Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 7

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(Contributed) Residents of Wilmette, ICenilworth, Wiîrnetka and Glencoe, who have con- tributed âowvers, fruits and vegetables to the Chicago Plant, Fiower and Fruit guild,,W~ilmette on Tuesday, the othe rs on Wè'dnesday, for distribution.in hos- pitals, settiemnents, and visiting nurses' statioiàs, wiii be, interested in the f ol- lowing reports reteived f rom institutions on the Tuesday and Wednesday lists. >The supervisor, at the Dearborn Street station of' the Visiting Nurses' association says: "The sub-station has received flowers, fruit and sandwiches, which came iin ex,%cellenit condition. These gifts have heen placed in, the homes of some of our neediestpaients. who are indeed niost gratef ni for ,them. The nurses are* de- ighted to transport these i.ovely gifts to our destitute patients." Feast ini Park l'le University of Chicago settlement' w~rites: "I do want to tell you hô%% beautifully the fruit and sandwiches, *we received last Tuesday fitted into our plans. -We took à griffi -itof woen and chui- dren, about fifty in ail, to Lincolin park for the day, each fainily taking its own lunch. The food they brought was piti-, f ully inadequaàte, sô the extra f ood wvas passed. One mari, the only 'father' who went , aid, after eating two cheese sandwiches and an orange, that hie had not had so niuch to eat for a long tinie." Miss Carrne A. Post, surlerintendent of the Martha Washington Home for. Diependent Crippled CI ildren tells us. "Manyv of our chiidren, who sit in wvheel chiairs aIl day long, just love. the sweetniess and fragrance of the won- der fui flowers that have been sent to iiand the crate of oranges- recentiy reccived was very badiy needed, as, duel to the terrible depression, wve have pnot been able to buv ail the fruit that is, needed by our children." B3ring Joy ýto Blind The Gads Hill supervisor of the Vis- iing Nurseassocaio rites: *"The flowers are goinginto the homes of very sick people, who are very happy to receive themi. They always ar- rive looking f resh, and just at the right time, and our niurses are delighted to take them t) the patients." The Chkago Lighthouse, conducted states, that the license plates may be carried in a pocicet of the car. The law requires that the plates be dis- played in plain view of police officers. Members of the W'ilmette Police de- partment have beeýn given orders.-to enforce the law strictly and withoutý exception. There have been many cases, Mr. Dubbs said, where auto-' mobile owners have, been brought into police court on a charge of, .violating the state imotor -'ehicle, law or ithe Village, ordinance regu- iating Such mnatters and fined. BERENICE VIO0LE Teaclier and Pianist Studio: 114 Third St. Phone Wilmette 1705 Tablets Erasers Pendi Dores Pendi Sliaenr B lotters ý . l se" &lDP Riders Pa ffDrlies crayu In fact, everything except text books kUDGE, AVENUE PHARMÂCY C. C. Renneckar P.honeWILMETTE 316 Opposite St. Joseph Sehool __________________________________ il I* M t BOYS' GOLF. HOSE The' correct sock for fali at the n ew low prices. Pair 35e 3 Pairs $1.00' PLUS FOURS. TWEEDEROY' PLUS FOURS. They are firnily tailored of sturdy eorduroy materials, the klpd that wears like leather. The euffs are elastic knitted. A very special %-,due at $2.95 B8ROADCLOTH SHIRTS TJhese are the famous Tom Saw, yer make. They are tailored of sturcly broadcloth juaterill n white and a. cholce of pleain~ig colors. AUl sizes. $1.00 to $1.50 GiRLS'.NlEW- FALL.DRESSES'ý Tliese .sni-art frocks are fashioned of -the new fail cottonls. Thecir Etoh jackets and dainty trnimings. niake theinivery,,desirabie. $1.25 and $1.95 club, 533 Mrs. Tu Gardenc ilworth' The 'Wendelin P. ,Sengs, 401 'Lake avenËue, re turned to their hocme last Week, f rom their summier place at the Land, O'Lakes. Wis. We Fit Ont Shees by X-Ray DEPARTMENT STORE FOR THE FAMIL Y 1123-2.5-27 Central Ave. PIione Wimette 194 j t

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