An announcement in the United States ~postal bulletin reads that "commencing September 1, 1931, the rate of postage, on1 letters for cispatch to Canada and Newfoundland (including Labrador):hy the ordinary means will be tbree 'cents for each ounce or fraction thereof, and the rate on single post cards, will be two Cents." Before the newv rates became e ffec- tive letters could be sent to Canada for twvo cents, thle-same as in this country, and single post cards for one cent., A new rate of six cents 'for the first ounce or fraction thereof and teti cents for each additional ounice or fraction, thereof also went into effect Septe:r- ber 1 for air mail articles for Canada. and Newfoundland. 'This rate -includes postage plus fee for air ,mail service. *Increased postage on letters and post cards to Great Britai n, notbern Ire- land and -the Irish Fe state aIse be came effective September 1. Letters and, post eards formerly could be mailed to * these couintries at the same rates as to destinations in, this country, but thel governiment now bas made the inter- national rates of postage applicable to * letters and post cards mailed in the United States and addressed' for deliv- ery in Great Britain, nortbern Ireland and the Irish Free state. The new rate is five cents for the fi rst ounce or fraction tbereof and three cents for each additional ounce or f rac- tion thereof for letters,-and three cents on single post cards. August 29, 30 and 31. Mrs. R. C. Johinson and Mrs. T. b. D. Hall went as Idelegates of Wilmette unit, and Mrs. Charles Dahncke and Mrs. James Barcus also atteigded. Cook, County Glee, club won. flrst prize at a co,1ntest held Sunday after-' inon. At the mass: meeting Sunday evening Father*.Co-ughlin of tbe Shrine of the Little FlQwer, Detroit, made a stirring address on "Amei- canism," whicbh was one of tbe high- lights' of-the convention. Mrs. C.. H. Bartling of -Rockford was elected, state president. CoDok represented on the slate of 'ýtate officers br Mrs. M. Muckleston, first vice-president; and tbe Seveh ditstrict, 1w Mirs. MabelPantalis, wbo. wvas elected state treasurer-. TO RESUME CHURCH SERVICES Tbe Rev. Leland, Hobart Danforth. of, the Church of tbe Holy Coniforter in Kenlilworth. bas returned from bis summ-e r vacation. The servires- of-i the church will be resumed on the regular sciiedule Sunda..13eptember 13. On tbat day Mr. Danforth lias chosen as the text for bis sermon, "Wis~t Ye Not Tbat I Must Be About My Father's Business." Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Clark and cbildren, Caroline and Ralpb, 620 Forest avenue, spent several, days recently at Sbeboygan, Wis. Mrs. Clark. visited in Batavia, Ill., last wveek, and brought home a guest, Mrs. Editb LowýXder. of Batavia, our purpose to continually give you the greatest entertai»ment value on the NORTH'SHORE! The VARSITY THEATIER TODAY-FR1DAY &SATURDAY Yes !-Here, they are after panick- ing -Loop crowds with laughter for weeks! Join their camnpaign f.or big- ger and better Iaughs. MARIE DRESSLER, POLLY MORAN "11POLITICS"11 "Politics" shown at 2:05; 4:45; 7:2S; 10:10 ____AND BERNIE'S SPECIAL, Ail Chilclren' S mile Real! A uthentici Thrillhng, aII-taIking Arc- z.tic adventure story- FILMED AT THE EXPENSE 0F 26 LIVES 1 "The Viking" shown nt 3:20; 6-05; 8:45 BERNIE, STUU "Better Pictures-Better Values" 1623 Sherman Ave., 'Evanston. Tel UN.$998 Publix Balaba & KCatz VARSJTYý Berme Captures Il' 'j weekêaym until e:sO Chlidren iOc 25C Saturdays uintiI 8:00 Cbildren lOc