Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 24

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Fashion Sponsors BLACK OR BROWN In Fail Hats See Our D'iversitled Collection, Priced at $.50 Wb.ther if b. a. tricorno, a sailor, or a srtr brim, .you wilI undoubfedly requir. a b.-own or black ba+tfo completo. your Fait costusme. Choose from uede-fif, velour or fu*r felt ini large and smnall heecisizes. The.,model sketched ïs an adaptation. of t he: flatterin Agnes b r i mn tith satin tim..14-5 Millisnery Sal6nI-SeC.Qnd Floor col.* 4 P POOLI- 8PIPER PRICES ARE LOWER We Are ping Our 1 o,,_1 i r IUJI toir nncyriaroor Government Officiais and Men Prmi The Saturday niglht dances at Skv nent in Aviation to Attend Safety Harbor airport west of Glencoe hav'e Cnngrss i Chiago een so .successful that it has been, Orgiizel afey n hea*vitin n-decided to hold dlances on both Fni- Orgnizd sfev i thavatin "~dav and Saturdav' nights throughout dustry, which.gîe considérable thè winter. 'The GoId Coast orches- impletilS when Col. nams A. . I.nd- tra. e yFedeý\iie fWl bergh spoke before the Safety 'con- Imettîed by .',fred ane'lrderi gress, in 'Nev York. three vears ago. tô b etter accommodate the large willagan beon~of he fatues 1 crowds Iwhich have been attending the. Twentieth Annual Safetv con-;i the dances theý management of ýthe gress to be held here October 12 to -airport is'makiganubro 16, it is announced. hags i mte rngeanme ofth Theaernauica setio aitheNa-dance hall on the second floor of the tional Safety cauncil.bas planned a 'airport cluhhouse. Thè changes. pro>-. session for. Thù rsday, October .15,, vide- for more table space nid a, bet- which .will bring together many Of- ter s 1etting. for the orchestra. The the outstanding. aviation men afi'the !stage is being redecorated. Last Sat- Éountry as wvell as ,a number of gov-i urdayv night the hall was fillcd. ta ernnent officiaIs. Icapacity for.the dance. Han. -Clarence '.I Young, Assis., tant Secretary of, Commerce. Wash- 3. Curtiss Students Pass inigtan,' D. C., is ta address the gath- ering on the subject ai what the de- Private> Pilôts' Tests partment. of commerce is doing. to,. Three students passedtesfo promote greater safety in aeranau- thfleir piaepilots' licenises last, week, tics., at th e Curtiss-WVright Fiving school Safety in aeronatitical- factô'ries,'located at, Curtiss airpart- near Glen- safetv at airports -and safety in air viewv. Those succesKful in,' passing transportation are su.bjects té be dis- the tests. were Peter Gros s of Kenil- cussed respectively by Ralph' Damon, wà 1rth, Dr. Ralph A. Kordenat of vice-president. and general manager ! Chicago and Arthur Corydon af Chi- of the, Curtiss Airplane c omp any,i cago.* About twenty.- five students Richard B., Barnitz.. (lirec tor o ir. av eè nolled.- for special liin ports, Citv of L.os: Ange 1les. andIcourses att 'he.school ~iIi the last Lester D. Seymour. vic e-president i two weeks. TÉhe downtown Curtiss- and general manager of National 'Air I[Wright Aero, universit.v, also, reports. Transport, mnc. a larg-e increase in its enrollhnent., David .Beecroft, cha*irmlaii ofthe safety commnittee of the Acronattcal 'Eddie Stinson Visitor iChamiber aif Coaniercc ofAni erîca, a %%Ill pres;ide at the s.s )1.a Sky Hiarbor Airport ýOfficia:Is of the \Var departmient, Edwardl A. ("Eddie") Stinson, Navy dcpartnient. and other national Jpresident of the. Stinson Aircraft, cor- governnmental l)o(hes hâve served on paration, visited Skv\ Harbor airport ýthe pî-ogram comIîllttete for this ses-, west, ofGlencoe last week wvhere he demonstrated the latêst model. Stîn- son plane. He sold one of bis ships to Takes Her First.R n ide « Knet arker. ai Jaiesville, \Vis., "a member of the Parker Peunccim- Plane at A e f74,.Years.,' 1)ny fil.Te ship is taaea A, 74-year-old wornian, who did not! spécial paint job and is, ta be de- reveal her nine, took ber first air- ]iv-ered. this week. Stinson's headqupar- plane ride at Curtiss airport near ters are'at Wye Mich. Gleniview last week i a Wright whi rl- wind-powered Cessna. Rer pilot flew Pursuit Planes Stop at her verthe north -hore towns and the lake front, and she wvas so \weîî Curtiss-Wright Airport pleased that she said she intended TwentYî one pursuit1 planjes ,and a to comTe to the airport 'again. *The Ford transport ship f romn Selfridgc elderly womian's son is contemTplating field, Mount Clemnens. Miéh., made. taking her on *a plane trip to NewCuts airport ne.-r Gleiiview, their SPECIAUISTS 16o8 CHICAGO AVENUE i EVANSTONý cflurcti social group at Sky H'arbor î ,irport Tuesday of this week. TALKS ON AVIATION SMai. R.. W. Schroeder of Sky Har- bor airport was tô give a talk on avia- tion Thursday of this. week at. the Logan Square M4asonic temple.:. were served sandiwiches and coffee. PLAN DINNER DANCE The Northbrook Civic association iscplanning to hold a dinner dance at Sky Harbor .airport in the near fu- ture for the purpose of raising money to purchase a n 1ew squad> car for the Northbrook police department. CI1ILDIUN 'S

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