Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 24 Sep 1931, p. 47

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Wilmette Permit Record $31,975 for September The total -estimnated cost of býuild- ____ing construction «for which permnits were issued in Wilmnette during 'the, month .ending' Monda, Sepitember 1 was $31,97 , according to tbe records at tbe Village hall. This was approx- imatelv $53.000 less thail the total for, the, previous month. Two permits for new residences, eacb to cost $14,000,, head the list for the past month. Oue residence is to be built for -A. G. Stanten of 2610 Eastwood avenue, Evanston, at 1014 Pontiac road. It. will lie of stone. and, fraine construction. The o t he r à fraine residence, will be l)uilt for W. W. Ross, also of Evanstoii. at 2806 Blackhawk road. G. F. Keck. is the. architect, for both jobs. Four' permnits were issued for resi- dence' alterations or' additionis, as iol- loWs: one to Mfax E. Mueller to) reniodel bis borne at 814 Park avenue, estiiated. cost $1.000.- another to R. J. Rversoii for ah addition. to Ili, residence at' 210 *Sixth street., coit $800; ýa third to Benjaini Schnieider. for a residence alteirationi at 931 Lini- den avenue, cost, $500, anid a' fourth to J. Etienne for a- resid-ence altera-- tion. at' 2002 Schiller street, cost $'250. Johin J. Peters took out a permit for a porch foundation at tus home, 1519' Washington avenue. The records 'show that there were three permits issuied durin'g the inonth for new priNvate garages and one fo- a greenhouse and garage. The green- bousec and garage 's t-tO3eb'u-ui1lt-fof E. N. Persoi,,,2232 'Ehnwood avenue, at. a, cost 'of .$300, and the private garages for J. Throckniortion at 1,321 .*Elmwood avenue; Arthur Johnson Ct 322 Fourteenitb street, and. V. Metz- gem at 2300 Thiornwood ,aveniue. M r., Johnilsoin's garage, will bie of. concrete Construction, w~hile 'the other t-%vo will lie of ,fraie. Ttiere were a lso twvo permits. for garage altej-ations.' United States Is Now Illinois Realtors Will Convene Soon The board of directors of the Illi- nois- Association of Real E state b)oards lias. accelptjed the invitation of the Aùirora Real Estate hoard fo bold the fifteenth annual, stateconvention ini Aurora ,Vednesdav, Thursdav, and Fridav, October 14, 15 and 16. President Oscar .Bjorsetb ýof the Aurora Real Estate board, bias ap-; Pointed LaS-ard G. Tborpe general coinmiittee chairmnan. At a confer- elice hield recently 'with ,Chairman Thorpe preliminaries in cônflection, with the convention were discussed. Mrs. \V. H.. Wrigh't of Oak. Park, first vice-president of the stateasso- ciation and president of the Suburban council, lbas accepted the chairman- ship) of the, program commiittee. Bulletins givitxg detailed informa. tion and ties governine contests will he forwarded soon., it is stated. Issue 7 Permits in Winnetka for Period of Month Seven building pet .inus w ere issueéd in. ý\Vititetka durii g tîhe past thirtv days.ý The cornbinied cost of the imi- provenlients is o111v $17.170. Tlhree of -the peri ts were for îc- miodelling jobs amnoui'ting 'to S14,125;. tbiree for private garage.scosting $843 a'nd one for a ne\\-t1îree-room tres- idence costing $2.200. " 'lite new residence' is 1eing luit I-w- Kuîîsseil A.-Bartz, of 2022 -Noves Street,. Evanston, at 429. Clestnut street, and is to be used Onl1Y teti-, 1orarily as a residence. it is an- nouiced. Dr. E. V. L. Brown of,:529 Cedar street. in: an expenditure.*of $13,500 for an addition and alterations to is residence, is inaking the largest in- dividual expenditure for the inonth.l Several Deals Made by Wyatt and Coons William J. Wardall bas purchased eleven acres> in southwest, Barring- ton. This is a part of the Otis estate., kri'oWn as "His and Dates," a high rolling. tract, on which Mr. .Wardail expects to buitd early in the spring. He has started work on topographical survey and expects to, complete some of his roadways and planting thi s fait. Mr. Wardall is a resident of Evanston and is the Western manager. of Bonbrigbt and company, at ?09 Southb LaSalle street. Mary C. Glenn, 840 North Michi- gan avenue, Chicago, represented Mr. Wardall and Wyatt and Coons, were brokers for Spencer Otis. Mr. Lawrence Hatlberg witl be the archli- tect. Wyatt and. Coons also report the sale of' four a c r e s to Harrison s 'Poultry farm north, of' Glenvie w.-1 George Landeck:of Rogers Park was the seller.' Mr. Cordeli bias purctîased f rom Titie Knop, tvo acres near Glen Oak Acres nortb of Glenview. Rentais Active, R. M. Johnston Co. Report Indicates R. M. Johinston and companiv. 34"> Linden avenue. Wilinette, report a:i active renting season in Wilmiette and Kenilworth. Numerous su;)- stantial leases bave been close',i. among them the following: 804 Elmwood avenue for E. G. Bentley to K. B. Stites of the Clii-J cago Building Corporation.. 501 Laurel avenue. tOohn liiA. Clemfents, production.manager of the, Morton Sait company. 815 Greenwood avenue, for Mrs. Grace -D. Murray to M.rs.- H. 'iC. Ahbi- feldt. 2149 Cbestnut avenue for XVill C. Huggins to John Hi. L-oerch of the Public Indemnity company. 230 Laurel avenue for C. H. Bret- hold to Walter M. Krieger of the Insurance, company of ý North Amer- ica. 601 Central av~enue. for Dr. B. M. Conlev tn 1H .PR Bekwth. aformer North Shore to Be Boosted at- State Sessions At the N4orth_ Sbore Real Estate board governors'. meeting, Septetnber 17, it was decided that tbe.board will. participate ini the Five Minute.Home Town Speech con test at the state convention. As the north shore con- sjsts of 'several villages and. cities, tbe governors have asked members. to send in letters to the secretary, Harold R. Vant', Deerfield, with sug- gestions and 'good points of the, ter- ritory.« "These letters," ýreads a'statement, "1will be gone over by a special, coni- mittee, and tbe best points picked out. regarding eacb village or.-city, and co nd e ns ed into..a, 'Home Town Speech,' wi th, wbich the best .orator in our board will compete, for the lôving cup at the state convention to be lield at Aurora, October 14, 15 and 16. "The inaterial for this contest de- pends upon you. The committee. wbicb will edit the facts and figures, consisting of Jules Dixon, Harold R. Vant, and the person c b o s e n to speak, will hlt ave tirne to go into details in eacb village and city in our district for interesting and accurate- mi-aterial. We are, therefore, asking. that you ill write this letter im- mediately, sta'ting the facts or data which you consider the most imnport- ant, an'd for 'whicli your village or city can 13e reconended."'- Real Estate Service A nnounces Transfer& The Real Estate Service, Inc., 553 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, has made the following sales 'of north shore propertyrcently;, H.' M. Greenberg purchased the lrick bo)use located at 1028* Dinsmore road,.Winnetka, f romf the First N4a- tional Bank of' Wilmette. Mrs. Christian Fenger of 602 Spruce street, Winnetka, purchased the 1>1ivate garages. . Bet ML. ALn.iIV, 228 Lincoln avenue, is erecting a two car brick garage witb bed room and' bath, at a cost of $3,500. The other, a frame garage addition, is being buiît by the B. F. VanHousen estate, at.,234 Fran 1klin road, at a cost of Cumnor roacI, and two privattgar- ages comprised the list, accor îng to permbits issued at the Vipage Hait. A. W. Ruf', 236 Cuno road, is- building a three-car fram garage costing $750 and R. Y. oke, 331 Cumnor road, is erecti a two-car garage, costing $400. 13 11113 "AND -IME57II0 The Washington, D. C., Real Es- The regular monthly index figure tate boar d nembership bas increased computed froni realty deeds recorded since last October in spite of the in sixty-four cities .by the National jwithdrwals of brokers and salesmen Association of Real Estate boards for who have left the real estate field in juIy' is 61.1. The June figure was tbe. sarne tume. Members of real es- 58.4. These figures are based on the tate boards pay initiation fees and norm 100 used for deeds recorded in annual dues! the.vear 1926.' -1-

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