to inur #a.u. e r *** in curr Cbissue -.Résolutions of condolence, cards of thanlcs, obitu- ar~.notices of entertalnmeiits or other affairs where an admittance charge 18 pulished, will be charged at regular advertising ratés. Grade Separation Will.1Save Lif e Let'sHasten the Day! li a verv remeit number of our, news- ilagiazinle we sa Nv a Jnicture-( entitied Flainous lxctvs"ihe pîcturedgru inlfltU(ld lHerbert \\'it1her- Sititable n. e wvIvappOite(l artis- Clothes tic 'rl to'>fth 'lico Civic O pera cmav nt C'ulnîb. ulîl (r)f I'a '-Caain M\1 iln l-~aso ~ïsz, ad l4tta1 huan.()rii teretcdgazie rested loingest, al îîh>s scarchîîîiglv oî iiasso i szt. Anld xh cause lhe was iwearinig elo)the s that lhave long seeîied 1tu il,;idcal for- allxokn mlenl, 1men x\Vho (eietu l)e l>tth efficienit and coînifortale. Linder this. hçading wve (10 lot include tea hlounids. Thev p1ailly de- sire to bel>oth iiiefhcieîý-it ahd iiiciiitoî-t- able. TPhe iiore vesUleI ~so~clothes the mure w e grew ëeunvînieed that' he \%; ts Nvearîng xvhat are cnnol.knocmvn as ~unonals. This is the style ()f garilent favorcd ,hv garage michantiics, nmen h w'ait tu o crk. eflkcientl.v and coin fortably. Ijimmails are cast Iin une ple<ce andtcvî the body nucdéstlv froru chili to tue, hcad. to fo)ot. 'This suit Cali b.c plIt pn ll t\v().ý three at the mu ost, quick inovemenlits. .And1 if su'pplied witli zippers can bé ready for j~lIcapl)roval in ii e or tvo inuiites. Add to. iinion.ils sox and shoes' anid Nvou haa coýstume (.that1 meets ail.requiiremienits. bei1ng comrf ortable, efficien t, chelap, nadtal to l)oth summeiiir and il'ter mwear. If uniionails w~ere oiilv Made to lit exact- lv. antd madie ()f inaterial 1)oth stroiig ani 1)eautIfi il *vvu wives vou1d not obýjet tp * Eervclouti, su they ýsay, lia", ile liîin". 'l'he silver iniug of the cloui d of <le-resit>i iis(ols the iow'er prices of manv coîuuodîtiçs. It's ,an ii lli(.ec Manîv of',tIlee uder menîbers uf .untir nuprth .shore cuni ninnties eau cn asfly recaîl the (lavs m-vhen thére. were 'nosncb insti- ttlt >nms a,,1 cunIlliiuitC'oill(llity ho uses. Incéi(leltally tht >se; Ilouses \*ecaiso the <avs xhen thure werc nu cuîuîliin- tics. Ieqd l x'ed eit hem' b-i ifaîîî ies o'r n~~~~~l! iîh<>luu..n ni ct nîinuiiti tics. Tbe, 1 >Oid(s that lb ixada vés tir*indiîdual fai-s lies iliitt argr iigr( ii s c i tle r li( i it exist (or if thex' -dîiexîsi;tii tese tics wr \'erv svéàak. butSi l tltosCcar liv vs grrat and( sî~îliant cîaît.eslive takcn place. 'l'le feeingî -~anti- fa1ct tof frthr tiihave ini the jibra se, *uîues(o11eof anothecr," have furcetit îuse1vs n in il anbe- ilgs. cii hae ti eh ec, ani er * (av are seeing mullre c tal tat thev are i)rtthers nuitier 1th1C kin anti that the niait who ivsfoîr lhiiself.aluneé î, is nt reallv liig.'lc sue struc eof the ýselfishi \\ith the ge-tîth lis coniviction tiiere has growuniee&1 for- a siuital)le comiîitvh iietingiilace, ; wbere the memlbers ut a nibohoi Or of a sinail vil1age. mnax-convenientlv. meet ;at regniar. tr nter- vals aud performn the functions (of a real Coîiimtiiii1tV. "limeshloîe or chutrcli reîidere(li thîsý service for îuanv x-ears. Anti even to(IaN the cbutrcli(jr. schoollîouise i$ tlie.coiînmuiiitv b ouse of maux- a to.w'n But theé inhiahitanits of a village cannot get the îiiof oltl teir corion al)ilities, canuilot satisfv In the best possible \vaày tbeir cuminon neetis, iunless thiev hiave Mn their iist a building \vell equîppcd sle-- ci ilv antisolelixitendeti for coimn»î defiîîite signls of the passing oi sunîmiier and the arrivai of the colorful1 auttuninai seasQil. Our liegira, as s-ou înay' ktio\w, xas richlv care. The.i jouirlev teck us as far rt et as the xi ule~inaria where our ainia ie host intro- (Ite(l us. toe a real dîrt fariner w-lîe, strapgc1y eneuýtgli. cenhned lise ccnversàtîeîî largeix' ta tearful conuilieits regar(linig tflic resîn par- tîciularlv as >it, aiects thenssais ef thie. sil. Tllic Iietvîl-ýIunlIi rea. wc lcarilc( anîd -later uebsërVed, is gra(luil assuning itue '.tatus ef a -sert of Ia.keForest exteifsieti, xv bat xxihnianv erstxvhilc 'dirt farnîi taMIS .g ut eh chiracter of 1broad etie.beautif mlly latU-. ani>(l!d basting mansiens ru-nilsiset t)i iliie golden era oftthe net fart(ista nt pa~t M Je~.arni (the Arino'ur eîesedili.ul eMtrts and o ther lan(lniarks. to bc sure, lhave gîven pvatriciai e haracterto thi s wtiei fut niaux \-ears.' Xct eld imers eof ilbu nortsile ,re chi earct amîiliàr witlî that ýoî1lîîrFxviiiletée timt Olée1 hundredl.s aof, trvpay dfas are ,r.tlier stcadîlv gîvxulg xvafi) ll e cliv maiuge ta oirt>ake the 1hurlvýburlv aiil ii e (Ie\x oi th Soe 04 obervaticons cvil!Yaýsaiit, Alarge *Section of .\lMc i' dx frimi lis I).c>en cuù-- verted'into a gt lfiiWeuse for inîlhîtîîaires. "ie,(leer -herd. i:stillIli \Iç exiceICC iil d1; bt w finie herd it is. '.Ilîe xorld's e privatt:bide vur a rail- read (lr'ght-of-way. jit bvMr. Arineursel vears ago te gain accu>ss te)lii? t ate roiniWaui- kegami raad, Vast stretchies cof re r adualix tIýng cl auiiial garb). Cern ;i shocks. 'l'lericili g'r&en e(t ffaI apatchsIerîu1011111g a strikiîig *contrâst te uuno tnxitea l)rewn s aîîd golds. The lroad expaîîses (f tuele;dîîftlad, aristo- cratic Onxventsia club xith' the sigîl at, thte :Cn- trance : Oivveîît sia Cltb-m-for ipniners elj,- Chicago 3» îie. Beinig ,f the lîci pelivi, l'iclîîmt iîîti Nelv nu (Ige thie chauffeur te hlasten sôeuthwa-ýrdl]est xvNe tres- .pas on forl"çldeîî groulîd. An architectural gemn-reai esýtate offi ce cf -the laîiîented golden era-îîow einploye(l as a geuieral rnarket for melons, lîoîîev, fruit anîd tlie ilievit- able barbeque wlhatîîots. Which p--romipts the observation s la' roîn ý i e is1 the îIegînniïiug oi (wiuuer. 1ulie 1mail arrives. and wvith it an avalanche of bis. l but ini the course of the landsie ont froniî an oriavloigletter there .drops not. a bill.lbut a cbc O nc's face. hithiertu) growin g niore' aild. :milur.e nîelcbàtncholv, veaIrS titof G;rass ires eau quickly becomle houise nie Te ineed, for miaking sure thiat fires, Slarted ii dtry grass eaui be kept. under c onîplete contr(>l is.therefore ist urgent.. ilb - xauin cleaimer attached whiCh gliarantees to retievc îasles from11 the air befere they alst ic oin the carpet. Probaiv the work c(f sîî *lli" id(,\ uwuîpoed îIoth ex-,terimiinatiîîg en- gîneer. 110,w about a hlittic firost ? MIQCE