Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1931, p. 34

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Monthly Exhibits WiII Manifest Différent Phases of Art; Hol- ling Water Colors Hag First Art in its different phases is to be empbasized this year at -the Womn- -an's. clt.j) of Wilmette by montbly' ex*hibits -wbicb will be open to the public the Sunday afternoon follow- ikg the b anging of the exhibition. The first display' of tbis sesason, .a group of water color .studies by Hol- ling C. Hlolling, will be on view for members of the club at. the opening meeting, Wednesday, October 7, and will on. exhibit, for the public, Sun- day, October Il; from 3 until 6. Mrs. Ralph Huf, chairman! of the art departnîent lias appointed the member .s of: lier cornmittee, Mes- dames Louis Brennier, NValter,,Clar, Cordon Hantiah, Walter, Homnier,, Harry Hooker, OttoKoegél, Chester Lawrence, Carey Orr, ai, mnibers of exhibition comnittee groups tak- Mrs. Chester Lawrence, assisted by. Ms. Gordon H-annaàh, is iii charge of the October exhibit. The group. of wvater color stuidies by Holling C. Holling to bc exhibited at the openinug meeting on Wednesý day, rellects bis 'study of thîe art and peoples of the far corners of the world. Since early childhood Mr. Holiling has been vitally iuterested ini an- thropotogy. The pursuit of tlîis stuid y bas led him on two scientific ex- peditions for Field's inuseuni anîd a year's cruise arouud- the world as' in- formant on comparative native dle- sign during which tirjie lie rmade hundreds of quick sketches in niany countries. In the United States lie has travel. ed froru Canada to Mexico,, along the Rockies,' living withihe Indians and studyiuýg their lfe and -customs. Many nionths 'were asospent in that mecca for Amiericain artists,' Taos, New Mexico. It is only natural, with such a background, that hie should express himself in so, many moods and treat- Turning back the yéars to 1871, th e fine arts departnient of the Woman's Catbolic club of Wilmette will relive the atmosphere of early Chicago in its first meeting of the year on Octo- ber 9, at Z o'clock, at the Wilmette Wonian's club building. Members' in costume Will depict the miïdwestern culture, of that périod through songs and readings. The fine. arts department is com- posed of the following.: Mrs. Russell G. F1 o o d, general chairman; Mrs. Henry Schmidt, art chairman; Mrs. Robert. Fontham, music chairman; Mrs. Harry Sherwin, literature chair- man; Mrs., Ha rry Bettinghatas, Mrs. Marshall Kearney, Mrs. Banford L.angili, Mrs. Thomas Mintz, Mrs. F. J. Rothing. A class in directed reading was or- ganized this week in which nienbers will actively 'participate ini analyzing and reviecwing modern books., This group will be under the-guidance of Mrs. 1-arry Sher\vin. The mecetings -will be held on thje first and third Tuesdays of each mnonth at 9:30 o'ciock at the homne of Mrs. Russel G. Flood, 210 Broad(waý avenue, Xil- Mrs.Fontlîamncalled the first, meet- ing of thie choruis at hier home. on ýWednesday of tlîis week. A class in parlianîentary law and public speaking is to be 'coîîducted byv M.\rs. Maurice 1-. Lieber of Xin- netka conîmencing Or-tober 7, and contin'uing every Weduiesdày imoru- iug for' ten weeks, at the home of M.rs. John Boylston, 1307 Çhestnut avenue. Thehour is 9:30 o'dlock, and anyone iu the village who is inter- ested, is %velcome to attend. American Quartet on Woman's Club Pro gram A musicale by the American quartet, %vlose mianager is B. Fred Wise, is to be given as .the opening prograru of the .Womau.'s club of Wilmfette next Wednesday afternoon, following a me- eeption for the new oficers. Mrs. Arthur J. Dixon is thé new îwesident;. Mrs. Ernest H. Freeman, De gAven Dy L,.uJD ise IIUV Lenr -irign, (Mrs. Quincy Wright) at the First Congregational church of Wilinette on alternate Monclay morni 'ngs at 10:30 o'clock, beginning October 5., mnay be ôbtained from Mrs. Sbelby Singleton, chairmian of the commtittee ,on international, cooperation1 of the Wilmette League of Womnen Voters,- or from ber. co-cbairman, Mrs. Ralph Potter. The lectures are open to the public, a very nominaýl fee being. charged. A ýticket, for, any ýone lec- ture mhay be seçured if.one is unable to, attend the whble course, thé league annouinces. Old residents«of Wilmnette who were. acquainted with Mrs.. Wright's, par - ents, the Rev. Herbert G. Leonard. and Mrs. Leonard, wheh thev.ý lived in . Wilmette and contributed their part to the, developiiient of -the vil- lage, will be. interested. in mneeting Mrs. Wright. *Mrs. Wright accornpanied her bus- baud, who is 'in the departrnerit of politicai scienc.e at the Uîîiversity of. Chicago. on h is trips ,to the League of Nations in Geneva on his investiga- tion of the mandate systeni ni Pales- tine, Syria, and Iraq, and attended two sessions of the Institute of, Pacific Relations, one iin Honolulu, one in Japan. She vas also in Chinia, studlying the political situation there. She lias a first band knowledge ot ,the countries of which she. speaks. -Young Mothers to Have Dininer and TePro gram Monda y Th annual dinner of the Young Mother's club will be held at the 'Shawnee Country club Monday eve ,-, ning, October .5, at 6:30 o'clock. A short business meeting Will foIlow imniediately, at which tume the* an.- nual reports will be given and, the, officers for the corning year .will be. installed. The 1930-31 year of the ýclub willi be finishied with a -beautifully ar- -ranged programn given by Miss Cbar- lotte Dakin, reader, and Miss Marie Ludwig, harpist. Both Miss Dakin Schedule for Entire Season An- nounced; American Quartet Opens Year October 20 "Wbhat do the Neighbors of-Keuik- hot? ave ýto offer for the comniiig. sea son?" so Wonder the members of this very interestinig organization. The question bas just been answered, for annouincemnent is made, of the pro gram for the, club- for 1931-32. Eveni the most, casual obs erver will note that the events scheduled promise a year of varied intérests. First of al,; we find theprra copmmittee,, under ýthe chairmanship of, Mrs. Walter D. Launder, has met the challenge for the modern club woman to, be 'pàlitically and internationally :ninded. Programs pertaiuing to those subjects include the following speak-* ers: Clifton Utley, XV.:A. Mfclntyre, and Mrs. Bertba Baur., Prograrus relating to-yarospae of art and mu.sic will be given-'-Iy such prominent lecturers and mnusi- ciaus as: The Arnerican quartet, Miss Isab)el Clinée, soprano; H-enry Purmont Eames,. Mrs. Florence Ays- cough,' Dr. Horace Bridges and' the Chicago Treble Cleff. quarte. Those'who are prirnarily ,nterested in modern fiction and poetry will wel-. corne these speakers: Miss Fanu'y Butcher, Dean, Shailer Matthews, and Eunice Tietjens. The program ini its entirety is as follows: Oactober 20, opening meeting, musi- caeby the American quartet. November 3, "Aroundý the World in Fifty Minutes," Clifton M. Utley. Novemnber 17, "Author, Author,'" Miss- Fanny Butcher. December 1,. Musicale, Miss- Isabel, Chune. Decemnber 15, "The Codtosof Society," W. . Macintyrée of the Salvation Army. January 12, "Beauty in'Aduit Édu- cation," Henry Purmont Eames. January 26, Men's Night, Old Town Meeting and Dean Shaiter Matthews. - d IL ___- T B. P. W. C. TO OPEN The Business and Professional *'Women's club of Wilmette will open its new season with a meeting on October 9, in the Congrgtoa churcb. The new.officers >will preside. anfd plan.s for the year will' be discussed. day :,aturaay, Uctober .. TIhe East End circle of the Wil- mnette Congregational church will hold a. rummage. sale, Thursday and Friday, October 8 and 9, at 1177 Wil- mette avenue. talk on -W n a t rrogressives A~ r e ci at a joint meeting of tne North- Fighting For" at the North Shore west Men's club and the Northridge Congregatio'i Israel temple, Lincoln Woman's club Tbursday evening, Oc- and Vernon avenues, Glencoe, Tues- tober 8,. at 8 o'clock, at the home of day e.vening, October .13, at 8 o'clock. William Edmonds, 1935 Ashland ave-. Tickets niay be obtained from Mrs. nue. "Village Affairs" is thesubject- Ruwitcb, 340 I&oraine road, Highland upon. which Mr. Dubbs bas chosen Park,. or f rom the Temple: office. ' to 'talk.

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