Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1931, p. 40

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Boys of Wilmette Learn Camp Has' Action, Surprise The flrst two nights' at camp, nothing much happened..'to 1the Creeks, which was ogr naine, but on Wednesday night "Hap" Gatherco0al came up and thien the fun.started. That nighit there were ive lieds tied.Up with stritigs so'that when the fellows got into lied the Springs' wouid fait out ietting theëm down on the floor withdiastos results. Mr Stone was up. haif the niglit fixing lus 1bunk aftee tble feliows had put, Stones, burrs and' other articles in between bis biankets and taken out bis Springs, Fromn Wednesday- on ýwe hadt to open the doors- and slip, back because there %Yas sure to lie some shoes or .Something oni that order up there to fait on our heads.. Horses were brought into camp every morning at, 10:30 for horseback riding. The rid- ing periods ,vere fi fteen minutes each. Lionel Toeppeil bad:the record -for going about ten feet'in his fifteen Xveéh a d a watermfeloi! grali, :11 -whîch tbree iCreeks camie out trJum-, pliant. They \%ere Mark Sinîonds, Bill M echior and Dave Haas. WM'e hiad a snipe butît iii whicli the four main objects were Bob Renneekar, Bob Lyotis, D k Haes and Sj snipe we had nlext day for ditunier. Bill Melchior made one of those *wise cracks about lutnch being the best dinner be had eatet.-Mark, Simonds. THIS 15 THE LIFE At camp we get up at, 6:45, take a dip and maàke our bunks, brush, our teeth aend .corne lack and the doctor examines us at 7:10. 'We eat break- fast. At 10:30 the ponies corne every daày and we ride until 12:30 wlien we eat. At 1 o'ctock we hiave a rest hour. We play then until we eat at 6 o'ctock and get to bed at 9 o'clock. -Bob Renneckar. Gives Description of Camp Hlastings Camp H-astings is situated at Hast- ings lake, one, and one-haif. miles west-of Lake Villa on Grand avenue. Camp Hastings is the. Junior unit of the liigY. -I. C. A. camp.1,. During the fifth 1,eriod,.there weïe si.xtyý-two boys ini attendance. There. are several cabins in the camp, . inctuding:ý the 'staff cahin. There are.tturee cabins to. a tri be. The tribes are :Navajos. Creeks. Sioux~ Iroquois atnd the Cherokees. We had the Creek ýcabins. FEail' tribe lias three cabins, one cabin lie- ing for 'té cabin mother. Tlhe camp bas four other buildings. One is the mess hlai which incides the office, dining rôoom, iodge,. store and the kitchen. Then there is the lavatory and the story bouse. The camp aiso bas a zoo.-Dave Ha.as.,, T rainer's Dog, Topsy. Goes Over il-Foot Wall Satuirday, August 22,. the buncbi fromn Canip H-astings take and somne froml Cutten camp went to theRen-ý gels kenneis atîd',sa%,, somie dogs thal. cost th.ousands iof dol lars. Otie dog .ivas namied Haiet. Soinue persotu Offered the people who owned hiini ten tho.uisand dollars for hirn but tlîey did not accept. The trainer's pet dog., ts Topsy. She. went over. an elevenl foot watt. Be sure and corne to thîe parks next year so you can comce to this camp. Creeks Play in Hay and Listen to Ghost Stories Tuesday, August 18, the Creek In- dians f rom Wilnîette went on a bike to the barn., Leon Myers, Shorti' Ramnes and 'Dudley Stone ivent wittt us. When we'arrived at the. barn we playeçd in the hay for aW.hile, and then Leon told us a ghost story. It was very spooky. In the morning- it started to rain. Someliody woke us up and we went home. When we got there other cabins were still asleep sô we lay down and did the Diseover War Canoeing Is Great Sport at Camp Tuesday afternoon the Creek In- dians from Wilmnette went out in a big war canoe.,Johnny Hohendel, aquatic supervisor', took us out. Hle taught us how1 to-paddie and to ship paddles., Acting as coxswain, hé gave thefoliowving orders, "Stand by to give way.. Heave ho, heave ho." It worked. .Out just right. The canoe went giiding aiong' the clear water at. a» good speed. The cap)acityý of t he warcanoe is fifteen peopl.e. Every- body enjoyed himnsetf inlrmensely, for %var canoeîing is great fün.--Ed Stancoe. Boys Ridie Ponies ..Every.Otiz.er Day Every ottier dàvyaat Camp Hastings. a b,l)ynamed Bitl brought seven ploties around. We paid a. quarter for five rides. One ride lasts fiftee.n mitnutes but. that doesni't say how far. you go. If you are a good rider and kntow somethîing aboùit ponies, you'Il get vour money's wo-rth,_but if you are not a g9od rider you catrf stand and watch your pony gr aze for fif- teen minutes. The names of the ponies are Tony, Jackie, Topsy. Eagle, Tarzan, Lady Astor, -MjIk'- shake and Eva. Tony. was flotavail- abýe for riding purp)oses.ý-Torn Kiv- land. Basehali Games Enjoyed by Boys Bvery Evening Every night we have bad a gamne of basehaîl ever since wve came up here. We pliay Cutten, the Senior camp,,, We have had three games. We have tost two gamnes and, won one. The, score of.the first game was 27 to, 9. We ýwon the first and lost the last games. Cutten won, 23 to 1 the second, game. The third game was 8'to 3. We will play some mnore games. The three teais ve ptaved were Wisconsin, Illinois, and Purdtue. Water Is Great; Same Goes for BotigAngling >The swinmting at Camp Hastings is finle. rhe .campers are divided into four g'oups A. B, C and D. The A's are v ery good. swinierq, B's are good swimmers, Cgs-are he-. ginners, and the D's 'arenew swtnî- mers. A raft with a spri;ngb.-iard. is for the A. and B' swimmers, whiie theC's and D's swinîi in a ecrib. There are' thre., swimmting per- iods a day: thé dip ini thé early m.sorn- ul.g, the instruction period in the, morni-ng and the- generai S*wim, iiithe a fternoon. There are many .boats at..camp. both, canoes and rowboats..- Ail campers are alôwed to take out a- ro-,wboat but oily- those who passed a severe test* are permi tted to take out a canoe.. There. are two large war. carmes ain d'a, sait canoe. The fishing, is "ýswei.' Thle camper s cati buy fishing tackle and: are allowed to fisti-- on the raf.t. Wifliiin anIlour ten boys caught about thirtv' fisl.-- Modern Dairy Farm Proves Interesting On Thursday, August 20, the ;Ahol,. camp went to Swenson' s farmn to see them milk cows. The first thing we saw was their milking cows by elec- tricity. To do this they had four rubber vacuum tubes which sucked the rnilk frQm the udder into the can. The next thing we .sa w was, stripping the cows.. To strip isto get the milk left by the. eiectricmachine liv hand. We saw no miiking' by hand e xce pt the stripping. We saw otwebull and two caives. Most of the cows4 were HoIsteins. They produce 3.8 butter fat which is verv bigh for a Holstein cow-Louis. Metlchior. Mrs. James Stevenson (M ario n lished-irt 1857 by. Prof. James Edwin less-childrei-n und,r er --wing. --She scnool,I.NLvillie, TJ. .o- Martine, famous dancing m as t er. îi iio'ý caring for eight boys *who 0-r.M C nesnwt e Mrs. Weckier is à daugliter of Pro- range in ages from 6 to 13. They Mrs. H. C. Arms and her daugh .,augter, JeanettM. e,.han e rwtr hd t fessor Martine and is wetl known to ait attend scbool and the Presbyterian Etoise, formerly of Wilinette, and gterhome ant 615hav rd tre t north shore residents.1 She has con- Sunday scbool. This -summer they now. of Evanston, saited on Septem- ter aumek t 61itHarvr dauter. ducted classes in' Glenâcoe '-and Wii- made a splendid rock, garden for ber 14,, for, a winter abroad. Mr. Mrs. L.G0.dly nBetnHr mete ad a th Evnstn Cunty. rs umbrtad.Arms wiljoin them later.. bor, Mich..

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