rt* a ln(i( lqIans trurtion AduIt,4ad Beiinnpr.i (3race MeConnaughey- Iof the (Guliof Mxioand the Carib- the ruins leit by the sto,-m. i Tv M',o('9 i -L'J&or.VI .r -C nlC bcan sea. NMr. :ttjUIt misserl being picked tip about 30 refugees, îinclu(. an- iLl navneHbbr ir the heart cf th(- hurricane - v a ing a few Amnericaâns alcng with rtI Wood(s, ha., been apprehended and rnatter of to ay.Jain New 11h and Scth oepet rep r ese- muc h of the. loot recovered, thanks to Orleans Immediately fterthe c-en- tativ.eýý and reintteo ifrutthe wifc rf Patrol)man J. H. .uenman tion, they cruised t(, aaa n1crai and carri;er therrn to e .. the Wi"nnetka Police departrnent. JWere dure to -(- next t()iz.oe fO1a~ Mrs. Luexnsman's home fogrmerly was fln Wkat Eery Woman Kow Women Icnow quality. They instinctivelyî searck out-and, Jetect kidden inferiority. Bring your wife, mother, sister or sweetheort with you. Let ber assi*t you in th'e selection of a becoming pattern from the quality woolens of CHICAGIO -The new Autumn and Winter woolens are'now, a+ Monroe Second Floor Price Buildingý 319 West Van Buren St. Main Floor Mr. and Mrs. Aldo E. N es sie r (Minerva.Kraft) hiave returned froin their lwed d in g journey by mnotor through the Black His, and avre moving into their Evanston,'apa3rt- ment this week. Their marriage t9ok Mpace on September 5. in a Racine paper an accountof the capture ofi a burglar aàt Kenosha, %whose operatioins via the skv-light route. were similar to the, method c1m- ployjýed by the' Zick store burglar. Mrrs. Luensman lias heard sr) nuch rrom, her husband. about tips, 'c1ues, etc., that she readily recognized this dlue as a "liîve ead,' the. moment She fearl the item. She hastilv imparted the in forma- ticn to Patrolman Lu'en-sman,, whO. crtnpanvx.ý%ith MIrs. Luensman and lYcut. Glen J3ovd of the W'Jilletka 1,4Iice deépartment drove;to Kenc:,sha that night. TI e pris oner, ,vea ring onie of th11e shirts .3and a. tie. stolen, from the Zick stre hen conironted by the WVin- niEýka officers, readril-v confessed the :iethey.saicl. and furthermore told thmwhere, in Chicago. theV Woul1d ,in(1 rnuch of the loot. 4 .'clckthe next moilring, JVviard Luensman had, recovererl the stoleri propertv and hiad a.sextz-et ()I, others under arrest charged vvith receiving the loot. 'Ihev declared, however, they d'id flot knoIX it hald ben tol)en. Thevhavebeen. hed t'c the grand jury. each under bonds, (-f ~1.r>Jo imos<lby Justice' of the Puac( R.JE. Snlemr \Vi.neka)ffi cers sav Bruimhelow %wa-, càtglit b)v Kelosha police in the * act ot .breakiîig through the roof of a a clothing store ili that citv. He was armed with a .38 caliber aitornatic pistol and hadl a car, whIch had beeni ~tlnin a.hold-up iifxa I.n- dditioin to adniittingthé -ZicI, robhierv. the officers say Brumbelow co!litesse(l to. robbing Nationàl Tea stores in Wilmette, River Forelst and, Forest Park, some time ,ago. and con*- ressed a string of other rohberies in 'eaumnont, Houston and. Dallas. Tex- * as. He also.'admitted it vas he who robted and shot a miess en ger frorn the DeMet Candy company. iii Chi- cagýo, about a vear ago. The gun .which hie dropped at that timethe~