Your pterson'aI radio at yo;r coÜmmand. Beautiful ýýMod- ernistic" lacquer finish. Ait lectrie and weighs oniy S":~ II.-no antenna. A new standard inr-,Idio. "One to the roorn ra ther th an oPe to the borne. " For the bedroorn. kitchen." dining room. maid's room..the recre-ation room o r the office. -'N phone: cail will bring onet you irnmedi-ately wvith i.% Obligatlons. Guar-anteed. Telephonqe Wilhuette 1985 No-w North Shore DListributor AFTER, SCHOÔL .. G I% v' our duildrern ,ti hde% ~tudrinik of 9IEL.C'D'S Pt-RE MI LA. It ali tsthe qthu ~appetite . .- retir eshe mental enérgy rhat a dav ini the cIasýri4om hitried and rellt'ýe fatigue. PU re MiIký is esentia1 to eve ry ch ild's health! thev are a: Pa--94I th ne C*--att--svz , anl r it ath mz' - -K ree:- t lu ' '~Mar-,- a~e E Y )-L.i m nt :man 71 ± e*-=l'. GIR -~~CiSCOUT DEEGz:a ait -- - -12,- - - if/I/i I CR!&M LIME * f)rder t2 Il kSmart Peop.le" Mer,? ecu wiilsae e m n id ,as. dhey ).se, "4a+.t4 ig a (5¼ Cntral Avenue NeusIKunaüe ptces Virginia A. Cordeli Director <>/ Music llIino;s Piano Colleqe Sronch S4udo-923 $reqnlelaf Av@.'.482 lur he cai char.;ta51> otk:t car- :s tepped teirwaytu De metz- l D~-~.aA : est m-anri-In 9-es p a: rrnand f errn n * s- 1 .-; ý r nen an 3. aý '-ý ýn W'~r - --e z -Z - - r " ýr*n4 - - -: -~ a.: n: az-~-:ztne - :lv-o tr4a:i - ' -e Hike oýhipi-, R' d ,V2 vc l u V a. r If- -owo