Sunday, october il -mornlng worsbli Rt il 'clork. The sermon subject '-ill be:*-What Faith le and Does." Sunday qehool at 9:30 a. m., f1asse-s for all ages. -Mrs. Fred R. Quayle will take up. her duties as leader of the Women's class next Sunday mornlng. You are cordially Invlted. to become a mnemberof this laes. J'uni or churcb at 11 a. m. for cblidren Up to and including eleven years of age, under the leadership of ?fiss Dorotby WTehner. The board of trustées will meet Mon - day evening at the church office. The Wnîan"s society will meet Tue- day, Octobher 13, beginning with sewlng. ri 10 a. ni. Spokes. 2 and Il will havk charge of the qe%,Mng. Luncheon serve(] 1w Spoke 129 o'clock, M'rs. Nelson V. Joyce, luncheon éhairman. Mission-, ary programi at 1 p. in. Mrs. Mr. G, C'olin wili 'have charge of the devotion- al period.. Our, speaker for the. after- noon will he Dr. Williamn Ralph Hall of Philadeiphia, general director of the Young People',, work of the Bl3oard of Christian, Education. Our new pastoi- and hle wife wvll al-,. attend this jnterestn eting and alt ?yflier- nofthe e<mregatlon and theifý frlends ar in\vitedl. Reservations for- t1e luncheoni should reach your Spoke chair- man flot later- than -Monday. If not a inemhër of a Spo)(ke cali r.Jyc.Wi 4644. poke-21i1lhave a sale of hom.o made c.akeýr and other ýgood thlngs ta. eat-durng hé ayfor, the henefit of Ili building fund. Prehy'"ranColiege of CrsinEl cation. nuixiliarymemérhip .rece ived during Otoberlîy Ms. M R.Barker *or Mrs. Ulmer L. Stone. Muicl rîograîn for Sn;y ua Prelude-"Airahesciuéý" (E~ Major). Soly-'Tetch 'Me to) Pray'" .Jewé"tt Off ertrv-'.Attumn" Selinrck - *Postiudf, "Juhilate Anmen" .1.1Kinde1 * Erma , Rounds, pianis.t Edward Otis,soot The Young.eols Christian Endiýa- ver wil meet at the home cof Miss P!in- nie Dro-ndaleý, 85 Higi' street, Wiinnetka, at '5 :10 ococ.Sndy nfternoon, October il. AUl boys and grsof higli school age -a re 1n vi ted to altenti. SeYvicés of instal.Lati":i , r eoui new pas:tor ýwill t.ikélplace at ti' Vma' luib Thu.rsday èveiing, Ocodir 1-5, at 8 o'clock. Programi elstéwhér.'ii ii iss;ue of \VIINITTF . Lira. Junior departnient (ages 9, 10 and 11) -9:30 te 10:40. Intermediate department (a,-gés 12 andI 13)-9:30 to 10:40. liigh scbool department-12 :15 te 1 :00 (classes)-5 :30 to 7 (social hotar). Information concerin g the progra ni of réliglous education may be ohtained ,during regular offle e urs by .callg. Wilmette 1204. We welcome néw. fami- theAU ekiKVLII2L Madura, mdi ,speaker of tbi also give a bý the work of. t be served by 6:45 o'clock. through the, mette 1204. review' of aner will circle, at be inadt- one, Wil- The first -meeting: of thé Boar(l of fleligious' Education was heldiat on day évenling. Théefecetiveness of the religlous edùcation program was con- sldéred and. plans for the yé, ar discuflsed. The Junior- choirI of the cb-urch offers opportunIty for good ýtraining- in, chorus singIng, to boys ancl girls betwvecn the ages of. 9 and, 14. The regular. practicé houîr éacb wéek' cornes on Thîîrsday afterniooris at 4 o'clock. * Those interested in joini ng our irl Scout troop may leave word at the church office or cal MisPaintèr, Xii- mette 2570. The ('uhs will nîeet Saturd'ziy nîoiniî.g at 9 :30 on the church playground. er Cuh of Pack 63:,is asked. to. hé Yrsen. ln fis uniforni. 'jhé high s"hool folks had -t very eIa- joya;bie. social houir last Sunday évenilia ait thée hurch. A lunch ývas sérved' at 5 :30, after which games furnished amuemntfor éveryone. The Young peopfle iked especially. the' account, of J:imes, Whitcomib Riley's lufe and the la- tterpr)ietation of one, of bis Writings by. H-oyýt King of o-ur churchi. We anticipate, Pin t-qualy interèsting time next Suinday Raptist Church Wilmiette, and For-est avenues. George D. Allison, mintater "A Churcb that Calres" On Sunday mnorning. Octobér il, the inorning wors,.hlp of thé church willI be biflît on the thear., "OurWoaigP- 1ltéfi," Dr. Allison uslag that suhject for1 the sermoi A Il departméntq of thé. church schIool iiefet at 9 :30, miakiag it possible for the entire 'famnllv to attend togétlier. The urs er, Bginers' ,Ind P3rimarîy de- îmýirtnîienits méiet in, children's hail. After thé. opening pi-,alse. of the, churých serv- iethèse ch!idren are dismnissed for' a smn-time kIndérgarten in charge of MisNéttee Kaufmaa. *At 6 o'cIock the )-oung Peopfle's gi'oup mneets at thé, church for a prograni in cýharge of thé Fellowship comiffssion. Octoher 9, at 7 :30 at théeihomie of Lée Blayloclr tn complèete plans for the pro- gramn on Sunday, jhse of UL ur Reil gi«timare especla this meeting. rurg;ed te a RETITQIOT~S E.DTTCATION TEXTS Our Churcb echool curric.ula includesý the followlJng text book material f.9r the ins-truction .period each. Sunday ,morn- 'Ing, . : Nursery,,group-ýObject Lessons for the Cradle Rol-Danielson. Beginners, age 5-The Little 'Child and the Heavenly Father-(Keystone Graded Series). ,Primary: (Newly edlted Keystone .Graded serlèIs) : Grade Discoveries in'Go)d's World. Grade il--Living Together In God'xs World. Grade Il-Friends in God's World.' JunIors: (.Zewly edited Keystone Graded S erles): GradeIV-How Our BibleCame tae1Us. Jesu-. the Kindand Courageous. Grade V-Living. Togéther., Story of the Heb'rew P-nôple. IGrade VI-Working Together. Our Church. * Intext£diat",. (Abingdon Religious Educatiori séries): SGrade *VIT-*Jesus Aniong His Neigh-, hors. .Hawthorne. Grade VITr*-èbrew Lif(ý and Times,,. Hunting Teachérs 'Manual by Haw- thorne. Seniors-Grades IX and UpJ. *The Life and Times of Jésus;..Grant * lives Worth Living (Univérsityr of Chicago Press). *The Everyday Chlrstian. * Out Into Life. Horton. *Thé books mârked ) are bouind text books. It te recommended that the p1upil buy bis own copy. If the, book is fit purchased thé pupil, will hée eXpected to returnl it at the end of'the year, in g0od c-ondition for future use in the shool. Methodist Church The Rock River conférence, which met last year at thé Wilniette church, be- gan Its sessions this year at the Chi- cago temple on Wednesday morning. There will be sessions each morning up te and Including next Monday. At' 12 o'cock of each day Bishop Hughes. speaks. Ahl thé sessions are open, to the publie and laymen as weli as ministers are welcome. The ànnual reports fo'r thé yéar which has just closed* show that ovèr $80.000, bas passýed throu gh: the vrious trea:, suries of the W lmetté church. The (an- vasq for néxt ya' budget, which be- gan last .Sunday mnorning, givès promise1 that the samne achievémnent will hé ac-' comiplished this year. Somne increases in suba.bcription.,s have been reported and i Il un-ý The October meeting of thé Chicago Woman's Mission union wili be hél&i October 13, la thé Oak Park churcb, 820 Ontario street. More definite noticé, ,à'ill hé. given through the church caen- dar nex.t Suriday. WFDXESDAY DISCUSSION GROUP OnWednesday,: Octobe'r 14, at 8 o'clock, Dr. Alilison iih 11lead 'a discus- Thé Woman's, Home Missionary, .q- -Ciet'Y wlll inéet Tbursday, Octohér 15, at thé churcb. Devotionis: Mrs. Henrietta Panusbka. Topic: "Our Future Citi- zens"; programi leaders:. Mrs. Frank Briggs; speaker: Mrs. R. N. Wessling*: hostésses::Mrs. Nylund's group. Thé Wonman's Fo'reign Missonary 80- St. A ugustine's Ný'ext Sunday, October 11, wiII hé thé ninétéenth SIunday after Trlnity. There will be Holy Communion at 8 a. m. Church schools and Bible classes mreét at 9:45, and .morning prayer with e'!'- mon will be at il a. mn. On Friday, Octobér,9, thére will be a n. ahl-day meeting of the Wornen'à as- sociatédý guilds, beginning at il in the club bouse adjoining. the churchi on -n *Men of the coinmunlty, who. are 'not, affihated with arly other echool are in- vited to attend the Men's class. A higb- ly interéstlng 8tudy le belng conducted by Dr. Nagler of the university. TheY are Sherwood Eddy's, famous book enttld "The Makers of Freedom." The, Third division. wilI have a sew- lng meeting at the homàe of Mrs. Paul Rensch, 163U Highland avenue, Wednes- day afte rnoon, October 14, at 1 :30. The Wilrnette and Winnetka W.C.- T. Ü.. will meet with Mrs. William F.ý Ptisk, 222 Catalpa place,, next Monday ,at 2 o'clock. There will be reports of the convention held at Waukegan. The pastor has a very personal and i1ntimate word which he plans*to say at the celose of the service next Sunday mnornIng. He wishes that this Word miight be beard by every member of the congregation-young as well as old. Sté John's. Luth.eran Wilmette and Park. avenues; WVýilniiittî Hierman, W. M.Neyér*, pastor 406 Priie avenue, Telephone 12,96 Church telephone 3111 SERVICES Ninetoenth Sunday after Trinity 9a.m.onsina service for coin- mlunicants 9 :15 a. m.-First service and HoLy Com- munion 9':30 a. -i.-Sunday sehool and Bible li a. m.-Se.cond service' and sermon Satu'rdav a t 9- a. m.-CIasses. for Vhil- dren Mond y t 7 45 .m.-Choir rehearsal Tuesday a 7:45 p. ni. - Meeting of *Voteras Wednesday at 4 p. m.* -Classes for -hul- dren ' The Lord's Supper will be celebrated next Sunday morffingin the 9:15 o'clock service, the confessional service for. commnunicants beginning at 9 o*clock. All those who wish to. rèedve the aca ziient are requested to make this kno-wn to the pastor on Saturday atth par- Thé classes for the Christin educa- tien, of children are now agair inl ses.- sion. There wM ll hé a beginners an.d an adanced cèlass, the, firat for, chiidren frorn the, age of six to 11, the second for chiIdren of 12 an.d ovez'. For thé, present the Iower class is h feing taught byý -Miss Marie 1,eýyer. The advanced c-Lass of which many a're in their last yeëar of preparation for ronftrrnation~ is