cept 10 t H-. Myrlafle is cnairman, wiIlbin~ ,charge of the shop, but. ail members of the unit are donating their seivi-, ces and willI be at. the ,shop to take orders for' the. articles on display. De- liveries will be made at the shop in approximat.elyý two Weeks' *time, it is stated. The articles to be sold are made. by the disabled véterans of. the occupa- tional shop at Great Lakes.. Unles one has visited the Great Lakes shop, it is said, or seen the articles on dis- play at the annual BetterHomnesex- hibition, one had po idea of. their variety and' beauty.. Colorful rugs, which already have a wide sale in the village, wicker.trays, baskets a nd smoking stands, -articles iný wood, etchings, and leather bags and bill folds are-among the articles to beý This shop, it is pointed out wihl give ,Wilmette shoppers an opportunity to choose attractive gifts for Christmas or. other occasions, or to brighten up a corner in their own homes at réa- soIlalle cost; meanwhile choosing one of the finest ways of making the dis- abled yeteran at least part ially 'self- supporting. The shop will function with abs?- Iutely no profit to the Auxiliary unit, it is explained. This unique feature of t he shop service is mnade possible by the menibers giving their services1 and by the most generous doniatio-n of the space by 'J. Melville Brown, owner of the building,, a concession that was secured throuigb Mrs. T. L. *D.' Hall, a member of -the committee. Incidental expense incurred in con- ducting the shop will be met ironi the rehabilitation budget of the unit treasury, it is pointed out. Open. Swim Classes on NewTre Pool, Swimming and children will be1 mornings starting Trier High school diving classes for held on Saturday this week at New J, according tô an During October we will make a complete check up of anly make radio for only- 50e. TEMIALHARDWARE Where yon>lt Like t. grade Wilmette 2843 411 Lindent Ave. Wilmette, Mi. A NEW TIE OXFORD A uew tie oxford of the latest style having the tread stratghIt ea- tu*'e that assures comtort and service. $6.00 CHIRISTIAN ,SCIENCE EutitIed 46CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE REVELATION OF MAN'S .INFINITE CAPACITIES." by. DR. JOHN M.; Tur C. S. B. of, Kansa cty, Missouri Member of the Board of Lecturéship of, the Mother Churchp, The Fitst C-hurch of Christ, Scientiat, in Boston, Msssachustte In Haven Scho0l Aud. Prairie Ave. and Lineoln Sti MONDAY, EVENING9,OCTOBER 5, 1931 At 8.-O'Clock, 'I. _____________________________________________________________________________ MI. TENOS ORS > , OJNDZRU MNrp, LET EXPERT SERVICE3 EN»D10 UICFOOT PAINS Instant, reliefa nd comfort from foot troubles of evecry neture will lbedemonstrated eto*urStore: OCTOISER at 12 :30 oclock There will be an address of welcome by President Mrs. J. F. Pethybridge, and a short talk -by Mrs. William Lowitz, whose subject will be "Our Chikiren." Fol-I lowing the talks the club will be en- tertained by a Colonial Musical play. blaek beed, Lfle. $6.00 DEPARTMENT STORE 1123-25-27 Central Ave. Pj FffflUUe FOR THE FA MIL Y Phone Wimette 1914 OPEN TUESDAY'*AND: THURSD-AY EVEININIG UNTIL 9:00. P. M.