The rightness of the machine and the user's satisfaction with the low cost of operation bas resuilted ini World L eadership for SILENT AUTOMNATIC: Each 'year since 1928, more. than two.. homes have been eqtuippe(1 with -SILENTS fo: one of -anv other make. show bonà 14*0 liherman Ave. Evfanston Greenleaf 0740 1M alin, Ofie On Linden, Wiànntka Wlnnetka 010 Righ'&%ud Park 4141. body attended a High ' Mass cele- brated in the convent chapel. Immediately following this exer- cise, class schedules were announced. and in short sessions the program of studies was pursued. The annual Mallinckrodt Bookl Day, which took place this yvea r on Septemnbeir 4,, brought back mnany famliar faces, and a goodly number of freshmen and other* new future Mallinckrodt students- min, 50b La~ke avenue, vimie Five other persons were- injured in the sanie accident in which the meni- bers of the 1{ugu:enini--family were hurt. The accident occurred when a north bound automobile side-swiped two app roaching cars and crash ed into a third. one, driven by Mr. Hu- guenin. Tvvo of the Huguenin. girls were seriously hurt, Harriet suffering a skull fracture and Sarah, internalini-, juries. Other members of the.fami]ly were' Iess seriously injured. Mary Ann Sehwall to Be Married Sept. 19 Mr'. and Mrs. Anton Schwall, 1500 Maple avenue. announce the ap-. proaching marriage of their daughter, Mary Ann, to Anthony Hoetzer, soli of Mrs. Mar-y Hoetzer, of Niles Cen- ter, Which is'to take pflace on Satur- day, September 19. Miss Agnes Rose. Schwall, sister of the bride, wiIt be maid of honor and Miss Heien and -Miss Margaret Hoet- zer,, sisters of the bridegroom. are to be bridesmaids. Theodore I-Iotzer, brother of the groom, wiIl serve .aý best, man, while the ushers, ill be Ambrosé Baumann,of, Nues Center and Philip Schwall of Wilmette.' 10The ceremonY is to t ake place at 10 ,o'clock in the morni'ng ini St. Peter's church, Niles Center, and. Will be followed by a wedding break- fast at the bride's home. The bride and groom-to.-be have chosen Nilesi Center as their future home. HERE FROM CHINA Miss Aiméýe Drake ofî 1221 Ashland avenue has been éntertaining Miss Eliza Sias-Sung Djang froni \Vu- chang, Chi 'na. Miss Djang is a grad- uate of Giniing- college, Nanking, and: is here getting lier Ph.D. in psychol- ogy at, the University of Michigan., She is on hier way to.the general con- vention of the Protestant Épiscopal, church to be held in Denver, where she will speak on "Education in China" at the session on Thursday, September 24. Miss Djang ,was a On Thurs( Frank Barre Kenilworth, at luncheon ember 3, Mrs. Warwick road, 1 twelve guests 0o- Més James A. Culbertson Mei.rose avenue, Kenilworth, friend* f rom Covington, Ky.,, is a motor trip through.the east. .of 220, .with a taking;