IlA:30 o'ciock in the morning, andi the theater party wiIl be beld at the Ilii- noi s theater where the much talked of and grcatly enjoycd "Green Pas- turcs" is playing. The .Sunbeam league was ,or-, ganized in, 1912 by a small group of girls .wbose purpose' was tobn sunshine into the lives of sgiclé chiu- dren. .Ibis littie group, now grown to a, membership of. almost two bundred fifty, about a fourth of whicb is composcd of mnembers from the north shore suburbs. Thé. league at1 present supports seren kindergartens, two;.at the Cook County hospital, Ward.36, and Ward 46; one at the Home for Convales- cent Women and Chldren; one at the Horne for Destitute, Crippled Children; one at the Martha Wash- ington Homne;. one at the Westcy Memnorial hospital, and one at the Spalding -school. The league main- tains a paid kindergarten teacher and furnishés supplies for the carrying on * ~Of this work at ècd kindergarten. Never haing participated in tag days, two affairs are sponsorcd . by the, league, each year,. the Charity bail, in the fait, and the card party just after Easter. The money' raiscd Jnn this way is the only income of the league and' the, procccds of these parties mnakc possible the carrying OIT of this splendid work. The conmmittees working for the baIl, -which is toj be held on Novemn- ber 7, at 8 o'ciock, at the, Stevens botel, report that the bail is taking on a gay holffday spirit and wîll trans- fôrin the grand ballroomi into a real carnival. . Mrs. George Kirkgasser of High- land Park, who is chairman of the music and, entertainmcint committee, scnds Word, that Cope Harvey bias., é*been en1gaged, s h success of the music is assurcd. North shore, members Wvho arc ac-; tively intcrcstcdin the breakfast and. bail arc: Mrs..Carl Van Sinden, Mrs. Philip Newman, Mrs. William Trout, Mirs. Edward Lange, Mrs. Raymond- Kiken,- and .Mrs. Marshall Kcarney, of Wilmctte. Mis. E. D. Siatet Feted Durina Visit Mrs. E: J. Ijooper, who bas been visiting ber ,daughter, Mrs. George E.Wallis, 1612 Forest avenue, o several wceks, returned last Friday to ber home in Palmyra, Wis. Mrs. Wallià gave, an,.informai tea.for ber, mother on Septemtiber 18. TH EYýý' ARE ýLAZYI! DON'T wear Ilhookworm": clofhes! Donf wwear clothe9s'ttat look Iazy, ifeless, duli, and $habby. Take pride in your appearancl Finti oui the cause of this "hookworm" appearance and correct the, matter now. Maybe if's due to lack of cleaning., Maybe it's caused by foo much inferior dleaning. In any case, ladies andi gentlemen, you don'f have to wear clothes that lacklc 1fe,,lustre andi beauty.ý Have them MIRACLEANED. ,,Se.e a big change of once! MIRACLEAN'S ack'of ,odor wiII make themn fresh and, wholesomre..MRALANSfreedom from oih will make, them clean through. and -thro'ugh, MIRACLEAN'S purity wiII p.p them* up, give therm acded 1f. and lustre. MIRACLEAN'S alI-around goodness will make vour clothes boelointJdmrm k4af.far *i*ni O VER!,