Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Sep 1931, p. 28

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411 communications must be accompanied by the nanie and address of the writer. Articles for pub- lication mst reach the editor by Tuesday noon to Insure appearancei current issue. Resolutionu of condolence, cards of thanks, obitu- aries, notices of entertaiI1flWfts or other affaireý where an admittance charge is puiblished, wil b chal'ged at regular advertising rateýs. Grade, Separation WilI Save Lfe.j *Let's Hasten the Day! J \Vhen l 'e toek.tîle o ff te Stu(IV h Is o odt1(1 tîngs te bhe giveli.te the Chîl(l irst to-e b hemin \Viilinlette ini the: il .Ili (> of p teibler. and(lte bis or lier parenits. Li #,cky ~ ecane.'Va a Iluckv Child c'i11(l ! A -s a iniatter of tact. inother -in(l (laf(e etiib.s fi rst boril cou1( iecuttdnsle otl liate. Tinlk ef thie gi f «I gri!(Fte thlat faihl hiaircuits. dresses, Su.lilt(ifClOthes. iuce creain. shoes. cakes. credit at reu stoires. and other pluisaîît thigs And wiîat's mor-e. thî5 unlique practiCe i to be k-ept tup foi- severa. l îFth. lirst-: borns ini October-.,Noelieni e. ai :se ii. are also to be recipients et (leliglit li gils. Iýf vouir.special stork l(Csitartive earl 'enugi1 in Septenîher',there is stili a chance thiat he naY be the earliest arivaiii( )cteher. W \e were born verv 'earlv ili Noveiliher. In fact we bave been told that we puit ili ounr 'appearance shortiv after iniidniighit on No- venîber 1 st *i-Io\v very happ)v we shotuld haive beer ihad thiere been a glift slower for lus *on the day of our nativityv !Our Iparents wotildl hae been isieewha.t cileîpensated f or tliesublsequent burdlens thiat eur couing 1i1- posed upon thein. If these gifts (10notling else, thev ili at least arouse in baby and bis parents ta kinidlv dposition t ads. the donors. T he often question, \Vhby have hîolidivs.? have1 presented itself. to thotie M .ativ a buisv man iniust have *to himiseif, "NWouilint Have f-ine if there were no 1) i... - -, in our workirug daysý nîlust said i t l)e reak s *WýNe uses them linincreasiing lis happiness. If a huinan heing sleeps Or loaf s through every nuie of ]lishojidavs lie mlust be in sonie re- spects t)îoiial. - But If lie tises Iis boliiays 7fer refresliiient an(i recrecation hie reallv lives.. If at is ilecessarv to make a living 1w bard, il)pleasanit work.ethieitthe sonner tlîat neces- sitv (isappeéars the l)etter for al concernedl. (>nlyv 1w avinig lioli(a s-tt-we learu liov to live. Tle Forest Ire-;erve is anuiinestimiab)le 1)eeu te the 1î((e]Ile eof cgoand(i s sulnîrbs, ili f act te ail peue o f Cook >couuitv. Everyv iiliiiullini Cook >counitv, Forest > frointhle vou-oîgest to the oldest,. P reserzw 1 "roîn !the porest te tule rîchlest. f rt tui the lîeaIlhiest te thie sick- lîest, exceptig. the l)e(ri(i(en. cai ii jov the I)eei-its 'offered i v tîe IForesti reserve. N orth shore resi(dents id thé N )rest Pre - serve easlv -accessible. tf-t niallv forth sucre dwlesportions o et ht 1-crst I>rsrv tre eveni witlîin alking (listalice. ASud eue whe lias an atite )almiost lives withîiîîtlîe Preserve.- se. close are tllese pl)llic pa.rks te Vilnîiet te". \ýVilnetka and Gece The entire tract us: an immense eune-35,00Ô, acres ! Vittiiillv 50 square miles. Go e ut ini alniost am-v directicti froni C'hîcageo and výoi mili soon see signis shiowing duit the:ae tliroug-lxwhicli vonaire passim, heiengs te the p)eole of Cool, couintv, bouglit.aîîd set aside forever for tlieir 1icastlre and prolit. 'lie remeit report setting forth tuie progress mîade In- tlePsre Coninîîssieners In ttue si., nionitlis teiiiigAugust 10 of tlis vNea1r us an effective offs et't.o tbe generaI (lepression:. TleCommissioliers bave provide(1, aîîd>ç are. provi(iing emii ientfor uany tlerwise lunteioved nmen. In these (iays emloiOe'1tt - s just what is nîost needed. \Vork, is.being pum>hed ôni buildings of various kinds, on golf courses. on. swiniming pools, on reforestationi. .For tbis great public developieli nt ncli credit i.s (Ilue to the Connîissioners thienselves and the Forest Preserve -Advisorv~ conmittee. dilîgently to(iaily toil.' It xviII be pretty soon loi" e Iwrites. O or about Septemiber '15 you will see mie collil1g inito vouir office. h will be a pleasant occasion for you, andl a novel one for me. 1I haven't heeii.hi ain office since the middle of last Junie, and. 1 slall doubtless feul the (ifference lietween God's great'.out-of-doors. and the edit6riàl.satictum sanctortini-OUrs, PBK.-,' Sýuppleme1itiing tliis bit of intelligence 1.l si cr fer iî igconitribution to the adjoning col- umnns last wveek entitled *'Rturn of the Prodligal"' iii m-hich tînt conscience-strickcn worthy makes. a rather pitiable atternpt to prepare his own wvelcome at our liall(s., Endeavoring thereby to justify ail tiitire sUmnier season of -unrestrained Iluafing, withi the (xi)resse(l hope of receiving an entlitisiastié Nvel- corne at the hands, of his felow\ creatures whoi ia mie~l late lias (loorie(l to1 eteriial and but slightiv iiitrrtiptéd toil. \Vell. îve shall see. At anyv rate, the -reception citiiimittee lias thought ont its 'plans and we wait witli the cust M'arv minxed Cifotiofls the arrivaI of, the, 'prodigal." Admission us i r-,e l}eutîtilsch ti buse . .evcrytluiig providc(l t éÜstire the co în1irt of thue cbildrcn. . . tvachuers. attracti've. kind and coiisiderae.. n ther rung Onî theelh(kler of leprfi1fing and culture . . . al î' ttrscitrîblute rici\. tothe jov one l'lu il(i et it i nteilance,. theýse dv at hthifli<l1 J ,j ~m hers<lool vea r. On cu ent inicrcease ini 'tcard rates t()vare us Ku.Iropean iilands, aiunc.unccd lvthe- P1ost office DC- pa-rtiiieft ;aý effective Sé*Ptniher 1. hrougit a ladyv ril4ing, ilto the Wiiiunetka, post office late on Atugusi1 ,31 \itlî a post card she iinsistcd iupon mauling teý ilie - kri:- hsIe hefore Uiicle Sain denm aiuded his lho(,st. 'J'lie Steriis of Gleilcoe, Lawreiice anid Feli*x. Were last week's prize wiiiiners iii thec touigli luck leaiguet. [*'Birglar-s selected. the homes of the Stern' familles as particularly ripe for plucking tltouijghi the aîîîoilnlts. of'tlie os.s were quite at variance. The borne:s are- \v idely sep.lrated aua(l the fanihies. îvc learui. ii- related, so0 it 'nius"t have beenl just a coiidenve. .Howc\ver. that*s hardl,' the terni thie Sterrus îvoild applyt. c the incident. Paging îhrcugli a recent edition of. The Puhlic Service miagazine, we encouritered this one at- trihuited to 'Mark Twvaini: "VuuMark Twain wvas editor of a Missouri paper hie received a letter f roi a sub.scriber. who lhad fotund a spider ini bis paper. Trhe, subscriber asked whether that wvas good or bad ick and Marks answer wvas this: 1" d Subscriber: Finding a spider in your pajier wîas neither good luck inoj bad luck for-you. 'l'le rnnir ..0, %.rni, nlnimn neyr(.)Ier nnnr t4.. *fil it with a tremnendous number of profitable occupations. And then tiiose -who norinalv work almost ail the week-days in tbe 'ear could let rip a littie." We can appreciate the feelings ofî.te busy. 'man. His conclusions are. fairly -sound. W~e. ourselves have discovered by careful studv N\Vbeii investigators find out wvby lt is tbat there are niotorists who have driven cars for many cears and yet bave neyer been in -an accident,, much progress wili have been made ini fiuding out just wby otber motorists have been in many accidents. Prevent certain peo- pie f rom dîig andyo will prevent dam- age to property and if e. 'tockile Uurr Btil,"1 I,ahoýr Day festivities., Bill," or us t cago for the, \Ve are* constrained to agree with the C overnor rom Oklahoma that Chicago will, be a fine city wvhen they get it finisbed. -MIQUE.

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