Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Oct 1931, p. 10

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"The. successful te4ching of religioli. which is a program ftor living, is based on the sanie laws that apply to tliet fortns of teachitix; hence teachers 111 churcli schools* need and should 1,ý provided with ail the help) which scien- tific supervision 'and a deflnitely re- ligious' spirit cati giVe themi." reads,'a statement. .To Mrs. Fraîîces C. Met-t-eh, direic- tor of religious, educatiioni of the chutrch, Dr. C. -Russelli Small, superintendent of the senior departmnent, .Nrs. , Gilbert, W., Kelly, superintend ent of the, junior departnent, and Miýs .V\irginia, little, secretary,ý the teachers of this growing work will look for a statement of airns and a choice and adaptation of,'mate'rial to fit the minds,. intcrests, and needs of the pupits in these departments, it is pointed out. The test cf accomnplis hment, these I 'At A&P, I Markets I FRESH DRESSED 3'/ >t6 4-LB. Average BLUE RIBBON, 1931 GENUINE SPRING LAMB' Harry J. Wtilliamis. president of the board of trustees of the church; the Sunday school conmittee. consisting of Mrs. Gilbert \V. Kelly. Mrs. Hart-y P. Harrison, and John L. \Wilds; and the minister of the chut-ch, Dr.. Her- bert L. WVillett. Suggest 'Books' to Recad Preceding:Study Course The Wilmette Public1 library is> co- opertingwiththe lierature depart- nient of the M-umani', club of , Wilmette. in suggesting the follwing .oo'ks to hC read.ý in preparation for, the literature sttud% course which \xvill _he given hy Mr. dith Coulse)i f3razeltoni,-begin- ning Monday, October '26.Th tak will, commence at 10, 'lock ini the morning and wÎ1ii' liefield eaclî alternfate Mondav >moriug if t- Ï4 ut-meetings., The booksiticiiti.t)ied are -Thlé Dogs" by Ivani Nashivin; -Three Pairs, of Silk Stokking< hyl Panteleimon, Ro- rnanôff; "The Volga Falls to -the Cas- pian Sea" by Boris Pilnyak; -Hurri-, cane*' bv Nàlhun Sabsav, and "The Goilor Family'- 1). M. E. Shedrin. These volumes, as well as rniny th- ers on Russia, mnay bu 144Ufld at the library. MIrs. Reginiald Liunhill haq. 11ad(l 1 sisier, Ms McCune, of Columibu,, Ohio, as her guest for afew davs a! the -Kenilworth 'Itnn. Miss ICn hias been attending the Episcopal, convention in Denver. Telepli WILME'] WILMETTE'21 HERBON GARAG We have -found it, necé number of our cabs toc $a&ne efficient service for Rates by Meter, 24-H( SERVI L.23c \Ve lhave been reading a lottis i be the hest w,ýav in the worId to con- summner about building ()t-r owu>: vince the voters that wc should build. %vater wvorks, principallv because it is our. own plant. Howver, don't proi-> thioughit that Easo' price of î ise us chieaper water after vwe lhave, cents per huniidred cubiciefe~t is very i luilt our owni water wvorks, but give muchi ton hîgh. b1ut xývc d, fot hiear it to us now! If we dCQ not get a word, about the pric.e, of 23-cents cheéaper water, wxhoô is.going-to bene- per hundred culiic feet that we.> theý fitr Surely not., the peopfle., 50 wh~ eoieof Wilmeitte. are paviug fori should we' vote for it B.-i.2Corbin. Mir .vatér. Po>si.blv 7. cents is t o i mcli to ,pa,. iElditor, \VImETT F i,n: Vvan-ýton ,tor ont- xx ater. 1I'do. 11 't It.has heen: suggeste<l . ro:ugh ftic 1n4 ), ut if the figurés, relative t.0 colinnfs of vou t- paper that'. te Ct i cost of ope rating our <wîî wate1r streets of Xilxette be' re-paved or vorkZ >vsteni' wielî hav-e bectî ptul>- re-st-faced at this, tinie to providt li :led arc -correct, fitui the Iricu 4) enipîqyme-nt for the unemployedl- 23 ceuîts t,> iis itbiiig >lio rt . f persuuîiablv -tbose ini Wilmette.' exorbitaiit. In ail tliat -1 have rtnd ;t(l sugci that your re ader, ntier liaxe I .' ee:î one. \% r(l ait gîve expressidn t .o their reaçtion t>) clilapur xx ater À fý it- u s I aj m this suggestion, L wonld' like to a-k th.at, it i, t ii 1îtentiun th e) uîtlnlc the followling questions ehari7g11i lie xusîx icc 1)f 21-1 Ho-w ýnianv -of the unemployed ..il) ceft~pu Iuîdr<icunefeet. \ilnetear dualîied to (Io sticb lu: iiu n î th Jvat-work ?, Verv few ; and a contracto- î , e> 1 otîmr )\%-iixater x 'r I vi1 ii bie bis meni where he chonses. a, ulî1e fr4 un tînlle t) 4 tinue thi> V do lot wvaiit an 1y more '"botcliv- sume- Ibliv w iind >ild. or patchied .jobs ;w e lhaveliad1 pro \i(ld; hjmý-e tffat we aru giVern enouigh nf such. It is not. satisfactorv positive1-11ra"ce th11;'w e xvui\\l'hun- to it-e. laborers and do the wr fit y bvin chaperxvaer.I eu uder the, supjervision of one, whn i see iio justification for the Villajge t(4 not a spéeialist in that line. c la rgeu nis 23 cents for \vhat the%, pavijHw a- u nmlvdwlt onl 7 ent. Te3-mus' hve 0Ii~nia% own their little, home going to> proýfi tof coDurse, to ta-k-ecare of ithe -a'> Io ietbe.l eC. bt t forîd their paving? How iste man ýor woman, who mnay be. eni- lt-nith tguestha bveben >tî>Ploved, but who. las sufrcýred a ctic lishýed. tliat half of 23-,cen.t> xvould bu nsl(r rinoe adi trgl imore ithalry r nsuffindcient.gliii Wll cai' wtlliUC!uajt;r aurnow to meet increased taxes, botlu Wb a.n xx h'. clcaiet Wae1 general and special, going to -neet this increased biirden at this 11rne?- Cones W 1hoù ilI buy the special asses-- S21 nient bonds? ThIey are flot a pop- rrE W lar fot-m. of investmient just now; 22 too inany hiave been delaved. in mieet- ing the iîîterest wvhen due, or in bei.,ng * retired- at mtaturitv. CAB SERVICE 1. I be lieve these are ail pertineni.t GE 3-2hST. questions and. muüst be faced as, weIIl ~E, 32-2thas the problemý of pr-oviding ýwot-k ëssary to Încrease the, for the unenîployed.. contin ue ta render the of Von chooýe to print aîî portion rwhich we a re known. -o this lettér I would prefer that IIIY narne not be used, but you mnay sig'n , Hor orTnp-A Wonîan Tax Paver- OUR Iistali New Huerter [CELegion PôSt Officers Officers of the P. J. Huerter Vos.t III lIilitifiIl Il I Pli Il il Will 111 Uli Ili 1 lII - The Bible andN Christian Science Reading Room. Baker Eddy and ail other authorized be read, bortowed or purcbased at the THE PLIbLIC IS CORDIALLY INvi4rED TO'VAfi-END 111E CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING RQOM III mi neoth Long; Ms. Edward Hoffmian. Nfr-. Fat-i Orner. Mrs. Ira Iversont. MNrs. B. A, Lanigdon. Ms.Orville D. joues, and Mrs. J. R. Gathercoal. Harper E. Osborn. 715 1,inden ave- nute, lias gone to California'on a busi- ness. tn p. He will visit los Angeles. and San !Francisco. ITHE GREAT Ai tEA CC n Division 1 I 1 jiiiiiiii

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