Miss Betty Alder, 931 Greenwoodi avenue, lef t yesterd1ay to visit friends in Manitowoc, Wis. She expects toi be gone about a week. A plan fis now under way to establlsh a Luthè'raii Sunday sehool Teachers' institute for the Lutheran churches along the forth shore. A meeting wa-; held at SL Johns parsonage this week àt which a complete plan was formu- Iated wbIcb Io later to be submltted to the. variou.s congregations for adoption. Shouid It be adopted the regular week- 13' meetings, of the organization wil probably bg7.erl iiOctober. The plan Is to havé these meetings from October until Lent. The full course lê re,àdy and on 'satistaàctoiry completion of, it the. student will receive a diploma. The first semester subjects of studyare. 1. Tite Bible, 2. The Teacher and Hiis lVor-ks, 3., The Devotional .Life rf the Sunday schooi Teacher. Su.siday. morning, October 4, promo- tiofls wfll ho made In the Sunday.school. Ail those who are advancing into a newý% year of a department as well as those who are being promoted into a higheî' delpaÈtment wilI receive their certificates. Speciaii awards willl h given and the naines of those who have made an un- usual record in. scholarshlp or attend- ance will be. read in the regular service. The Sunday school staff is meeting T.uesday evening, SeJptembJer 29. at 7:;, o'clock to complete ail arrangements for Raliy Day. The week day classes for the rellious education ot chlldren will be resunried on Saturday morning, October. 3. at .9 ocelock. Ail parents of childrein of 6 year$s oftage or above are urged 10 send thelr chlldren to these classes. The primary class will recelve children between 'the ages of 6 and 12. The advanced cIas.ý will ho made up of chlldren of 12 anld over, especlally those who are preparing for confirmation, for which at least a two Years' course, and perfera.bly a six Years' course la deslrable. St. John's la always happy to greet and ,welcome the visitor at its. services. Kenilworth Union Kenlworth avenue antd Warwick road Dr. Herbert L. Wlllett, minister. SundaY, SePtember 27, at il o'clock., Dr. Willett *111, ffeak on, "The Soul of the Universe."1 SundaY achool ls held each Sunda> moriiing at 9 ;45 A. M. At present there are classes avahlable for ail children ranglng In1 age from three through hlgh achool. Ail1 groups are under the direc- tion of able and tralned men and women. We Invite al Kentbyjort)i resi- dents and friends to join us--If-thie- character-buildlng enterprise. "Hello, AaEruIImy, UOMJIJef 1 8 P. m.-Mid-week service. Mrs. Charles Gilbert Davis and ber two daughters, Miss Ann atnd Miss Caroline. have returned to their borne at 615 Laurel avenue after spendingz nearly three rnonths at thoir resoS-t.- Waunita Hot Radium, Springs, Colo Býetty an d iave tuoved Mrs. A. residing at 1 road, Kein please ýIn the modern bedrooni, at ,LLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Z. Huribt. 316 Richmuond entertain her "Cet Me- the Polù'e, 'Quùk!."ý