eider laite, \Win- netkafrom Dr, . L etlwe ithe tranisàctions. The office personi- nlof the companiv comprises O.