in Pasadena, is on ner way back tw California after a visit in Washington with hier daughter, Elizabeth Field Little, and in other, places in the east. She was also a dintier guest of the John McDonalds of 419 Ninth street last week. WiIlii, Nance Ponders Ordinance on Auctions A copy of a proposed ordinance to. regulate the, holding of auction sales in Wilmette was contained in a coni- munication from the Wilmette Cham- ber of Commerce addressed. to the Village.board at the board's regular meeting Tuesday night. The Cham- ber sugge st ed that the Village board adopt the, ordinance in order "to pre- vent unfair competition and, dishon- est business practices and to protect the public f rom fraud." Juicy, tendeér cuts at Iower prices-and they mhust be" g d.We gudrantee tbem. 1931 GENUINE SPRING 'LEG 0F:. LAMB * Ib.2c CHOICE BEEF PO!Tk year was 451r, anda mis year it is ex- pected to be siightly larger. The regis- tration is flot complete, as a number of t he children have flot yet returned f roui vacation. The school library opens today (Thursday). IAse 9 4[11, WHERE YOU'LL LIKE TOý, TRADEPHONE,' ShopRoeand Save Money 2,--p. B*fve- moetset Closing out at this sensa- tional price! Beautiful col- ored glass refreshment set in Rose and Green. Comi- plete with 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 salad plates, 4 sherbets and 4 tumblers. Formerly $1.45 95e Sauce Paum Set Alumiinium 11/2, 2 and 3-q.A LaWu Comb Flexible steel- teeth. Does flot injure the gr-a-ss. Easy-t-o bandie, ight and drable. Preservlmg Step4n Kettle Refuse PaU Large 12 - qt. preserving N edt oc twt kettle made of heavy gaugeNone tuhi Vt aluminumr. A canning tirne the hands, just step on the necessity. foot lever and cover opens. Regùar $.75 alue Handy, convenient, easy to Rçgùlr $175 vlue ean. Formerly 85c. 14o 1,49519 PLANT ~O FE RTILIZE (R Ass SEED V!GRO TOUR LAWN Noir! V~~mplete piwUifood NW Lawn se . d N Skokie Valley Lawn Seed for your faîl seeding. Reg- ularly selling for 45c a lb. This week Done Meal Pvese 'ilgJ, Genuine Bal M a son jars. A real can- n i ng tm e special. E doz. Ot. Id"O.. 2-qi. For waterless and otherj cooking. Ideal for vegeta- bles, -stews, soups and cere- aIs.,Has insulated, No-hurn A&P Food Store The Gret Atic a &PacilAt T.Co. MdlX oeit iDivision Formerly $1. .....h...ebl l)ecorati.ons and glazitig is flot affected by bic sizhe- specit- DliimrwreSet o atc'2 .aIy priced at a DInnawae St t math; 2 îs..savings., Fo'nèr1y $,.5.......... $ 95dz4 e »fNNERWA1IE SET NOT HOT OVEXWARE z.3 Regular $3.50 value. jew»s v......... Soeeer Balle ... $295 up Basket Balles... .9 up fin~ UI Damboo SUse' it' like a brom. Easy to handie, wilI- flot tear up or injure jthe grass. Ela 1 -