Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 48

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-Clamslfied advertlaeenftswIll be cbarged oniy 10t residents, of the district from E"-vanston te ànames appear ln the telephone directoTy, or wht> te eithei WILMETz LIFE. WINNETK-6 ALIC 15 cet. a In.l one paper. 25 cents a line ln any two PaPem~ Raes c0 dents a lin. n il Jthree patAler. IINTYNCÎEAI&E ONE »O0LTýAjL. Average of ive words toth.lbne. -No black face type u.Sed.- 10%h dis"ànt Ob .aIl eath wlthb eider adverU*leieflte wbeft brOlgbt teouill gae a&t282Ceitral-Ave., wilmette, o0f61 Linegla Aie., Wluuetha. Deadline for Insert OnS"ý-epte d pt edy 'ltu l for, lb. WILMETTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 o'clock, for the WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 o'clock for the, QLENCOE NEWS. Telephones ilmette 4300, Wlrnnetka 2004, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5697. 13 UILDING &a FINANCING L(S Yjl, O(>IM FEA FINCIIER .Interesting Ne-,'-,s <hlsplayrnate. têward for re- turn. S42 Sheridàn td.. Wilrne>tte. IX OR[)ER TO . STIM'UIATE, M'E Tel. Wilrneýtte 78.7. 21,TN1ý'-lt(e building of homnes <n the North, Shore, ______________________________ wh1ich can he donp now at a Iower LOT'-BROWN MALE COCKER rs than at any trne during the past .4paniel Saturday. \ug. 2). (hildrf!n'sý tpn yearbs, an architeet with, long ex- pet.. Pëward. Ph, lnéOe 130. p *riencee in residential work in the 2LT19-tp' Xrth Shore. towris, inecluding I)~ 71fild and Lîhertyrville-, (Cers. a verY BLACK. BRIEF, CASE LOST N. S., attraetive pOroposition to' homne- buyers. she-ri<lan rd. 1'(cward. Il.turn to Sears r farn in touc:h with owncers, of .t4arait ftoehtu(k. 50 inoî aSelù,Wit- 1prcpe-rty. throuùghout the, ~dis~trict, sorne- netka, 2LT19-ltp 1o(f wor av ade me ,extrernelyý7 'LOS~ - REENuU>H PoKET-cf-,Li whei'e -the building (of!a i-LÀ)H ý -»()CF-T-ýýcr eo ntimllated this' luor next book o Rswod > EmS(eptemper i 4pring. t' have alwo arrangedfl 'r- 2. Rewari. W'nntkt 103. flnanCing, If n(ecessýary, up to '7i5 per 21.TNlý-ltp <cn t of thé total comt of the hiouse and, NU)ndatsîi w,: eent lnt,:rest. F., 1 GEM A.NPOilICE1 F,'DOG. # 1 Iryou want a home 1aceûording triyoâr yr. old. Blafck ànd thrown. Maie, Ken- <>),wn idesan uiennt tths, lworth PoieIept.. 2Tl~-t lowest c-osttan( on teýrm-i that ýwIll apç>eal toyo i lw is the, tirn,. to act. S ANTI@UES My many client-, 'arie myrfree. ________________________________ *Addre.s.s.Wllette Life P-18 VASE ANI FIURES~II~l.~AN»MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS repalred by iexperts. Wfe *have a _______________________ 1_ thrrough krnowIF-dge' 0f.antiques .i r FORSAI-'l 'CIARJINET INOD prosand dopriate safd'gd tst1 ha condition, reasonable. Phone Winnetka are prpit n l o ý,e 219," 22LT.N19-1.tp *Prico-s STI:DJOS . - 152 hemn ve,<o. rve~ 4 PAINIrIN G AND DCCORA TING SLýfTNI9 Ite EOAIGAI MRNCII, GENTLEMAN IIEFORE jI mailing for home willldispo.se of hisl rare cletinoàntIqUes, Ve-nrtian b)rc-ades. and vlvétq, l7th century at a g'etscie., Authcntlclty guaran- tee-d. Réfer. furri. Ih. Dearhorn 0778, 2 to, 5. 5LTN]9-ltp, FOR SALE A NTIfQ ,ES. COLONIAL mabogany sofa, rare' I)elft platqu,: large Dutch bottle with palnte-d scen,1 fine Kentucky riffle, early breach-[ loading muqket, and frarned aiua- l et ba ng i "I.Pre rasnb. I'hon. e Gleoe 1122. 24LTNID-ltp. 33 WEARING APPAREL WANTED TO) BUY-IUSEI) CLOTH- inshoes. Phone or, write, Mar.tin,* 7289<'uter, Evanmton. Uni. <347. FOR't SALEF FUL'L, DRESS EVENING clthes ln' perfect condition, sultabie for y<ung man. Size 28, also'silk bat mize 7. Ph. WJýnnptka 1667. ted. Winn. 2662, Davis '777 PAULISES EMPI 748 'Elm St. 634 Daviý Wiflne tka Evarnsto '71 Highid Pk. 25201 SCOTCH SECOND -MAID, BEST 0F >AGENCIES North Shore ýreferences. ?au1ine's, sSt. 8 North 1 st Winnetka 2662. 41LTN19,1'tc on Highld Pk. 1TN1-Itc iWANTED-WASHI-NG AND 'CLEAN- 41LTNI9ý ' bythe day, Fri. or Sat. Tel. DOMESTiC HEL P ~ lmteJ' Tel. Winnetka 2662 EXPER. LAtUNDRESS By THE DAY. 1 References personally investigated. ('Can furnisgh best of ref. Phone Ken- No, Charge wood 0618. 41LTN19-ItP to Employer PAULINE'S ZMP. AGENCIES GIRL ATTENDING HIGH SC}HOOL 4 No., Shore Office ihes place as mothers helper. Ph. 41LN19tc W.ilrette 4282. 4ILTS-N.lfl MIDDLE-AGED LADY, EXP., c'ONIF., WAN1TED WASHING AND IRONINSO desîres pos. in. notherless home -al to tak,- home., 'VilI eall foIr and de- housekeeper. Good. respectful home in liver. Ph. Wilmette 3246. 41LTN19-qlte preference to high wages. Ex. local ref. .Grown 1hidren. Write B-184, CPABLE WOMAN W'ISHES POSI- Box 40, Willrette. 4ILTN19-1ne tion as housekeeper. Good, references. _______________________________ h. Wilmette 4866., 4!LT1l9-lflc COLLEGE GRADUATI,' VERSATILE. widely traveled, seeks engagement - 1'LOE WOMAN WIISHElS MORSÇ- companion, tutor, charge of homne.], ng or. day worrk. R eferences. Ph. Drives car. Write Box 422, Xýýake For- .Gýreenleaf 8260. "41LTN19-lte" est. 1 1- ___________COM-PETENT CO LORED GI RL WIS-- HOUSEKEEPER, COMPLà LENT, EX- es general housework. Gord ref. Ph. cellenit N. S., Ref. wishes peo."itionin tianle 5117., 41L19-ltp. refined, adult home, good homeý pre -__ ferre to high wages. Ph. G--reenleaiÉOJUTP!WNEOML 8116 41I~N1~ItPEXPER. CAPABLE COLORED MAN, EX P E RI E NC E D WHITE GIR.L desires Position as chauffeur, house-' would like position taking care of m'a n. 'Own unifo)rm. Best N. S. refer cilîdren, afternoons and evenlngs. P'h. jSyrs, Iast place. Wentworth74. Ilencoe 450. 41L19-Ltp 4LS1-t EXPERIENCED CHILDREN'SYL'GHNA ANMS IHE nuseo, DPhWilir.eospaal327shesPosition as -gardener and houséman postio. h. inntk 321.41119-1Up By day or week; can drive cir. A.si for Wlýeinhart. Ph. Wilmette ý2567. EXPE R- YOUNG WOMAN W.ANTS 42LTrNlIP-1nc position, general housework or coio k. EEA HEiLANS.WS N. S. ref. Tel. Winnetka 2728. rdow wEAL Sie. carANdscaing 41LTNI-ltp ervInif and waiting table by e.xeri- EXPERIENCED WHITE W O MA N wants cleaning or laundry 'Mondays and Trhursdays.' Cal' Wi1unette 428,ý atter '5:30. 41ýT-Ni!)-inc WANTED - LAUNDRY *WORK. TO take home. Wilil ca-il for and deliver'. Ouldoor dry. Tel. Wilrnette 262". 4ILTNI9)-ine EXPERIENCED SUED[SH WOMAN wants laundry work to.take home. Wil eall for and deliver. Referenc.-s. Ph. Greenleaf 3809. 41LTN19-ltp GERMNAS GIRL ý WANTS NURSE- rnaid position speaks French. Exce- lent ref. Pauline's,,Winnetka 2662. 4ILTNL9-Itc COMPETENT WOMAN HAS THURS. Ph. Winnetka 1397. 42.LTN'19-lnc EX,ýPER HÔU'SEM.AX ,WAS.TS POSI- tionm. Can also drive car. and take caýre of' garden. Good ref. Phone Wel- lingtlon, 0914. . 42LTNI19-ltip RELIABLE WHITE 'MAN WANTS cleaning, window ýwashing, gardening or any-' odd jobs. P h. Wilmette 3254. 42LTN19-ic CHAUFF EUR, COLORED), DESIRES posi;tion., 7 yrs. Ia.st place. Handy aroeund bouse. Refer., Davis 2277. 42LT51Çl9-1 tp) RELIABLE CHAUFFEUR, 18 YEARg, exper. Best of n. s. ref. Cali Uni- versity 9261 after 5 p. m. AO9T '"%ll1, 2343 West' Park Ave. Hiîghland Park Phone Highland Park 49 14LT1N'18-tfCý 17 'iNTreRSOR EC@RATIMG UPTOWN DECORATING CO. DO yotft decoratlng now and gave mofleys expert' Paifnting, Paperiflg, Glazing, *tc. Outaide work a apeclalty. Usti- mnate free. '4808 No. Sprlngfield Ave., Chicago, Ph. Keyston* 64880. 17LTN18-4tp 7.48 Em t,64Davis St. 8 North-i i5 ' ji Wlnnetka Ev.anstofl Hlghld Pk. COLORED GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE- 4'1LTN9-tfc' wor'k, good cook, n. s. 'reference. ___________________________ Englewood 6303,. ' 41LTN19-ltp FINE ' c¶APABLE HEALTI-Y COL- 44 Hi ored woman, unlncumbeed. Age 45 EXPER. GERMAN GIRL WISHES- wants position as housekeeper ln position as cook. Best of n. s. ref. private home. Able 10 cook rnd serve, Phone Wlnnetka 3229. 41LTN19-ltp Cooks. .8 no objectionso toebilidren. ChicagoNrs. ref. Give me an oppnjrtunlty for' Plu 'EXPER. LADY WOULD IIKE LAUTN- PÂIl Interview. Ph. Normial 3919. drt1 take: home. -Ph. Wlmette .516. 748 Elm 41L194t'i41LTN'1-ln S o hore 8 ~ ~ N LOTAN OUND, * i a 2662 N19-ltc 2662 9-1tc

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