ter of Biýliop and Mfrs. Edwin Ht *Htigles of 941 Sheridan road. wvho is to he marnied on Septenh)er 12, to) M.\avýo Hamilton Soley at 4 :30 o'clock inu the \Vilmette Parishi Methodist, chuch.bascho.enfor lier finaid of hoinor. lier cousin, Miss BettyEbbc'rt of Los Angeles. Miss Hughes' tvo sisters, Mrs. William H. Reni' of Indianapolis and Miss Caroline Hughes of Wilmette; isElz:t Solev.,sister of the bridegroom, and Miss Bettina Beach> of Columibus, Ohio, will be hrides maids. The flovver girl will be Isabel le Ellen Remy. James Parker of Portland, Maille is. to serve the l)ridegrooni a-s lest mail andWila H. Remny, Francis M. Hughes, Herbert -Ripley of Oak Pk, and Reginald Rohins of e Yo0rk City are to usher, 1frs. Raymond ýSeltz of Paris. Frarpce, ,the bidegroom's sistei, bi., parents, Mr. and WMs.Xalter . SoleY, and bis grandmnother, MIrs. Lucy Mayo, ail of Boston, %vill be among the, out-of-town guests at the ceremiony, wVhich %vill hé read by. Bisbop Hutglhes, whMo isý to he assisIItcd by his son, the Rev. Edwin H., H-ughes, jr., pastor of the Kcnni'orc. church in Buffalo, and Dr. Honace G. Smith of the 'Metbodist chutrchi. That evening a dinnen wîill l)e given at thec Hughes', borne, 941 Shieridani road, Wilmette.. Mr. Solelv and bis' bride will re- gide in Cambridge. Mass. Arnotg the entertaining for the bride-elect ývas the luncheoli brid-e and personal shower at wliicb Miss Hlarniet Mons of 157 \\oodstock ave- nue, Kenilworth was hostes.s \Xedl- nesdav.' Septembler '9, at lier home. Vista del Lago ýWill Featurte Fashion, Show At the Septemnben feature bridge lulicli-or at the C lub 'Vista del Lago a week fromi next Monday the N. A. Hanna shop ini SIaiih court will stage a* fashion shiow\. Lun.cheon vvill .be ~ served at 12:.30 o'clock, and( the riew fail modes will be .rcvuied be-. tween 1 :30 and 2 :30 ii'cock, after which auction and contract br'idge is Photo by Toloif, Mers. John J. Craigj, Jr., t/he former Mary Daegliiq 'of Wilitite,' who is picttured at the left j Mis -aion rsie.a.t the right,ý are two of t/e emibers of, theý board of t/he Juni' or nwîni;ber-s/ti/ of t/he Womnan's Cthlic clutb Of UWjjnsette wZh'o a*e active in t/he pro parafions for t/e Open- in*g Of t/he club's niew .ýenounSeptember 12. The formner is second vice- presiden? and cliairmit of the ho use and social conmittre. T/ée latter, président of t/he Juniior iînýebos/ip, zuill be hostoss foric ga 1(rdon Party. anid tea zlsich zwill mwrh t/he beglining of thte neuvoar next Saturday afternookt. A meeting ili/ be /told at 2:30 and tea wjull ho served froîn 3 until 6. .lfiss G/ad vs B'aiî.ntprlvc doincer, uill qize a pro(raon. To Ihe achair, te/tic/t is i iato ,ai officcrs of the- iitior au.riliartes oî t/rte nt/idistrict' as' wcll a iH Jjior nmers of teflc oi;wi's club of Wilmette liave bccn invitedI. Fail Colors Prevail at Daegling-C rai g Weddilng Gladioli, ln their bnilliant fali col- ors, wvere the floweCrs m'hich gnaced the St. Francis X >avîer chunch Wed-, nesday, Septemnber 2, for the' wed- ding of Miss. Mary Daegfling and John J. Craig, Jr. Gladioli vvere tlie flowers carried by the bride, and bier Oflv attendant her inother. At .5 o'clock in the a'fternoon the Woman's Club Committee Plans Mundelein Tour, Teways and means conittee of th.e Wornan's club: of' Wilmette,, of wvhichMns.. Luther WV. Benson is" 'chairman, announices the firs.t tour of thîe year-aà,tour of Mundélein, in- cludi1ng. the college buildings, tlie mod(el fanm anid the mnodel estates, wvith a luncheon at the counitrv club preceding the trip to the. estates. The, Thne suimer flover snow ot the Wilmiette Garden. club was lheld Fr- day. Septeinber 4, fromn 3 to 8 ô~ok at die horne of Mrs. Edward Sch'eid- flnhlelm,, 704 Lake avenue, Wilmnette. Mfrs. Roscoe Roberts, chairman oi the flo-wer show. wvas assisted bv the following committee: Mrs.. T.. -A. Banning.'M rs.C.P. Berg, Mrs. John Clark. Baker, Ms W. U.' Clark, M rs. C. R. Norman, M rs. C., N. Roberts, Mrs. C. E. Wells, Mfrs. D. F..Wiley and Mrs. F. 'Wee- donf. The judges, were Mrs. Mfa rk Cresap, president of the K<enilvortlb G arden club, Mrs..'T. E. 'Moritz oil the Renilworth Horne and Garder clulb, and M.\rç. Robert Scott, presi- dent of, the Evanston Garden club. The juriges 'veré entertained at luncheoéin Ilw the president of the \Vil- mette Garder. club. Mrs. Scheidenhelm's garden is ini l)lodom from earlv- spring: tilt late in. the autumii, It. waýý a lovelv sctti- for the garder. partv, being as; color- fut andf' as artisticallv arrangied as the- exhibits in the garage wvhere. the en- tries ,vere placed. The memihers of the committee , - sisted Mrs. Robents.at the .tea table. The ribonis wereý awarded aq foi- ("ma-s1-Artistie arra>neent. Srctionm Flw-r font- <'olor. in inv container. First prIzeý-Mrs. '. . Eer.' Sing.j awters aid vio)las in htass, tea kettle. Seodprize-Mrýs. J. 1lenton ha. Tink petunlas in greeýn pctte'r-' jar. Third prize-- Mtrsý. IToCPe hops 'White Tnalnw in hu, pottertv. Setrn2-Fovtr-q of niore tanon (color in reny-- naî scahIiosa. and artemisia kinger in pete owl: heî.zinniis aind rnrigolds in pot- 4 rv ithr Thir<l î-ize~--Mvs.TL;.'m. TraIke. Dwa.rf zirîni.is, and eiii).toiiiiiiin grey- ginger ja r. 'Section 3-linroiarrang-ement in mnetalIcnanr Zin.nias in a cropPer bowlI. Second prize-M,%rs., L. M. Drake. .tack- jfltle-phlitberres in red wall pocket. ThirclprzeMrs. Don Wiley. Yellowý calendula s in eo~pper vase. Neaýr -it, copper pLate licldin g g.reen grapes and :in orange. Section 4-Flowevrs ;Inpottery con- First rz-t. David Cooke. Arte- mé-sia and lactifiora belenium in hrown jug. Second' iwize-Mrs. John L. Mitchell. Flame colored zinnfias in black pottery jar. Th-ird prlze-Mrs. A. E. Logie. Sprays day, September 9, for a luncheon 'at 12:30. o'clock, at the homie of Mrs. Deibent W Poif in Waukegan. 'As- sisting hostesses were lMrs. Gates Harpel, M6rs. C. E. Leavitt, Nlrs. Harvev. King. atnd M rs. Douglas Suth'erland. The. prograin consisted of. reports of the .1931 convention, motion pictures, and songs. Ainotner Vebutante . Social evénts at the golf club.s over Another Winnetka debutante will be Labor day included a' luncheon and Miss Dorothy Eustis Gerliard, daugh- bridge party at the North Shore Golf ter of the Rev. and Mrs. Ashley E. club Mondav afternôon, a luncheon Gerbard, .who will be presented at 'a and auction-bridge at Westmoreland, tea by her parents at their home, Fri- Saturday 'afternoon,' and adne day, December 18.' Miss Gerbard is dance at the Wilmette Golf club returning to ber studies at Bryn Mawfr Saturday night at W hich Herbie Kay thisfaî. .and his orchestra Provied the muuic. Circie Meeting The first meeting of the Cozy Cor-. ner circle ivili be hel Thursday,. September 17, at the home of Mrs Frank 'Huffmnan, 1311 M%,aple avenue, with. Mrs. Roland Anderson, Mrs. William Hi. Hayt, and Mrs. :David Anderson as assisti ng hostesses. Luncheon willbe'served at 1 o'clock.