give a tall< on "BLies." The fllwer arrangement will be mae vMr' Don F. Wiley.aebyMs Tuesday, September 29, is the last day in whic h the Wilmette Garden club .collects and delivers flowers, fruits, vegetables, and jellies for the Chicago Plant, Flower, and Fruit guild at the boothin the Northi West.- erju station in town. AINIy who have donations to give are asked by the club to telephone Mrs. Dan Greene. flower guild chairman, or Mrs. W. G. Mitchell, who wii,ll collect flowers for Tuesday. S.eptember2. To Have Splash Partyg A group of women of the Wil-. mette Golf club will mieét for a splash party and.,bridge at ShawneeCoiun- try,,club tomorrow afternoon. Ô. 0F M. MEETING Trhe Order of Martha will hold a meeting next Mondav afternoon at I :30-o'clock at, the,-home> of Mrs.- Peter J. Van. De-North, 2M7 Dupee place., m 1 r ivi 1 q 948 Spanish Court Befwee'n Wilmet*e and Kenilworth 4C. Imun N. A.H HANNA. mc Formai pening Wednesday, The winter bes hown September,23 collection will tisweek. We believé, that those whoar ch oosin*g their wùardrobes for the coming season, both town and country, will find Maurice L Rothschild Stag t Jackson 'I i ~ %I~~IL i'.JL. Iju j VV iLLVL<'.LU Wilmette 467 ........ .. .. i ROTUMOOR, COATS. Qorgeously furred dress and sb'Ort styles in a spociat group at IN