Oiretor of Music Illinois Piano College Branch Sudio-923 Greenleaf Wilmet.482 Aave.aeneand nn.Touce h ir Lake avee and Mrs. T helo boesc son et the FEvanston hospital day, September I., We offer you h. Most valu. in thèe .deliciouskol. fées which -art always per- fectly blende. nd Ireshly roissted. AL*AYS FRESH , Our ,Breakfast UiencI Protected by the Green Basg .y . ALWAYS FRESH American Homne BIend Flevot Se.l.d 1-lb- 25c ln Airtight Cen - can ALWAYS FRESH Naionl CofEIlLUXE VACUUM PAChK 1/ilia*e President C.- P. Dubbs zwill make. his first public address ill fazlor offthe c~oishritetioli of a in- nîicipally ozcned watêer plant for lVilmet te M'tonday ezciDiiq, Sep- tomnber 14, at the ineeting of thle 1lii ette Chamber of Commerce to0 be held in the 2fasaiiic temple. M-\rs. Wesley Eaghter f romi visiting r Mrs. 131 BIom and ber littie San Francisco are mr's parents, M-\r. and case of 320 Leicester h. L NavySeaInS Hand PkeJM(iukg)n 2 lbs. ~OC ;Bue Rose Rice ExbulY ..2 lbs.. OC' AutJeia Pancake e Aunt J9MOM41FUses,. 91 2 opj I 19C Kar SyUp tLabel 2 . . . 2 1 i">7c Spinach lanTa ro1 at 5 PeasA.*iSan 3 Nt al$ & 25c P e ls E x ra Si ed . . . . . . 2 2 2 5 c9 That's what customers tell us. No matter what the texture of yo ur hair natural.-looking waves can. be yours, too! Frederic Vita LeMur, or Gabrieleew P.50 3484 LINEX AENUE83à RIDGE BOA» 419, MAVN STREET110;.i-07CENTRAL AVENUE 1189-91 WILMETTE AVE-NIE National "^ Food, Stores PHFN E %Iss Olive L. ý;rover, Mrs. Josephine Case, Miss Lillian Fitch, Miss Cather- ine Murphy. music Mrs. Marlan Cotton, Miss Susannah Armstrong, Miss Adeiaide Jones, Miss Winifred MUickey, J. C. 8chiimacher. Miss May. Fogg, Mrs. Ella Abbott, Miss. iris Bouiton, Miss Margiaret- Hubsch, Miss Anna Mtay, Smlth. (BOYS,) W. . Childs, E. B. Jackson. fD. H.. Showley. HEAILTH Mris. Margaret Moore, Mtrs. Gladys. Bolce. LIBRARY Miss t1eanor ýLlbbey, Mrs. Elizabeth Todd. CAFETERIA MANAG'R Miss Eleanor Robson. . P. Gaffney, MisF.E. aeker, F. A.Kahier, W. L. Brown, 1-. H. Her- ron, S. S. Vernon (also Sei.). OFFICE. Mrs. M. B. Arnold, Miss Rhea KoiI, Miss Bernice Rossberger, *Mrs. Marion Showley, Miss Gertrude, Wagner, MJiss Martha Wilen, Miss Ruth, Wiiefl. It was. reported at the school office this .week that quite a large number of New Trier graduates plan to returu to. 1sehool this year for post-graduate, work. An assemnbly for freshman.. students wiII' be held at the school M.%oidav morning. There vill alsoiIbe an assemblyv f or ài upper class students coming t o Ne\%' Trier from other schools. The high sehool book. store ivilI be openi Thursdav.. Friday and, Saturday mornings of this week from 9 to 12 ,o'clock. according to an announicement zoo j