Toloif T'hotio .H.Ul.lrichi, 925 'Lakr aveiiîuc, JVi'iîctte, mercha ut, pailih'r snui, (MU0 n<'îSsr Oaf art,,ils preide' <>f Lrd's.Iuîc, Evanstan1. las lin i/t tÎle store inithe kist tfl cuvers ta ils Proeît Position ils' an aofthei -NIr. t.i1lich lxîughit the stor-e hy cabie- g'ra in froiniWilliani S. I ý(r(l ini 191). Femver than 100 words were exclîaiged between Honolulu, here NIMr. L'llrich was vacationing, and 1E.anston inna- ing the agreemient and laying clown ilie genera1 terrns of the sale. 'l'lie transac- tion, in i 'ew of the amnount involved and the thousands of miles separating the pîrincipals, is stili regarded as 'a re- markahle instance ôf' what cali be ac- conpliht'.len modern busilies. ideals are adhereùi to. Erects Building for Store Mr. U lirxch Iiad. been . Xf r. l1rds lanidiord for a number of Iiis l CojuCtonwith the Stt ak and Sr pst company lié erected iii 1900 the huzlý1ding .whch was (ccupie(I hý' thé store, .with sonie additionis, mit 1 the pres-ent expansion. prograin was put nito effect. To IIithet Life f; Yur Clothe '3 M HY rum-th iti.rsk? Wiy, endanger the lif. of your, lothes when such a gamble is needless? Why speculate, on inferior dean- ing tlat may kilil fe beautfy, the. life, thie quality o.f' your clothes? You'Jl be the. loser, every. lime! And you know you can'tf afl ord to. take a chance like thaf. Then what 's the sclution?. you safeguardi your ciothes against a losing fight for life? >Here's the answer, men and womnen--her,'s the safe way outi Have your clothes MIRACLEANEDI Let MIRACLEAN buildup the-ir quahityl, Let MIRACLEAN addnew life and lustre'! Let, M MiAC.LEAN re- store. the original freshness, and brigjhtness0cfyourloesan give them, the purest, re newed freshe sti h.fe and vigori MIRACLEAN is absolutely cleanest method known today. It is a posi- Miss l-Ilizab)ethi McNulty-, dauAiter 'of the Bernard L.%IcNult'ys, 720 As!î- Iand av1enue, is returiig,. tomnorrow to her studi'es at LaselI seminary, Auburn- dale, Massý. ,This w~ill be lier second year there., R! 1! fiow can