Promenade: dispIaying Sport, Street, Affernoon, and Evenn Clothes byý Edgar Aý. Ste ven mc. Moniday, October 5th ifrom 3 to 4 O'clotk. at l'h. NEW: CUPBQARD. 1629 'Orrdngton Ave., Evanston You are ciordially invited! Fashion an etnergency 11jglit,ûOne ai th,,e -,ý5 nardeath, and a plane xa-, cihartered ta bhing. the 1phvl\siciafi r:iri Paoli ta. Curtiss airpant near c7:eviev, roin point *be tn t~udby plane ta Houghton. The. q2 nrpfnmPaoli t) Chiicaga vas niad e in t)wO, haurs.. Collýege Opening Bodsts 4qCro'wds at Airwport Dances SAttendance at the Satunday ighit ý ances; at Skv Harbor airpant lias beeti unusually good sinc e the openl- $ 5-and a real boy's, shoe! Ai you ne.d 'o hknow about t'he way this sho. s mad4 Flying Orchestra Leader Stores Plane at Curtiss Wayn'e King. tCie orchestra l'eader, has; neturned ta Chicàgo aiter a sum- mier tour and is again staring hîbs' plane at Curtis s airpont nea3r.GIen- vi ex'. King, tlhos-e orchestra has.'Van. natian-wide farne through its 'broad- cas;ts fr On the Aragon ball roomn in Chica go, is almiost. as enthusias .tic about aviation as heï s. abouti ieÏ. Fie owns a -Stinszon. PLIES TO TEXAS 0. E. Prujtt of the Pruitt. Office Machine coinpany ai C hicagci leit *Thuirsday, Septernber 24, frrani Cur- tiss airpart near Glenview on a busi- ness trip ta Texas, going in his Stin- SPEC IAUSTS 16o8 CHICACGO AVENUE+ EVANSTON Cla;Sses for begitiners Nwill meet Tuesdays, the youniger chidena4 oaclock, and eet and eighth grade. t ',,and high schoaol pupils at 15. The ad- c vanced group le ta nieet at -5 Thuns - da::Is. The class in rhvthisý andt simfple interpretiýve danc es for littlea '-neiridan roaci and nden avenue, Wilmnet te, begin 'Sunday, October 4, ;%ihan address by Albert Vail, na- tional Baha'j teacher, mwho %vili talk oXv the subi-ect, "The Go-al of Hurnan- Existe ;xce."- The Sunida3-av eno lectures which begin at a3:30 onc are open ta everyonle interested. N~ew Y ork 'n Big Sikorsky Elect 10 Directors Home Bery a Winetk, plot The Ilh«nois Aeronautical Trade as- for Col. Berr-y R. McCormîlck oi the Chicago Tribune, and Bob) Gast. pilot 7sociation isthe narne, adopted hy the af the ill-fated Untin" Bowler, re- new organization comiposed oi air- turnd Ist Tursav fromNew orkport operators. throughout the state.- Ci.ty in the colonel's big.*Sikorskv eeig a el1n Cîcg ast They, had been gone about a week.. 1 Thursdayý at %»-hich the b oard of di- Dünny Bent, Berry's co-pilot, vas rcosa h soito a oe with iliemi on the return 'tnp..ýThey in., The association is now waiting bucked a 38-mile an hour wind On isartrnnonemnti the ceayofe the wav' back irom iNev.-York 1t 8tate .Anucmn ftéofi Chic:ago.' according ta Maj. R. \~ personnel will be made at the next Schiroede 1r af Skv Harbor -airport, nleeting, ta be hel aiter, receipt ai where the big Sikorsky' is stored. the charter. _______________Mai, R. Wý,. Schroeder (-4 Skv ýHar- Go o D trot y Pane îýbor a irport wvest af Glencoe is n Go t Deroi by lanfaithe ten directors' af the lew or For'Annual Legion 1%'Ieetganation.. Two other north shore Herbert P., Woods af the C.urtis,ýs- airparts* bes.ides Sky Harbor-Curtiiss Wrigh t Fl%-ing evc nd D. 'Palw.,aukee-wtere represente'd at Cregier flew ta Detroit last xeek fori the meeting Iast week when the di- the American Legion convention, ré- nectars were voted' in. Capt. '.B. turning ta Chicago on W\ednesdav-. Neill represented Curtiss airport and They made, the trip in \Ir. Cregier'si Donald M.\acMurray was there from cabin Waca. On the returntntey alae. experienced a touc'h oai%%inter when thiey were iançed ta fiy over the . Ok r il sýOut'acril edge af Lake .Michigan be- Bakf1mA r ourof cause aiic e;nioke and haze aîonfg North Atlantic States Ille: waten iront. Their motor Dr. and .Mrs. Ward E Patter of sigils ofý the cold,.affectîng the car- Oak Park recently re-tunned .inom bure tor. . an air, tour -of the North Atlantic.. States. They made the trip in Dr. Doctor Uses Plainec to Potter's Stinson plane, which he. MakeEmegeny C t res at Cutiss arpprt near Glen-' Ihe Curtiss-Wright Flyng*service poi_ýnts oai interest alongtlhe Atlantic neetvbnaughit Dr. L. S. Leô 0af coast, fromn Cape Mavy ta Portýýand, Paoli. lmd., iioom Paoi ta Chiéago M e. CHIDREN' 4& N 4* 10 ÀL-