Evergreenis for every purpoDse: Rock Garens Sceexs.Fvurdatior. ?:art- ing. Beaut-iýul Law-n Spýc:eirr.z antd ranyother t%-pes-an ss. r- nient f wrhvour nec!. CHARLS FIORE NURSERIES O>fiie-49 Prairie Avetu-Highw.>x-d Phone HighLandPark ;23 urri--PrairieView Phonie Lbrvil 2- L awn of'C. I±dwitrd Ctirlsori's Horne. %intka. 111.1 How will your lawn look next year ? NOW. is ~t e néto reju%-enate your lawn wbjch probably did not satisfy yeu this sunimer. The extreme heat and draught of summer months proves that early fall Iawris are more -satisfactory. If our craftsrnen.do this work NOW%,-.you %'iI ndoubedly have a dclightfWlly soft, green carpet about your borne next summer. :s afly ca rpetngtg ra whatev.er. ~;e.eruv ehear thie remark that the lwns ave fro:zen out andd must 5e Inedd Wt. athe case -o; a new awn hichhas been grow.%n or. :ihY* pnvso! h freezi.ng ot ~ha:;::s n~a.t e :rret.On t- rv~rh hor. "e c~ srce:k: to be too*much shade. but in ti vuer. Xumvar.1 a 't k -1u:n :.cv tr i rr,-.-v a v -.'e7. -V *e e- t :n -- .;---et - 7~ z FAI.L GRASSES .ayto the hab:: :nl the 'a'!. j;us: n~en -ar: :ec-. T~'azcr~hr we tili be -Ici t o alk j: ore-r a<sud odeise. oet À* t ;- àar .- or* rçbligation. J.R.Fo0te Lauadseap Serwe phone: Wiumetka 911 These ioreign seeds,' the wilrl gra.s ;eers do mos5t of their germaina,!"*2 luring the last half.?of june,;.,s' h .vitýhho1)dïng of artificial -,attri-nz !uigthat period wvili workwoe: ;~ -p:e%-ent;,jn of the unwelc-rre J;grasses. METHODS 0F ERADICATING BefDre prescrPibink à cure. ' àzZlin to) get clearIv hefore US. .aà :ac*;. in this case .thrcee en-:a. fat.First. these grasses s- n(-,- a-,Dear i the spring; erd!. il capable: oiproducinz -!i "etderi t-the;e varieties, and t*.-ý4-.- :rd!a;'.ns ln spring are te caus ed b lwing theiý S m, -1,e 7 and earlv fa io Ni.; veneed to. nc;-te t;' - t:... r. c-z* a kc - arc Ctua. *, Diseussed b v:Fiore tre whiuhi nciude raeFrs P' n es .~ H em-, 4 rt. s.ersyps aiasl' .~ er 'rdwa-lgro'îwng lxorms -wh:c*.m S& thiril*gr-,up. Ail three r.acS- nrroshave, ,their par*Lt.u.4. .tages :cor certain woatior- ar 'lMvu n ,itàe d fciror c'th ;a. fthe fine dwart v a r it -> ~?iu 4 q J, trinte tidgroup y ~ :es rund or g oul a rI - itu arcfo cuÈndtion ý a' .~g. etne byt hemnse: %es lr'n- P A :er srs..One of t«-h 'PPA D U.:a r' anrdc ~r~ tthe goP:ne. ating 5eceeT'_ndtain i We rrid ouseve.on u abljt that tand4s the es of years and m * giies enauplete satisfaction. Me MPorteuaus er i a Palier amu! -Decorwtor ua ion Greeuah.Phi..Z2764,I IUmm