Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 51

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Verne . nioni, Fr Uontoun, tDruce Davis, Harry Madison, Vincent Meyer, Leon Molendi, Richard Stu- pey, Robert Weber; Menit Badges- * Marvin Brownlee, public health,, woodworking, conservation;-Anker Jepperson, first aid, personal health, p)ublic heaith; Carl Sanderboif, public héalth, ilife saving, swinîming, per- sonal hiealth; Robert Stupeyý, wood- workiig, publllic h.ealtli. Arden Shore -Troop> 44-First . ClassDonald Nelson; L.ake Forest-Troop 48, Mernt Badges-ýIanl Falconer, leather- craft'; -Kcnneth Kenniedy, leather- craft; Jack Neale, leathercraft. Deer- feld-Troop .50-MenIr't Badges-Joliii Ginter, swimmiing, public health, per, sonal heatlh; Robert Ginter, wood- carving, publiec health, life saving; Bud Lochridge, reptile study, pub)lic health. Troo.p 5-Milton Merner. swim ming, Lihertyville-Troop 69- Menit .Badges-Bob) Bernard, con- seratin.Ship 64.-Merit Badges- Howard Knox, pioneering, a-viationl; Fort Sheridan-Troop 67-.Merif *Badges-Bill DuBois, leatliercraf t., Other Côuincils-Second Class-. Charles Driver; Robert Dexton- public health, conservation. (Continiued Next Weck) IIomg FROM ABROAD Mr. and Mrs. Robent H., Nason :with their datigliten, Sancy, have re- turnied to their homne at 1200 Green- wood avenue f rom a three months' trip abroad. They crossed on the steamer, Enipress of Britain and- visited nine European countries by inotor. They landed at Quebec, Canada,. where their son, Robent N- son, met theni. He lias spent the summner in Californ.ia and at. the Kananaskie Dude ranch in Aiberta,i Canada. ,.Sanfrd. S. Holden 'and his son, Jack - of 527, Warwick road, Kenil- w__ýorth, neturned Iast Week fnom a fishing trip to 'Mercer, .Wis. They had the funi of catching an -eighteel-: pound muskelluinge. 0o Mr. and MNrs. P. L. Hillinger, their son, the Rev. Raymnond Hilhîn.gen, and thein daughter. Beatrice. of 1520 Spen.- Sunday, Septeniber 13, at the regular il o'eloek mnorning worship hou'r the Ttev. Selden L. Haynes, D. D., centrai representative of the Board of, Pensions of the Presbyterian church iu the United Sta tes, will sVpply our puipit. Sunday school, Ail departments, Be- ginners to Aduits,, At 9 :30D A. m. Sunàay*, Septcîfiher 27,-wlI be, Rally and Pro- motion day in the Sunday school. 'Ple pulpit flowers for next,'Suntday %vili 1e given by Ms oi N. Brenner in memory of 6&r mother. F ollowing is the musical'prograin: Pre lude-"ýPraeludium" <(First Modern Suite) ...............MacDowell Solo "If God So Ciothe the Grass" Ôffertory."Arabesquée"... i achaof ,?ostlude-"lJubil«tto Deo"...........ovr> Edwal'd Otix, BIt8s, Soioist Erma. Rounds, Pýia nist first Congregational, John G. Hindley, ministe~r J. Clair'Mead, direetor of religinbus education Chuirch school will begin at 9 :30 a. m. next Sunday. This wiii be the last Sun- day of the one-hour sunmmer session, wlth the. Beginners and Irimary de- partments under the direction of Miss Wheelock, and the Junior and Inter- miediate departinents under Nir. Mead. The rnorning worsh1ip seÉrvice NOIl be held at .10 :45 o'clock. Mr. I-indley will preach on "The Call of the Fali." The Cozy Corneèr Circle will have lts tirst meeting of the year on Thursday. Sep-Itember 17, at the home of Mrs. Frank Hluffiian,, 1311 MWaple avenue. This will be a luncheon meeting. Mn. and Mrs. George E. Fouts, 530 Greenfleaf avenuei left Tiuesday for. New York City for a mnonth's vaca- tion. They wiIl stop at Syracuse to .visit thein caughiten, Mrs. A. L< Bib- bins, who was Minerva Fouts. --o- Dr. ýand Mrs. C.; E. Geisse and daughter, Mary Lou, 2415 Binchwood avenue, drove ast week to'Fond du Lac, Mis. takinig with tbem. Mrs. C. F. Geisse, who had been their guest. fnr the past tnonth. ants bas, for s5everal years, beld ber the Wilmette Public ibrary, stated this school ,i Winnetka. As the euroil- week.. The librarians are preparing nit is necessarily limited, those inter- their ownf list of new books for chil- ested have been asked to enroli at an dren, Miss Whitmack said. Publishers early date. The terrn will begin. Sep- are sending them advance copies of temwber 14. tXeir booksi . .. . . .. . Fîrst Chi Tentb Street, WEDNESDAY SXJNDAY E EI - OPen Daily à Open, The Bible and Wi Christian Science L * Reading R.oom. THE PUBI - CHURCH Lurcli of Christ,-:Scient ist and .Central Avenue. wilmetet ,16i SUNDAY SERVICES i A. M ,Y, TESTIMONIAL ME~ETING - 8 P. M. ,Y SCHOOL EXERCISES 9:45, A. M. SEPTEMBER 13, 1931 Subject: -SUýBSTANCE IDING ROOM-x114 8,Central Avenue- r(excepting Wednesday) 9 A. M. to 1.P. M. Y'ednesday 9 A. M. tw 7:4 5 P. M. Sundag ,iftnoonat 3 P. M. to' 6 P. M. Vorks of MMr Baker Eddy and ail other authorized Literature may b. read, borrowed or purchased at the E E I I E I I I E E I LIC !S CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND TII! SERVICES AND VISIT THE! READING 'ROM mlimni iIiIiIiiiiilflmflhiUflNhiiiUUhiiiOiiiiiflhhmflhijiflhiIiimfluhimhIuIIImflhflflhIiiiiuuili Rates by Moter', Hour or Trip 24-HOUR SERVICE f .... ................................................... I AdÂe.u . ........ ......... ................... .ek ' a e........................................ Coupon expires 3o day. from dot* of isseriion. e Mercer Luniber Co's. t 4" e .... . ............................................ p ............. .................... ............... ......................... 1.111quils.!É ----------- gvmutOI4 2739 W- ikwirimd A».

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