Beautiful new f rocks iin tIîe>fi attring mouldslhu ette. ýAil thee new style fe atu res of the season. silks and velvets to. suit each indJividual'es need . and at prices to, fit al 095ý po cketbooks. *95$1. GOSSARD or, NATURE'S RIVAL for Foundation Gar- monts. Figures must iook cor- rect in the new 4_4 ons It, wili, be a pleasure to show these beautiful undérgar-, ments, $3*50 t $15 Unusual Values for the Week, Child ren's Union- Suits of cofton, cream stripe, short sleeve and trunk Ieg with drop se at, each ...... Womnen's Union Suits, cream tint Cotton rayon stripe, sleeveless, knee Ieëngth .. Women's Bloomers of Non-Run Rayon,, and, kne,... SiIk Hose, weight, full fashion, lisie top, $1 .50 Wayne Knit, pair. 'un Rayon,, tint rayon .59c .69C 59C' .50C Q UAtLi TY -NOT: PRI1CE, makes Kayser Cloves seem 80 expensive That's why hands reach out for Kayser Leaetherettes, and they wash £ sil eling for, pair..... ..$100oo 1148 WILMETTE AVENUE Phonos, Wilm.tfe 588-589 Wools,