an's Cathlic club' of Wilmnette is giving. a fashion "prevue" on Tues- day evening, October 6, at the W\om'. an';s club, Tenth street and Green- leaf avenue, at 8 o'clock, for the purz- pose of raising money to carry on its commrunity relief work. M\emnbers o1. the. auxiliary, will. be manneqluins showing the 'modes as.interpreted by a nunibei'. of; prorninent forth shore shops. The models and the shops whicli they Mwill represent are: Mary Catherine Gleason, sports;. Marie' Hanley,' afternoon gown;, R o s. a 1 i e, Adams, Sunday evening frock; Mary Virginia Draper,, eve- ning gown, for N.. A. Hanna, Inc. Kathryn Kinniey, sports; Dorothy Pettinger, afternoon; M a r y Alice Shaughnessy, SYnday evening; Betty Kirwan, evening; Lorraine Moore, specialty junior miss, La jeunesse, Inc. Dorothy Rjorklund, sports; Dolor s Chatard, afternoon; Harriet Me- Dermott, Sunday, evening; Betty Spillane, evening, for Frances Tau.- bert. Patricia .McCarthy, sports;, Eliza- beth Ronan, afternoon; Helen L.y nch, Sunday eveing; Grace. Ludwig, eveî- ning, Lillian Griffin. *Marie Benz, sports;, Rosamunid Barton Kulîman and Estelle Enigel- hardt, afternoon; Ceci lia Benz, Sun-. day evening; Dorothy Brooks, eve- niing, Lord's. Antoinette WVhite, sports;' 1-leleil Koenig, afternoon; Cathryni Leary, Sunday evening; Jane Newtoii, eVe- 'nnEdgar A. Stevens, Inc. Patricia Krafthefer, sports; jeaii MIiller, afternoon; Mary Franices Koenig, Sunday eveninig; Kathryn Hiar%-ey, evening. The Hub). Mary Daegliftg. Craig_ the bride; Loretto Janette Rich, niaid of honilor; joan Rangecroft, bridesinai d, N. A. Hannia, Ine. Flower girl,Laeu nesse, Imc. Bridegroom and best mani, the Hub, %vbich il1 also display sports, business, tuxedo, and full dress clothes. Each miodel in the rei iew- will be. shown- as a living picture d i ntro-. Announce Betrothal Mr. and Mrs. James O. Moore .of London, England announce the en- gagement. of their daughiter, Virginia, to Williamn W. Fox, sou of Mr. and ,Mrs. George S., Fox, 1317 Elmwood avenue. Miss Moore is uo6w visitiug9 her uncle and auut iu La Grange. man of 21 Linden avenue, vvumette, and of the late E. Draper Dayton of *Minneapolis, wili take place Satur- day evening; October 10. The cere- *mony. will be performed at 8:30 oclock in the Congregational church at West Newton by the Rev.,Boyni- ton Merr .ill, and wili be followed by a reception at the Brae Buru club. miss' Larcomn will have as her at- tendants her tivo sisters, Mrs. Homer L. Brown of Newton*,Center, and Mrs. Morgan S. Hurley of West Newton; Miss Dorothy Dayton, the grooms' sister, wvho wiil be maid of honor; Miss Doris and Miss Virginia Koops and, Miss Elizabeth Edwards of \\est Newton, Mass.- Serving Mr. Dayton as best man wili bc his stepfather., Burt J. Den-i man' The ushers will include George Dayton 11, of Minneapolis, Gardiner, Robisonof West Roxbury; Mass., and1 Homer Brown. ,Mr. and Mrs. Denuman iilli gv the bridai dinuer at the, Brae Burn club on October 9 preceding the re- hetsal, The bride and groom-to-be wil reside ini Baltimnore, Md. Musicale tio Bene fit Park Ridge Schooi Amusicale for the benefit of the Park, Ridge. School for Girls, %vith Mrs. Hen ry Haveni Windsor, Jr. of WVi netka as the> soloist, assisted by Miss Hadassah MNcGiffiii, will) e gien at the-hômne of Mr. and Mrs. Willia1m .H. Colvinl 1100 Forest avenue, Ev-, anston, Thursday eveuing, October 1$; at 8 :30. o'clock. Mrs. Windsor was f orneriy Louise Hunter of the Metro- pulitan Op)era company,. and Miss Mc- Giffin is a -miusictian,%wcll kiiown lu i iuorth shore andl Chicago music circles. Tickeçtsl"f.or the benefit may be',ob- tained either at the Winnetka orEv- anston' Community. Kitchen, or f romý northshore memnbers of the-board who' aàrc: M is. Charles Ware of Keniiworth, Keiilworth.president; of Mrs. George 1). Forrest of H-ubbard WVoods, fifth vîce-president; Mrs. William HI. Nicholîs of Wiinietka, corresponding ýsecretary; Bentley McCloud of Kenil- wvor-th treasurer: Mrs. William S, book on Bulbs, uby F. F:. Kockwell. Guild to Resume .The Womarqs guiid of the Church of the Holy Comforter iu Kenilworth wiil resume its activities ou Monday, October'5, at Il o'clock. Luncheon wiil be served as usual. an interest in drama by the periodic preseutation of worthwbile plays for the members and friends of the club. The groun) will also hold monthly study, and discussion meetings. .At the first meeting t he followiuig. were elected officers.: Mrs. Paul Cook of- Evans ton , president; G., V. -Lewyis of. Wilmette, vice-presi dent,; 1Miss. Eleanore Stewart of Ken ilwvorth, sec-. retary; Raymond Kiken, ýof Wiimette, The first play of the s eason is to b.e '"Cock Robin," a farmn mystery to be presented on the Shawnee stage Friday and Saturday evenings, October .23,aud 24. The play was' -%vritten by Philip 'Barry and Elmer Rice. Mvir. Barry is known as the author of "Paris Bound," and "Holi-' day," and Mr. Rice is remnembered, as the 'authorý of the Pulitzer prize play, "Street Scene." The'New, York cast "Cock :Robin" included Muriel Kirkland, the young heroine in "Strictly Dishonorable" and Beitlah Borndi, the' rish woxnan in the legitimate as well as the niovie version of "Street Scene." The plot of the play is built arouud a muderthat takes place at an ama- teur theatr'icalperform.ance. The mystery and -coniedy are clev- erly combined toafford the 'audience, an eveuing o*f deligkhtful, entertain- ment. The play * is under the direction of MNiss Dorothy Proesch and Mis§ Myr- tle Torcom .will act as aýsistant. to the director. . The following dramnatic conimittee will assist Nvith the production: Mrs.. Paul Cook, Mr. aund Mrs. George Sando, Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Lewis, Miss Eleanore Stewvart, Miss Jane Týriggsi . Mýiss Peggy Davis, Raymond, Kiken, Miss Myrtle Torcom, and Dr. and Mrs. W. U. Hawkins. Tea Opens Famous Silver. Exhibit.,at OId"Enqland, Tfhe Brainard Lemon Siil er Col- lection f roui Louisville, Ky., ,vhichf is said to be thé foremnost collection of English antique silver in the world, Uziwcago. Miss Virginia Iixby and Mrs. Frank Ar noid were hostesses at a lunch eon Wednesday at the former's home, 1104 Ashland avénue, in honor .of Miss Virginia Troup lOf Evanstoný who is to October bride. and a very important one in the ie of the north shore are two newcom- ers here, MUr. and Mrs. Matthew P. Gaffney, who this summer arrived from their home in the east.. Their coming signifies that they wilI bc identified with ail that* New Trier High- school represents in Our. vil- lages socially,, culturally, education - ally,, and in community affairs, for Mr. tGaffney is the new superintend- eut of New Trier who aisumed his position with the opening of school this fall. .lIn.order that, the -large fa culty "familv" -and the memnbers of. thé board of education might becoôme bettler acquainted with him socially and 'that they niight mneet. Mrs. Gaffney, the Meu's and Wonm-' eu's faculty clubs gave a deli ghtful tea in their honor last Sunday after- noon. At.Shawnee Country club the affair took place. Receiviug thé guests at the entrance of the attractive lounge were Miss May Fàgg,. chairmhan oi the Woman's ýclub; Miss Elizabeth Packer, dean of girls and assistant superintendent; Mr. and Mrs. Gaif- ney; Frederick Kahler, dean of boys, and Mrs. Kahler; Jesse R. Gather- coal, presidentofthe board ýof:edu-7 cation,. and. Mrs. Gathercoal;- Robert Carpenter,ý chairman . of the Men'% club, and *Mrs. Carpenter. ýDuring the tëa;. hours a .trio1 cou- sisting of' Mrs. Marilan Cotton, viOlin- ist; R. S. Peterson., 'cellist, and Miss Wiunifred Mickev, pianist, played a pr o g ram of appealing incidentaI music. Comning so* soon 'a f t e r the busy opening of school, the receptioni suggested a happy reunion of faculty niembers who chatted in little groups in the lounige or strolled through the ballroorn viewing the art exhibit by- members Of the Ràvinia Sketch club.ý- TÉle tea table, placed iii the gallerye at the.head of the stairs,, ivas charin- ing. with its silver candelabra holding tali white, tapers, and its large. glass l)owl filled with white> daisies and ageratu.m. Pouring the tea and cof-,, fee were Miss, Olive 'Grover, MISS. Laura Uilric, Miss Alice Burchard, and Mrs. Janet S. Gordon, past presi- group of triends. at dinner anu bridge next Saturday, October 3.. At Vista del Lago Club Vista del Lago wili have an informai dinnier and dance this coni- ing, Saturday, 'October 3.: