e .~ onie 4 595 Lonigwood( (IriNveý meet the great lemands whic arc necessarily inadle upon theni. Glencoe. vhicli Nvas included Ini Baird Mrs. Percv- H. Ardlen of WIimettc, and Xarer's "Librarv of F n nd erlonùitte \\-Ill be tgigfor Hom s." lia bè n p rch se -b D the Central Baptist Clildreiis homie at M. Nelson, v-ice-precsidepit of S ea rs - Maywood; Mrs. Robert 'S. SWaim, Roebuck and companv. M r. :Nelson iOî ixet inistitute, and Mrs. George E-~. is reiimodelinig t his tein-rooin home and WVest, Chase House., will occùpv it shortly. The grud Ms chodore Co'çne of .W'itinetka are :beautitully wooded and an inter- ;'n e ontitexiiixor for the esting landscaping treatment is beiin., Matheon Day niurscrv Chicago Coin- developed. C. A. Pfingsten and cOfin'- ons; rs. leçoPerronfrteCu pany cooperatc( iii the sale and repre- dreni's w a rd(Ioitbte \Vorenand ChIl- senedth puchse. he To)e1YdiérVs hospital. and 'Miss. Mildred Bras- xvas hield at $90,000. serfrte arali Hackett StevensoIn C. Lysie Smnith of Evanston, lias Memorial :nursery. purchased the attractive home at 1127 Skokie Ridge dxive, in Baird a ii d A card and l)tmcO party 1 1t b Xarner's Skokie- Ridge ýestates,, froia given . by the Peter J. Huerter Ax Albert L. Gale, president of Gale-and iliary Uniit'N,,o. 665., Ameri.can legion, Pietsclh. M r. Smn *ith offered inlex- tomnorrow eveng at 8 o'clock at St. change, the residence at 225 V cruon joseph's school hall at. Lake andl avenue,. Gleticoe. Mrs. Vesta Didrik- Ridge avenues., Wilniette. -rf p l. - -111' -1 sen o aI niru and \V arer's L, vanstoiî office rePresented b.oth parties. Another beautiful 'Glencoe home wvas purchas.ed hy Mr. and M-mfs. Beti-- jain R. Harris fromn Mrs. MI'artha L. Kilgore. This Englisli style résidecck of nine roomns and four bathis xva.s held, at $40,000 and is located at 885: Elmi place, Glencoe. C. W. Adams pi Baird, and Warner's Evanston of fice. and John Newhal of Baird anid Warner'sSkokiè Ridge office, repre-i sented ail partiesin cooperation withi Mr.. H-agen of NMcKey and Poaguie: Mm. and Mms. Daniel L. Billhg oi Chicago, purchased thue two-apart- mient building located at 637 Hinnuiai: avenue, Evanistoni, f romn Mrs. Alice' Patterson. This property wvas hield a' .$1-8,000. B3aird and W a r n e r, Inc., represented both parties. Two beautiful homesites in Baird! and Wamer's Skokie Ridge estâates were purchased for investment by Adolph' E. Erhard whô 'bought lot No. 104 and Vivian Colçs ,Vho bought lot No.- 106. Seven-,Teams. Practice. for N. S. Grid Season Robert W. TýownleY, at 1hletie direc-I tom at the joseph Sears school in Kenilworth, has seven teams. prac- ticing for the opening of 'the North I lVlnnetka 620l'Ile( House w"'i &i . iek 1010i Cjent, . À For terms and furtker particulars phone Registrar: Wilmette 171 I THE O LD MUST MA-AKE WAY FOR THE, NEWI Manly lamps, sIades, tables andý gifts recently purcliased from the Von Ammon Shop by Miss Reynolds, Imc. -are off ered ai very worthwkule ïrbductionts Ifor promp clearance- to make -way for a new stock of weddnpg gifi, table à appointments and bridge prizes. I i i MI.SSREYNOLDS, INC. 948 Spanish Court' Between W'Imetf. and Kenilwofih *4~ooeooeo1 PANUICULAR FOLKS PREIER OUR .SIIRVIClZS Those who appreciate the finer things are the first to express appreciation for Our superior. cleaning service. The men are pleased %vith the. way ourepeiecd tailors rehp théi* Suit.ahe ldes are,,delighedwit the exquisite freshness andi the dainty re.styling of their, frocks. 1 ie fv iatu - ucn raveling in I nganu anid on the continent. Miss Elizabeth Jeffries of ~ou- bus, Ohio, who spent several weeks with her sister, Mrs. Ernest W. Hewitt, 128, Laurel avenue, has me-, turned to ber.home. For a limited time we have radi- cally reduced our prices on 91l fail suitings. This is a wonderf ul opportunity to secure a strictly hand tailored suit at a genuine savings. Evanston -Phone: Greenleaf 6660 Temple WiImette ~*1