Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Oct 1931, p. 28

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Ilcation miust reach the editor b$r Tuesday noon to Ixiaure -appearance ln current issu~e. Resolutions of ccrndolence, cards of thainks, obitu- aries, notices of entertainments or other affairs where an admIttance charge ls publlshed, will be charged at regu1ar advertising rates. Grade Sepaiation WiIl Save Lif e Let's Hasten the -Day! The results, of the operations of: the Mosquito Abatemient,,workers show con- cluslively wNhat pian ecau do wvhen he plans - intelligently, and per- Mon Verss Mos quito sistently puts 'thesc planis into. effect., Tiie.re was. a tinie years ago wvhen it wvas -miainitained that the mpsquito nuisance could. not be abolished, but those days have gone. for-. ever. By the digging of n'ewv ditches and. th e clearing of .01(1 ones t he'liiarsilanids west of the. north shore ýt owns have 'bec» thoroughly drainied, and miiosquitoes, have thereby; bec» deprived of, a most feértile breeding grpund. The spraying of oi on standing water lias, contribuited to the elimniation of this insect pest., As a con- sequence the happiness of north shore resi- dents-las been materially increased. The îîeau little "rain-barrel1", mosquito lias, howcver, cau.secl soîne anu ioyanc..Bt even this public cnemy ean be- ltîmnately beaten: if Iiouse7-owners will cooperate: vigorously and patiently wità the imos-' quito, abaters. Let themi drain ail watcr, filled receptacles, and the, vexatious singer and borer will bc. extermuiate(l.. The -week beginning Sundav,. October 4, and ending Saturday, October 10, lias, by Governi 'r Emnnierson, bie» officially pro-. One of the »iost effective precaufions is the careful inspection and ovcrhauling of the household heating plant, including the mending of defective flues, the-clcaning of soot fromn chim-ncys and furnaces. An-. other- simple preventive is the removal, from the basement pf ail inflamniable'rtîb-, *"The only13 cure for unienîl1loyniieit lis Cm-Iý ploynient." Unemiployed wvorkers do not ask. for mioney. They ask for work., Find -work for. theni to do Woirk for. the and yoiu have m niet Woklsstheir need: In INoveniber, .1930, it, was rcported thiat $6,000,00 vas to be expended on public ýworks. A,ýn expenditure' of thlis size meant a great anîounit of em- ploymenit. But at.thepresent date, almost a year, later than t .he date above, two- th.irdsof this amnount of eniploy .ment lias lot been made available. According to reý hable informati1on, $4,000,0W0 of this pro- ,poscd Cxlendture hias not yet, begun to' justify the engagemient of labor., In somne of our north shore towns. steps have been taken to provide. work,for the worless. In Wilmette, for example, the Village Manager lias bec» inistructed by the Village bpard to uindertake immediate- ly a street repairinig proje.ct that, will nieed the services of uiinmployedn ess. j obs o n this projeet, whc is to continue tuntil colà wveather -sets in, is to eQfe idolyt local labor. Prices on -much- material is niow lovv; It therefôre seemns not only hutmanie but -wise for other tovvns to tak-e sirnilar st eps. Ikfore we hiad- seen thiese nieNwEugie hats on scvcralvahreties of ladieswe won- dered -why styleschatnged so rapidly.ý Now.: -we wvonder no more. The'rapidi.ty of style chaniges is due to the fact that every new style. looks ridiculous pn' some ladies. Therefore a change is quickly demianded by, all concc-rned. On, sonie heads these Eutgenic hatç,ý look as decorative as peant she1is.ý into b the we heat effect on either the morale ort pf fie boys and girls involved. ~heý Standard . tiie .lias rcturnced af ter six months' absence. We'rc fot sorry. Initial apiwaraiice of cr-anberry sauce. Turkecy goes on corn diet. \Vorld Seriés and subsequent animal hibernation of the basebail enthusiast. King . Football reignls. Cheer leaders ini yearly (and, happily,. briéf) apL pea ranice. First news of the Six-Day Bike Riders., Chicago stages her annual. rodeo (under cover). Fil Ossifer back--ii i-the-'harnless after. his three-, niionth summier' vaca tion. and' casting 1longing .eyes upon the 'rhanksgivingg holiday. Too gay and brilliant to lie placcd in the categoiry of the "saddest" time of the year. MWelcorne, October.! Mayor Jimîny Walker, returning f rom l.is health jaunt to. Germany, declares -.ý.ia the omnipresent ."m-ike" that his favorite author is the mai!n o wrote -Home,. Sweet Home." Eveniin the face ;of investigations.? Nov thiat vve have witnessed Aimee McPherson Huttoni iii various and sundry news reel appearances, and ýGhai*di. in as niany similar 'presentations, isn't it about tinme that Mr.. Mussolini*s fascists stage an- other parade? Quoting a statenient by a, rniddle-aged business "College nmen todayý are. no rarity, and if a mani is to keep up withi the pro cession lie should have a nîaster's or even a' doctor's degree ini lus field." For, instance, sezzee, by way of illustrating the point, "We now, have reultors, beauticians, and niorticians.'> And, for that niatter, extcrniinatipg enginters. MUSINGS- 0F OUR NIGHT EDITOR And now i s the season for Corliuslers" to. ge l)tsy. But. white, they're working, they'd 'better beware. of.Xildcats. 'lhe f rost 'must have been on the puipkin Mon- day night: sed (1) It vas cold enoughi for,. frost, aniyway. 1it. (2) The Saunterer sidled into the restaurant ider and sobbecl, "Giinnie an order of, ice-cold water- - naA4I . . .. wuiat a . zzz. .. .. i Speaking of Aimee and Mahatma, reminIls us that our favorite comnedians stili, remain the Four Marx B3rothýers. See youi Saturday at Dyche Stadium? -I *1 f-

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