Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 36

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It was a long timebetween drinks fer Francis Quimet and a lot of putts have been boleti in the seven- teen years that elapseti between bis' two wins ..of tbe National Amateur, title. His tournamnent record is* a long one andi the best thing about it- is tbat neyer iii bis entire career bas there been a question of bis sports- manship. Ouimet bas playe(1 bis golf, osreithe, rules .and acteti like a gentleman l)oth on and off the links. It is a fine thing for golf to bavýe such aman National Amateur champion andi bis second win of the title, after such a lapse -of years is a. fine testi- mouil for thé game. Golf is the only sport in -the world that :anyone can hope 'to excel at over a long perioti of vears and, for. a man to -be amateur champion of a, great- country- like America ini bis thirty-eighth year indicates a mental and physical fitness seldom encounlt- ered in the fieldi of .sport. There is no question but what golf is respon- sibIe ini a grea 1 degreé for Ouimts superb) condition and the gift of> ie alth that the. Golf Gotis bring is of more value to the countrY than thle co:nbincti efforts of the medical profession. Addt to this the training .derstand wlhv. golf becomnes' alrnost a religion to milany of its deviotees. Iu the sporting world the loser is soonu forgotten but our north shiore golfers bave reason to be proixl of fac k Westlanti, of Sunset Ridige andi Winneka. Jack. is a great golfer m-ith a fine conipetitive disposition anti a comprehiensive knowledge of the game. He was easily the out- standting figure of thé touriiameut andi be plaveti the, best golf of the entire fleldi until the finall round against Quimet, w%-lie he lost bis put.- ting toucb. IThis mas du-e entirely toP bis mental rëaïctîi, whicb lii turn was due. to bis lack of, tournamenit experien.ce..,Westland bati a goodti reco rd butm'ben lie. found i biself with 01nly one plaver between bimself anti the titie, the strain was too great. Skokie, Jackson, T. R. Co3yne andi Mc1ntosh and Paul decideti that there was one more good round of golf ini bis bag. Hunter Hicks said, "Paul was hitting bis shots beautifully7' andi, when tbey -totaled bis card it showed a 69. This is the hest score matie by an 'amateur at Intilan Hill for years, andi, if.we are, not mis- takeni,it comes. within on stroke. of equaling. the course record. At auy rate, it was a fine round oifgolf and the following cardshows how it was doue. Jackxon (put . ....5 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 2-37 pa~r. out........5 4 .5 : 4 4 414 3-36 Jackson In.2 5 3 215 4 3'3 5-32-69 Par in .344 14 54 3. - 15- -1 BLAIR WINS Shooting a fine carti that r eati 81-10--1, Parker Blair wonî the BaIl- sweepstakes at Indian Hill, turing:the week-end play. ,L. H, Northrup. -1073; George P., l,vnde. 8F7=73; anti H. R., 3utz, 85-12--73. tied for sec- ond place and R. 1).. Shaiv, F3-8--5, comipleted the list of prize wvinners. AIl of these players live i n Winnetka andi their play goes to shiow %how fast gîolf along the north shore actuali, is. SENIORS AT EXMOOR The annual chiamplionshilp of the IliosSeniors Golf association will: he helti at the Eý-xiioor Coiuntry club the last wveek Mu Septemiber anti al the "01ld Boy)s" are going iu training for the- eveut. 'lhle Seniors associ- atilon is one of the finest organiza- talus Mi the couintrv anti everv one is looking forvardti C the. cotinig event with extreme interest.' TOURNEY AT GLENCOE Thnrstia v, September 17, is the date set. for the Glencoe Golf club's invi- tation tournameut anti the club is mlaking real preparations to show the visiting golfers a. good tâme.- The prize list incluties manv hantisomne troj>hies and the program includes thirty-six boles of real golf. MR*S. MAYNARD PLAYS WELL James Gourlay, professional at the Glencoe Golf. club, says that Mrs. T. j One-time prize in the week-end play at Sunset Ridige. Tomorrow, Friday, is -Kenilworth Day, at Sunset Ridige anti -a laàg field blas alre.ady.entereti. Av golf- er living iii Kenilworth is eligible to compete antid the committee ini charge of the- event bias, planneti a fine pro- gram for the. day's play. Play started Tuesday iu the Wom- en's championship of the Sunset Ridlge ýclub and alt the girls are get- tiug a real kick out of the evenit. Mis Virginia Iugram,,of Wilmette, andti Feterick D. Combs won the low gross -prize lu the two-ball mixeti folirsome with, a fine carti of- 40+407-86. rTe. o net prize wvent to '.Mrs. G. Williams, of, Hubharti Woods andi E. .1 'Clianibless. Their car(l rea(l W-24=75. Twentv- five teamis 1competeti anti thé emners -get a. lot of fun out of thèse mnixeti eVeultsý Miss Vir'ginlia Ingram won Ille Oddt-Holes contest wNith a card of 401=39. The putting priz.c was won bY Mfrs. A.J.1. uick 'wth 31 putts. A TRUE PROPHET Teii or eleYen v cars ago the irit-. er a nnouniceti the arrival of a ne,.w golfer lu thelhome of M.\r. anti M\,rs. M.oirîe Helleri of .Highland Park, anti we predictet a. great future for littie -Miss Barbara Our prophecv lias corne truc for we savv thi$ Younýg lads- at Northmoor receutlv andi she was hitting the baIl like a real ciaîn- pion. «Mornie was one of the rûally gooti golfers at Ravisloe for years andi be stilI is capable of shooting close to par. PALETTI PICKED TO WIN Paul Paletti, of Glencoe, bas been, scoring consistentlv between 70. anti' 73 at Techny Fieltis ant ihe is picked. by, iany of thé experts to wiu the club cbampioniship which starts this week. Ve saw a card of 71 tlîat lie playeti anti anuv boy who caîî better par at Techny is a real star. George- Pence, the olti Mid CitY star, anti R. L. Hartmian, .of WVilmette, are weil liket b -v the dopesters anti the race for the titie shoulti be close.C plays J. J. Dowdle o f Wilmette in the other semi-final match. It looks like Snow and Fowler in the finals but you neyer can teil the outcome of a golf match. In, Class B, F. T. Stein- graber meets H. P. Saunders and W. H. Hutson plays. J. F. Stone. Both men hbail f rom Wiimette so this meanis another golf titieon the «North Shore. L. C. Anderson, of Kenil- worth, J.-M._Shuüm'ay, of Evanston, 0. C. l)enniis. of Wilniette and tL. W. Strong,,, of the. sanie town, have reaiched the semi-finials lu Class C' and D). E.* Ashby, T. E. 'Murchïson, of Evanston, H. Huffmai of Evanston, andi T., J. Lucas. of W ilmette are . on toi) of the lieaplu nClass ).ý NORTH SHORE. LEADS There. is a great race for flic teani championship of. the: North Shore league> North Shore is iiow leading Glen View by a single point and.I llii- nois is close enough to havean 1o ut- side chance The last match'of the season iil be playéd at Skokie dur- ing-,the week andi. the crack shooter,, ili eachi club are lmpai.tl awaiting the resuit. The standing. of the four leading teams, follows: TearnStanding Xorth'.Shore............136 Glen View ..135 I1in0ihý . . . . . .,. . . ...- 127 Bo 0'Linýk,_ _ ,'-. . . 125ý Patrings M;en Viewv vs. Eanston 1l1!nois vs. Bob 'Link Skok-je vs. Býriergate Knollmood. vs. Westmor)ielandlf North Shore N's. Wilniette PHALEN RETMINS TITLE R. C. Phalen, of Evanston, won the \Vest nioreland 'Country club titie for the fourth consecutive time by de- feating E. D. West, of Evanston. 11 iluP andi 10 to play ýin the thirty-sx, hole finals. Phalen defeatedJ. IPart- man, of Wilmette 4, anti 2; W. 1 V. Robson, of the samne town 5 andi 4, andi F. M. Schieble, o_ f. Evanston, 7. .and 5 in his ýmarch througb b Is field and it looks as. if R. C. Phalen 'hati a rîgh t to be ranketi as the best golfer, in the club. Charles Stewart won the Class B championship front W. E. Sullivan by a 5 andi 3 margin. J. P. 'McKinley, of Evanston, took the Class C. title from A..J.:LindstrO'm Of the saine city', anid the Class D winner was W. N. Cromn- well. The Xestmoreland ffavrsta play in tue Western. junior 'cham- were ailtaliiig about rarnsworthns pionships of the past few 'vears and zreat fight in carrying Josh to the Paul hati a lot of local bo3-s pulling Iast green anti several boxes of golf for him at .3everly. Paul lasteti until halls are wagered on the outcoine of the quarter-final round wben he was the final match. defeateti by Quimet anti the next day be plaveti at, Indian Hill as the guest] SUNSET RIDGES TATTLE of A. T. Vclnto6sh, Jr. The foursomne Shooting a gooti card of 84-12=72, was com poseti of Hunter Hicks, of J. L. Wiltis, of.Kenîlworth, won theý FINE RACE FOR TITLE The club championsbip at the North Shore Golf club bas reached the semni-final round anti the scrap for the titie is a prettv one. W. D. fowler, of Kenilwortb. meets. S. J. Dexter inu-the upper baîf of the -brack- et anti Fr' k Snow, of Evanston of the year. *O 'IiI~ SERVICE CLUBS HOLD TOURNAMENT The annual Inter-club match betyveen the Wil-mette. Rotary anti Optitnist clubs was helti at- the Columibian Cotin- try club Wednesday, September 2 and, to say that it, was, a Gala Day for the. contestants,, does not beg.in to describe

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