,acn arama ure. A rrow Sanforized -Shrunk to Guarantee. Permanent Fit. MEN'S WASHA BLE PIGSKIN. COATS ma -with button or ippei'ctosing front. I Think of these selling for .~ I ~ & MEN'S SUEDE COATIS, button or ipper élosinq prcd .........V10and up MENIC GOLF WETHERVESTg very new, fits tight q+twai$f., see these, p$c31. 9517 HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' CORDUROY SLACKS by Harold Teen, three colors, priced, pair .. $5 BOYS' WASHABLE PIGSKIN COATS, button or zipper closng, priced .>.. $I295&ý$IO.95 BOYS' S.UEDE COATS, genuine siiede, priced ,.. . . . >.... . . $ 39 BOYS' CORDUROY TROUSERS, tweed$3 f Patterns, three colons, sizes I1O to 18, priced $3 7e9 5 BOYS' TWEED WOOL KNICKERS, elastic cufîs. priced BOYS' SHIRTS of colored 121/2 to 14 .achl priced broadcloth, sizes $2.95 95c wil' liter- Assistant principalI Vernon L. Repiogle wiil be assist- ant principal at the Stoip school. He is a graduate of the* Universitv of SCH< Illinois and has had several years 'experience as a, manual training .jyi. GIRL! structor- and athletic directoir at LV Eldorado, Ill. 1V Following is the complete tel,ch. SH ing staff of the Wilmette Public H schools for the 1931-1932 term: WE Teeth Street Building Roena Mulford, and Charlotte GIVEI Reese,, first grades; Dorice F. rur- ner, second grade; Matal1ea Brown, M ISS ffth grade; Trenna L. Scott, Mrs Katharine L. Julian and Lulu C.1 0FM5 Job1annsen, sixth grades. Central Building THE Lau ra Flentye, kindergarten; Veronica Carmody, second grade;. Mrs., Ma rga ret R. Burtner and Alice E.-Washburn, third grades; Mfarcella Schriner, Mrs. LaVerne S. Glenrion and Uelen Hardick, fourth grades;-, Elizabeth Evans and Marie Fox, fifth grades. i Mes Laurel Virg inia Davis, kinidergarten; Mrs. Barbara WV. Buirge, first grade; Mrs. Gl-adtys B. Herron, second grade, and Marjorie VanHomne, third grade. Stolp Faye Perring, Qrrel Davi.s and Mrs Kathryn E. Vernon, seventh grades. Carrie I_ Chase, Mrs. Agnes N. Jones, and Hermnan Wymnan, eighth grades, and Mrs. Agnes R. Clark, mIusic. . Logan Mrs. Julia P. Davenport and An- nette Kelley,. kindergarten; Fannie Ferris and Mrs. Ella R. Clegg, first grades; Eva E. Jones and Apolionijl Petrie, second grades; Lois S.* Saw-, telle and Pearl K. Githoif, third grades, and Cula Brickey, fourth grade. Mrs.' garten; SIown. Howard Elizabeth:B.* Hesse, kind er- Elsie Lindenmeyer and Ruth first grades; Dorothy Nash lary. Reese. second gaes, OOL tîme ilshere again .S of refinement Ebeautifful, delanhair. 1POOS aead eliight .Nsoaping andmassage is .N2 BY a favorite operator. LILLIAN h.. a prIce. Ocon Mon., Tue., Wed. at I P. A.DBuck ~W 1167, WaJnntto Av. ho.Wilmnette 4598. Miii lîiian's Specials MON., TUES., WED. Haircul and Shampoo $1 IFacial'" ýManicur. and Arch $1 1 $1.50 Milnol ýDoe-S Double Duty In cases of acidity or* con- stipation, Milnol -"Ith e double duty relief--.com- bines. the. ubricating ef.. fect of Minerai Oul with the acid neutralznoge e- W. r the .n '"e Store.forMon and Boys First N.i Bank Building ing; Daniel M. Davis, director of recreation, and Olga S. Bail, Dudley C. Stone, Gertrude S. Eanckboner' and Joe Skidmore, recreation assist- ants. A meeting of ail teachers wiii be heid Saturday *afternoon ,of this week at 2:30 o'ciock in the Stolp school li- [brary. Pos:Whhntte 28 'a"n2 Phone WiI. 2655 W. Delivel