stantly intreasing patronage and ev'er gaining a greater gross yearly profit. * there nust be numerous sound rea- sons responsible for its reinarkable progress. Such. a business is that of, A. S.ý * Van - Deusei's' grocerv located at Central Avenue, andl Twelfth street. M"hich is niow nîaking extensive prep- arations for it's Fortieth Aniversary sale to be hield frorn Octo)ber 16 ýto Octohér 22, inclusive. On these days. IVani Deusen's groc ery is going to ex- press its appreciation, to a loyal and *devoted patronage that lias suPported the conceriu in niianv3 cases over the entire forty-year spa n. 'Stress Quality Sclling *Outstanding among the reasons contributing t6 the store's su.cceéss are the integrity of the founider. the store atmiospbiere of congeniality.. and the ster, policy of quality selling .tht, lias l)een rigi(llv inaintained tbroughl- out the years., Revi»eingii the growth of, the or-. ganization onc. turns l)ack the years, figulrativel, to a ni eiorabhle day hack in 1891, just' before the Chicago \\Worlcl's fair. Th'le scene is laid ini Lvanstonii i an oldl-fasliotued fouir barre!" grocery store tvl)ical of- the gay iete. It ivas arnong such surrounidiings that A. S..Van Deuseni, Sr.. first laid the- plants'for bis store * and ini bis wildest dreamis coiiceive(l the" splenidid buùsiniess tbat prou(lly bears bi s naline todav. Just lketbe Plgriixn fathers at Plvinouth, the earlv days were. iii-. deed tryling ones. Often it mvas, onlv the uinconquerable resolve of youthi that kept the enibers of enterprise glowving. 1lowever, once a foothold * hail heen gainied '.nid the so-called "starving tine" successful asd the evidencesof a well-grouinded SUC-' ces1scsoon beg shiape tbemselve!.- sceninglv' out of tbin air. Describes Early Days Ili remnnscing over bis early -,-en- ture. A.- S. VanuIJeusen. Sr., tbe founder, has related! sorne of the crude conditions at that tinie prevalent in tbe grocery. business; ,wbiicb ias. i its. infancy1 and 'a far cry fromi its * present higbly systematized organiza- tion. reite<i [roni £% twvesterzi University. In 1904. a splendid opportunity pre- sented itself for the acquisition of an idealiy suited location in Wilmette. 'h purchase of the Wilmette building eonunimated In the same year, 1904, and, except for the enlargingin 1915 to Include a neat mnarket, is, the saine today, excep.t, of 'Course, 'for variou-s modern influences that have been adopt- e<1 froni tiMe to time. The Evanston store was operated jointiy until 1920, when it was discontlnued to ailow full- est concentration In Wilmette, as wel as to escape the stigma of chain store and Its "price as againqt quallty"ý con- notations. No other gi-ocer In Winette, has sur- vived. or even approached this amaz-. ngfor*ty year* record. It is interesting to note that the Van Deusen grocery bas always featured. anngits quality goods, a compiete Une of over 500 epficurean. foods. Although A. S.' Van r)eusen, Sr.". retired- in 192'9 becaýuse of iii health, he is stili an 'active owner, of the establishment. The others'active- ly engaged are A. S. Van Deusen, Jr,., and F. A. Buck, manager. The Van Deusen store was ý.remodeled in 1928, and the: street idelied by twveive feet to aliow greater freedonm for au toniohile shoppers. Large Personnel 'Ple store personnel today has four, deiivery nien, ten clerks>and three -boek- Ieepers. In order to cater to the ex- tensiv-e telephone business, which is a teature of the Van Deusen store, there are ten telephons. In, addition to the 4th* Anniversary sale da-.tes-Oetober 16 to October 2- there wil be a specialaniesary demonstrattion. to be held daily froni Ocet6lber 17 to October 24, inclusive. N.. S. *Grid League to Open Season Next Week Football 'teamns of the Joseph Sears school in Kenilworth will hold their. final practices this week in prepara- tion for the opening of the Nn-rtb Shore G ramm na r Scbool. league schedule next week. Meanwhile, the intrarnural sports p)rogram of the school is ini full swing. Ail b o v s -froni tbe second to the igbth grades 'are playing. football, RobertXV. TOwnlevr, athletic director at tbe.: school, stated this week. Trhe boys are keeping an accuratc check of ai iitranural gamres plaved between the teamis r epresenting thec .Vildcats and ýTigers. (For ptiriosez of comrietition pupils in the sclhool are divided iuto these two grotp)s---- Wilda-ts andThiyrs A f t e r the AU Telophoas. and C. 0. D.'Orders Car.fully audýQuickly Deiv.v.d Charge Acaobute Solicit.d frotnt RçleUbI eopi. WE HBAVE RUILT OUR, BUSINERSS ON QUALITY Years ago, wi.e Iearn-' thit OU AJITY %vns the. certain roal to sueess. Tilat we bave aebleied the goal-one May readilyr détermine by the eleir Inerensing imumber of satlsflc4 customers. QUALITT S1Ti« rY TO S TSFACTIONi Freshly dressed, direct front ou r country Pouiltry Farnt. Lb. .... .............le2 12 POIRK LOINS lFresh and tendeir, whàle-or haif. lb . ........ ...... ........ ... 9e~ I&M. F LAMB Genuine sp: in- Leg of Lamnb. 2 / POT ROAST Tender culs of bcef j-ot roast. lb.............................. ...... 0 PORK LOINS Bancies, rolled. No wate-no bones. 27 lb. ..............................................*J Tender cut*. from select native bcdf, juicy, and flavory. lb. .. .. . .. . . .. .. ..- 9 LAMB ROAST Shoulder cuts of Lamb-stricily fresh. ........... 41/20ý RISBROAST BEEF Standing Rib Roast, th & 7th nib. Select and tender. lb . ................... .......... ... . and the uemand sumhcïent to replen- ish hic. stock on many other occasions. 1Even roastéd coffee was somewhat of a novelfy. The practice had always been for housewives to purchase their coffee in the raw beau and ta do the ir own. roasting in tbf e homne. A Yery coarse :grade of .straw: paper A son, Edmnund Peter, Jr., was born ta Mr. and Mrs. Ednuund P. Schnei- der, Lake avenue, on September 22, at St, Francis hospital. Mr. Schnei- der is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Mathe%îv Schneider, 2100 Schiller ave- nue.