Ernergencv Conimittee for 'Enploy- ment by joining the camipaign te, keep) young people ini schiool. This will be donc by a thorougli-going effort on' Ille part of local Leagues throughout th e state to have the comlpulsory. school attendance lams.enfo(rced, and to encourage needed local. appropria- tions to, of anv enlarged en- roilment which results from the uin- cnîployrnient situation and tis cani- paign. Thei leagues continuing *iuiterest in seeîng that, youlig people are con- structively occupied ini preparing for, a useful future lias been evidenced lu their past efforts to secure ade- quate scbool attendance law s, as well as suitalle provisions' for the' haudi- capped child. In this connectioïn. Niss -Aime Davis of the Bureau of. Vocational Guidance, haý'sfs'tted :2'iln ademloc- racv tiot sonie children but ail chlii dlre'ln ust be prepared for-,-,% i.e soin e1 and creative citizenshiip. h is the1 ceomlpllsorv ý,eàueatioii lawvs largeiv tl iat hiave made the sclools readap t their proceduire to care 'for childrenî whom itlîcv fad formierlv regarded as probleis' outs.ide their spliere. "Thie.schools. faced witiî the pýro!)- lem of educating ail the chljdrenl. are nmore 'and imore,.elndeavoriig tO- mleefthte needs of. the itidividuial child. Gradualiv special classes, -with speciai equipment and specially quali- fled' teacliers, 'have beenl orgýanized. £or the inicorrig,,ible., the'uientallv (le- fcient, the blmnd. the dèetf, the' crip- pIed, the anaemnic, the cardic cliild, ,lie truant, the average and retarded child," Shaikespeare Most, PopularPlaywright', in its annual theatrical index, -The Bilîboard, the Most .conservative weeklv devoted to amusement inter- ests1 in sumniing up. the past sea~- son 's activities, finds that out of one hundred and, eighiy-one dramatic plays _presented during, 1929-30,: Shakespeare isthe Most - popular of playwrigh ts. Th is is interest-ing at this time es- pecially,. for- residents in thle Chicago area, wvhere' the Chicago Civic .qli;k*çnti.é f , 1A-- vv nue in Plîymouth, Vt., H-arol andd Philip chanced to talk with Mr. an( Mrs. Calvin Coolidge at. their home, and were allowed to take a snapshot of the 'forumer president. Stenographic Courses Studio Bldg., 1718 Sherman Ave. "No_'8È«Ièed &hf'ts' Here!", He Said i.caves L'riday for Dartmouth college, wýlîere he' will also be a freshrnan. -o- Philip I-oelz, so~n of Mr. and Mrs. B.1. Hoelz, 1319 Washington zavenue, is spendinig twoWeeks with bis grand- parents Mr' and Mrs. j- F. Wegge,, in Burington, MWis. wnc-re,, 1,gets resul ts!" 'at small cost. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE. COMPANY