Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 17 Sep 1931, p. 11

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Nrew i rièr, plays its nrst gamie ofthte season with Maine Towniship High school of Des Plaines Saturday of next week, and Coach Walter Asclienbach 1is asting no time getting a team ready for the battle. New Trier will start its 1931 schedule of games under a handicap of only two weeks. of, practice, *while înost of the other teams will hiavýehad at least one extra .week in wliich to prepare. This week Coach Aschenbach has been giv- ing .inistructions in the f undamentals, of the game, and. somne light practice bas been on the program. Prospects are good for a ýwinmnn team.,at New Trier this year, Asclien- bach believes, because there, is more experienced material than usual witli .which to start the season. Eleven letter ,mn: have returned to school. Tliey are: Lotter Men Returu Ted Wachs, who played guard last year and who wiIl probably play tackle this year;. Ray ,Kimnbaîl, center last year, who is another candidate for a tackle position: Reynolds Ostrom, tackle; Henry Crawford,'guard; Stanton Schu- man, guard; AI Lind, center~; Leonard Wolf, end; Tom Sinding, end; Colin Finlayson, end, who is out for qugrter- back; Harry GillogIy, fullback, and Samuel Smiale, halfbac k. AI. Lind, and Leonard Wolf are co-captains of this' vyear's team., Letter men who were lost by gradua-, tion last spring include. George 'Ogan, guard; *"Red". Howe and:Bil,1Sellery, tackles; Charles Kremer, end; Jack Hicks, quarterback;, Fred Lind, haif- hack, and George Boylston, fullback. *The quarterhack and end positions are weak this year. Coacli Aschen1bach re- ports, and he is busy strengthening themn for the opening gaine next week. Play on New Field Ne\w Trier's home games this year % vilI lie played on* the school's new athm- ietic field, PPhélps field. Practices also are being ield there. Followifig, is the New. T rier -schedule for the season.i. September 26---Maine at New Trie. Octoheir 3-.Schurz at New Trier. Octoher lO-Proviso at Maywoorl. Octoher IZ-Morton at .Cicero. Octoher 24-Oak Park at New Trier.. Octoher 31-Openi. Novemnber, 7-XVaukegan at New Trier. November 14--Deerfield at Newv Trier. *November'21-Evanston at Evanston. *Mrs. Harry Timmons of Greên- The golden text was, "By humilitv and the f ear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life" (Proverbs 22:4). ,Among the citations which coni- prised the lesson-sermon was the fol- lowing frorn the Bible: «'O the depth of the riches both ofthqe Nisdorn and knowledge of God,! how unsear-chableý are his judgments, and his.ways past finiding out!I For of hirn, ani through him, and to him, are ail things: to whomn be glory for eveýr" _(Romans, Il1:33,36).._ The lesson-sermon. also included the foliowing passages. f romn the Christian Science textbook, "'Science and Health with Key to the. Scri- tures," by MaryBaker Eddy: "4The substance, Lfe, intelligence, Truth, and Love, which constitute Deity, are reflected by His creation; and, when %ve subordinate >the false testinony Lthe -corporeal senses to the facts ofScience, we shail seée this true like- ness and reflection everywhere" (p. ANNOUNCE BUNDLE DRIVE Four hundred churches in Cook county wilI cooperate with' the Chi - cago Christian Industrial league in its annual Bundie camnpaign whichî be-, gins September, 22 anfd continues through October-5. A caill to Monroe, 2474 will bring a truckto yrour (loor to receive coitril>utiiins of clothiiî, furniture, dishes, rugs, bedding or *anything you can't use."~ Miss Eleanor .B e n s o ri, who ias.. been teaching at the Lyman school in Philadelphia for a number of years,, is now at the Greeley school in Win- netka. She is living at the 'Kenil- worth Inni.. -o-, Miss 'Jean Hall of 500 Cýeniit ral avenue« left Tuesday to enter Sullins college at Bristol, Va., as a freshinan. DECORATING c We pride ourselves on our ability a *te do expert work - decorating *that stands the test of years and mi g ives complete satisfaction. Arch andi More gopds were sold during the August periQd in 1931 than in the same period a year ago,. as shown in the estimated tonnage figures. Au- gust sales, expressed in tons, were 399,779 this year, compared with 373,- 566 in August, 1930. This is ýa gain ini qùantity of mérchandise sold céf 26,213 tons, or 7.02%. Average weekly. sales in August were $18,602,708 comupared with $19,w- 591,833 in 1930, a decrease of $989,125. Average weekly tonnage, sales were 99,9451 conipared w ith ý 93,392 in, Autgust, 1930, an increase. of 6,553. MOTHER-DAUGHTER DINNER A Mothers'-Daugbters' banquet is téo be held. in St.. John's Lut heran church. Thursday e vening, Septem- ber 24, in the Sunday school roofns of the church at Park land, Wilmette avenues. A program of varied inter- est has been arranged. Mr. and Mrls. Ralph Starr of 320 RZaleigh road, Kenilworth, came home last week f rom a ten-day .stay in the Land O'Lakes region in Wisconsin. On their way home they motored to ,Telma, Iowa, for Dorothy and Ralph who were staying with Mr. Starr's FRIGIDAIRE PRICES ARE DOWN', FROM $5 TO THE BITE OF A PET ANIMAL MAY CAUSE RABIES. BITHER ONE. SHlOULD lead yo TO eall on your PHYSICIAN at once AND think ofthe BIOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT in OUR store.. BIOLOGICALS. ARE prèpaïrations MADE, froni living ORGANISMS such AS vaccines and SERUMS. They must, --ALWAYS be* kept at LOW temperatures TO prevent, DETERIORATION JUST as you keep THiIINGS. fresh in. the REMRIGERATOR. WE carry a large ULNE of them. ung $1.00 Fo Apointment Phono VAN' DLJEIM'S Btauty Salon 11r I 35V2~ Central Avenue Asic OuÀdvice on Coametios and Powder Blen'ding aidyour local de GlO'8s IC>ntral-Wilniette Avons.. phones: WiIintt.ý 28 abd 5 I..

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