Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1931, p. 30

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the onersV atIth .111 ' i ro o ti v oi.. e r "Hcsast in, l)bciiis on ii i l'lie se. 1 o \aaler I~e- thveiii5. t 8 ra:l30 Tis is r 1 teIon FFn Lavaftiî n. TueIc saafternoon oli tnccri>s He- gin on Ocî< tuer ý27, a t 2 :1; e e wivth a tro ofai < raîîs raiîel; I)ohnianivi atId St r«I1Ss. Violîinists, pt>1)h- lîcard a- ooit düinîg.t lie i ria vcu1h-'rt afteruîooîî scile-are Adî-1<pIî î-t (eorges *iit 'ceo. J a;<Yrî il iN{isclia NI iseakt. \ler ttli î J acqIues llibiad. . t'b \'eli e, relin Ziihl. Bring Fanied Pianiats. Pianists (,il liîi-ý eles art.-1Il ai-oil Rlatier. FEdw~ard Cd Oîs ssîp ( brilowitsclî. \altcr s C'iskig ~ (harles Ia--t ICcii ,.al 1 n Itui l 'c P ruv C. a îwer-i i* n e el'ai Ciw O ea tt<i-p cm v ' .î- t':t Violoiîcell is t S v) o ýN bc îeî1 V " r1 aire G(regor 1itg rk- Iiîd I)ii Saideiiterg. NI r. ,Saidcî11)bvrg irsi cellîs-,t,0f tlieorchestra., .Few.-Foreigner-s at vocalist., iWLLt-(l are Itic lA il aru zF sia ayNItîi i nîi -1111dLÎanîd liails lieraye thFetia matin NiAsli....lit ilis (ti \0Iiii,1 1 erlert \Vitlu-îsPbOîî( at 1 ld * people fîi t.1î ca t tpiliic î 1 uti tt t- Cîîak> \ ) t-ý w ~il 1>c liear(i oi'0\ d,~t-.j<îî i -u \vIll he ( ) .1;1Ir1~\i h. (i t utl ea î la lte xevctC (;ra{Iuîva, NIiM i Ietk.Sur uei it ýttî1, lit thlat there w'ia ak< Rachui noff. îiaîîist, : Ado 1h li Iit lut isîtt'rs. 1Thie 1l1it îteis ai- mît Buscli, -Nthîlni i tfNiini tli. 1( îîîi, s s ~ r ii i îîe Mlisc.hako,(ti. vl liî1 ts Geg i tigrsv.eelist :1clar )t silait'.lie S s.S anîd the c oru i fkV tiig 'C"plu efrt n il 'ie Germîait gtoe\ neî eeu Chicago puiblie eitl- ltiioeltc etittn i u- Change "Pop" Schedule * The IPopmlar, concerts, iii:ttgntei'ti alvl*îi tii t ilt\ o 1h eîghite el,1'etrs ago.l'ave îe~oc * heeîîchauîlge(d froi 'hrtale<e nings t( saiturdav (-e Iîigs lle tt< tlle ëchauige i<ale illIltlie ustilsipt ion coi cert s. Liglitc iof tiet 'tîli concerts aeléîscedidfrlc 17. Tickeots f< ir 1leee <iur ai ît * throlngli cetabli>isi d at-iees ii\îv of il tt ivslret iiî aîrî anîd iiiî. i plant s 110W have c ti, of iiI / u u I~i li r/ct- 'ti Warns Against Choosing Piano Teacher HastilY Ji Vi~m1. i J-r 4111 By R. L. P. A iew and verv fine quartet îîîadeu j as debtîIt t t te North Shîore Con- ~rgation î Israel at theI'Rosh Hiashiani e' e services Ilast Friday üt-é-enîîg. 'l'lie tjtartet is coî)iliî>tsedl of 'Bt-rince Tlor. sopraîîo 1.ncîie ,iiog. cot)itraltol I l'Iarles Sears. te-for, and l'injaniiju 1 i!il dsnaii, hariton.e. . C e o-rg e H. jSIîapiro is (lirector of ni îî s i ç,'an I' Mer-le Niau-pin is the îew orgaîiist. Fo(.,r the hirst t i ni ýe, traditional j ewisiî îmusic w-as uscdin thie sviia- Lgt gue in lhonor 0f the occasion. *(I tradItionial airs lhad îeen. arrange'! e~pciah-for the- new quartet by MIr. Slîapiro. and fi poranliad beeuî comipos-ed also vîtIî th c.ai(lof 'M, rs. \ViNaîî ('own.It w-as like(e îîe (loe Gratifying Resuit of Practice I' hir ouilg Ih o ilt the siiiimeir, 'M r. Silap.iro. ýIiti is an xelntIu: ciala, witlîau enviable repttilon a'ts a ct(nidiictor.ý lias reilearse(l thIe,(Jua-r- te.t inic t traditionpa! j ewish airs, anii, the ret-sit, as licar( l ast lridav-ngt n'ais îuost pk-asiiu,. . 'fie real I)eaiiiv tý,f theéîmnsic xvas înar\-eIouIsI lrugt \va s inîniiediaîelv apparent. T Il e volet-s hIend w itlî a beatifili hr-, ii(î ) i txtreand tou. anîd tiier i.S stîî~ uf bsouteunity..i týî en- uile ike orchestral instriu- ll]ciit>. thu volces beconie u 11)îk(l as a s,-\iiyathctic lakTtn4foir tht- slor thev miîîglIciin utrolt cach rising and faIiing ciitvl. llrgn .anîd e . ncrg! ,ng as. suit> itue -ýi s -ioii w - ~ 'j 'l buctr lr' ctt.t triti (0 art-itssiitîl liît t- olîeui '<thi Voices CaréfuIly Chosen, ahetvolceer NIrs. tWeti -i. I z I nH XMr. S.,fr--k- (Iays ith :a t21rgl-'t()f 1 lnitre 'u m il" . *a< t'ion ' ittItt AlItXV' " Oupip iie *L t iltin ber p1u4is adtu iîîrks perpersoi for thie larviet Q I.ut cal able ot ti jdg iîw foi- j lit-i- J 1 «( )f>ic4hs n tit-clîe 1 ,ical-et tîi~i. acli iietieir ofiiC<tt- o t s ih î g t l i t f r t n t i l sr 1 . ' I ' l . i r - s l t s h t e1dî g î ~ s c n - t te t l a s a i ns c i o n s , f e i b l e h i ns t r in i t ~-ehin- îaui ("nlîaîl frîn goiîtic-t slouid s-tkhue adduîe t~a ~lihis inder expert coîîitr(,i. Ali ho Otlier Cetltulties fttr.tlîeiî- 11ioî 1msîcaill-y itett< iiit-tiiMe.evexetMr. I.anlsiîail, tue caitor arc but it has îiroved a douhle-edgctl (iSihiteruste( aCýquaiitalicc, SI~ radio singers. M r. 1,aiidsnian hlýiiîd iii ti c h exlienience as a caîîtur, 'anti sw-ou-î ii îîat theîe Crniîaraiîa ta-'sv.orîgîua11y'stiffie<î for opera. In iun haie hist a great deal Si',t 1e ir I " h ild wjwlioha> ul ni)àhsoit-t ho its, ()lie w -a x '*T, i tirotu~giî Restni -a duible Il rOlits Lont.. r) on,43 IU I Ie srie-, »i 1 , ,tze c e uuuatu Ultirotiglîott> the first Wýediesdav (Series 'A) wîll A IgU m o rsWorks ,musIcail wonid fhis N cal'. ato"-nu~ seir.vatory be for chljdren o i enîmentarv sc!iool ' A newN orchestra lias hcîî foîr-ncud **--;TeeXilinette pianijsts, - Miss Liîc' age, and the séries oi the third WXed iiMýuiîicl to perform wNorks of i ving- Rb Miss Jaile Forgrav'e and Milss nesday (Series B) jIll be foroung j coriposers. accordilig to tlie -Ne%, RITES ABOUT COMPOSER Svbi Nichols; are s.tîîd3-iîîg at thle ýpeop1e o nlîihschooi ag'e. -'lie pro- YokTinics. 1It is t c- b)e supportt-d <taiîs-isthie fnaine <if 11 ') i;0Conîservatoire Aînerjcajiî at the Pala.' grains w4ili"l)e ,present cd with tliese Inbycoiflhio)sersNvliost.woksare ho blic recentiv-pn-bished ln,'Paris. It de Fonltainielleati, Fran ce.'fThe\' a distinctions i n mùd. -perforied", it i rprtd-jwittenii by Atîdre Scliaelft-c.. I tPiIS o-f the fanionsmse, S(O r-- jPhilipp,ts ',a er

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