Big ge st Val ues Ever1 At. this timne w. o«fer to our friends and patrons +4.e fa cilities of our uriusually moder~n and weII eq uipped. studio for tii. making of portraits whicli wiI I prove exception.I values. 7x1 1 PORTRAITS 7 x11 4for $5 oniy Large Images Perfect RetQuching Elaborately Finished GenerOus Select.ion of Proof S Core- InandýExaminehteSarnpies, MATHEW -FRANCI1ýS SITUDIO r Aopointnnt 1 122 Central Avi, two players. ! fromn- the standpoint of injuries lo The Wilmette boys who saw action pavers. Sattirday are Jack and Bill Rile, IlarrvGiIg, regular fullhack foûr tackles; -Carl FHall, end, and Paul Nýew Trier, wi-lI he unahie to play Younber, the rest of the season because of- These boys played football ait e a sýerious shoulder injury receivred in Trier,' and, as a coinciden ce, ail at- -the séc ond: quartier. [.eonard .Woli., tend the. First Presbyterian chutchNew Trier's. co-captain and star end, of wilmette. sufrdar: nuythat may ke HecorDods,72 Prire aenehim oiut of the next two or three Hectr Ddds 72 Prarieaveuegarnes.,He is considered thel)est \vas called to Columbia, Mfo., ls end il- the Stuhurhan league. wee fr. evra da'sonaccun o Despite these. injuries New T rie- j h lleoofbsmthrqrs.vt hopecs to open its, league sch.edule. Dodr'~. ____ ~ ith Proviso at Maywood Saturday ,,ith a victûry, Proviso has not been scoredi against this year and has woal its two games wxth Roosevelt and SennH* h oo : fChicago deci- sielv, 25 to 0> and 1-4 to . Show Power New T rier showed plenty of pux% er in its game with Schùrz last week. The running, plunging,aind as S i l jof. the team xvas- excellent for this ear n -in 'the , eason, and Ci-)a c! IWalter Aschenbach savs thiat the whole teamn has shiowi much Ill- proemet New'rir omllete.(l fh;,e passe-, out of eigit. attemptecl and made' fifteen, first :downs agarnt three for schurz. The porth shore boys scored one, ttouchdcown in evýýery quart-er. and lIed ai the ;end of the hialf. 13 to O.Gi!1- logiv, - ffllbaCk, score'd the fiArst tch- doî,Ballenger, ight lhalfback, the secHnd1(, Ncolazzi, fullh.ack. the third', an(d Sniale, halib'ack, tlie fourtn. ScLiurz cod its lone touilcdwn ini thie last quarter aa . t New Tr vr's, fourth stnînig teanu. Smnale and Seiler, halxbacks, and lI IInd and \\achs In thL hue, were tue onutstan(ling plaver 1s for .Newý 0 e T ritr.. Lind, .the co-captain, 'plavs cuinte.r, an(l Wachs,-lcit, tackle. The Miwole teami plaved wxell, accordipig to Coach 'Aschenbach. For ii start- ing lineup Aschenbachi used Preston and Wolf at.the end positions, W\a,-lis and, Kimrl>all at tackle, Ogan and Fleming at' guard, Iind ait center, Seller and SmSiale, ha9Ycs ilui, fullback,. and Finla.ison, urerak Meet Oak Park Soon * After two garnes away froni humie New Trier w1.1' battie Oak Park on Phelps field October 24. Two other wvest side teams, Proviso and -Mor- * j~, g ~ ton, furnish the. opposition for !!X Joseph C. Coriuack6 Co. 1569 Sherman Avenue University 3353 EVANSTON mLimaJm. ÂVLVbJIanI o Vi iiette, da brother,' Frank of Wimette, and *three sisters living in Bohemia. . The funeral services were lield Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock *at the Bohiemian National, cemeteéry in Chicago. The services -were under the auspices of Wilmette .Todge'No.' 93,A. F. and.K M.