arcniiei.Lure. -,)ne 4iso LIraveitU in Germiany, visiting Hamiburg, Berlin, and Bremen. She passed most of bier time, bowever, at bier former honme ini Paris, where she studied at the Sor- bonne and the Louvrre. Mrs. Stougbton says tlhat she .was particularly impressed by tbe neat- ness and tidiness of- tbe backyards in 1Eropean cihies conpared to those in Cbicago. Mrs, Stongbton,.wbo is the French teacher at tbe. Northb'Country Day; school, also states tbat .in bier work witb noted European educators, she learned that the Country Day sc hoctl is internationally known for its highi scbolarsbip as well as for its develop- ment of character. Mrs. Stougbton) bas been witb the Country Day schoolsince its organization in, 1920. Mrs. J. H. Newport, 520 Abbot.3- ford road, Kenilwo.rtb, witbbler son, Herbert, lefi on Monda3?'for a trip of ýten days. She will visit ,Detroit and Kalaniazoo, Mich. 'Mrs. J. T. Backçus, now of Hamil- ton, Obio, and a former resident oi Kenil-tworth,, bas been the guest of Mrs. W. W. ýWbeelock, 132 Oxford road,.,kenilWorth. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cooke of 331 C u mno r road, Kenilworth, hiave moved to Charlotte, N. C. They biave lcased their borne to Mr. andi Mrs. J. P. Noyes, of Duluth. as follows: Arabesque .............. Helen Curtis Spring Time....... ..... Helen Curtis Hom-e Sweet Hoie . ... ..H4elen Curtis Grace Waltz .... ...Helen Curtis Minuet ... ............. .Helen Curtis Thene and Variations. .Helen Curtis Shadow Dance..........Helen>. Curtiq Jean Ehmpson Wild 1Horseian ...ý.........Schuman Soldiers' March..... ........chumann Hunting Sông................. Gurlîtt Song Without Words....... Streabbog Loretta Steffens Busy Fingers ............. .... .Brett Happy Farmer........... Schumnann Arabesque . . ............. Burgrnuller Minuet.. .............. ....... Bach Ballade.............. .ý. . Burgmuller, Passlng Parade............ ....Brett Waltz.................. ... .Crawvfordý Genevieve Birlauf Miss Young is now preparing for- the. opening of ber fali classes. Miss je an .Crossley,, 602 Washing;- ton avenue, left yesterday. for, Seattle, Wash., to resime ber studies at the University, of Washington. She is a sophornàore this year at the 'univer-, sîty.- Mrs. W. H. Williamns and Frank and Annette, bave returned to their borne, 614 Earlston road, Kenilwortil, after -a summer speënt with Mrs. Wi- liams' sister on Long Island. Mr. and Mrs.. R. W. Starrett, 221 Wood.stock avenue, Kenilworth, have returned from a visit of ten days wit*i Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Ketcbam at Land O'Lakeg, Wis. Il SLIOES ilwortli, have returned froni a week- Lan.adMr Jnduheso end vsit t Indanaplis.Mr. andi Mrs. Lea J. Orr of1002 Green- Miss Katherine Benson of 210 Mel- leaf avenue, have returned bomne froni rose avenue, Kenilworth, is leaviiig the east where they bave been since shortly for Mrs. Dow's school, Briar- Julie, visiting their aunt, Mrs. Archi- cijif,N.. bald Meceil of BridgepOrt,.Conn., I Fr N. U. Stde DE LUXE ]REAL made speciaIIy -for: ChandIer's ~2Complete Asupple, heavy quality of. leather; thiree rinqs:, embossed with MoriN.: Western seat. 51/2x8¼/ pages-com- plt with fiIoer ai $2. The biggest nôtelioc value in our .whole historyt LOWER FLOOR $17 Drief ýCases ýl1of Genuine Watrus. $9.75 Heavy grainedleather in ton., ma- hogany or black; with leather pocicets, oxidized Ioclc and leather s+raps. Amy portable Typewriter Pay $5... and taice t homne and use it write you're payinq for t. Its an easy way to acquîre a qood macbinel Typewrit.r Rentais $3 a month THItRD FLOOR *.Other AM Other s Maurice L-Rothsch"ld State eat Jackson Fo untain Square.Easo at $1050 to $1250 Eva n*s.ton