Maj1 oring Fashio n,1 Jer sey Passes AilTests For Smart. Classroom, Wear, rbey, are fasbîon.d witb the. perfeýctly-fitting olas- ie wastbond in a s »ection of 'four eaunty styles. Codl- legiennes are selecting *them for- regular caimpus and. sports wear,. .sfres 16 to 20. In Algeraon çolors: Leather Hand'bags They're Longer and Flatter Gleneagle Green Golden Poppy Bison and Chartreuse BlIack and Thornap pie Paprika. and Chartreuse ln*.resting shapes and à smerf smpicity char- acterit. the n"w bags of caif or gr.ined leathers. Black. brown and., PaO colors. Pliant .transparent velvet, browi; or bldack, fashtotsiis frock" wîitli s o I t Cozc/ neck and Coli- trashinq silk crete * r......$16 50 Flatterigraccoon collar a n d fiare slerves a p- e - in ter- estrnq fcatiéres of a trat'el coat of tweed ...$95 Vel 1vet An.sws Capeskin Cloves, 41,95 "Rusing"Needs *Black-and-white i15 mosi favor.d ...thon ail- black or *I-brown., YouiI fondithem hl ere 'In slpon and bne.clas'p styles. sues 6 tô8 Pure SiIk Hose àat $1 In sheer chiffon with pcot top or sturdy mid- weight service hose, ail college .qirts proçlain the suifebili+y andi atractive ness of. our silk tiose et $1I. Acce$sor,4es-- PYirsi J-IGHLIGHTS 0F COLLEGE MILLINERY FROM WIEBOLDTS ON PAGE 21 ýin. 61 .50-